YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Image result for rearranging furniture

Last time we talked, I said I was going to rearrange the furniture in my craftroom.  It is done.  I might add, so am I.  When you decide to rearrange a room that is full of 'stuff', you need to remove said 'stuff' so you can work around and move things hither and yon.  Sunday, I spent 90% of the day emptying out all the 'stuff' in order to move furniture from one side of the room to the other.  It also gave me a chance to go through some things and make decisions on what to keep, what to donate and what to trash.

Sunday evening, hubby joined me in the craftroom and helped me move two pieces of furniture.  Yup, that is all that was needed to move in order to allow more walking space in the room.  They were the two biggest pieces of furniture in the room too.

Monday I started putting things back in place in hopes of a bit more organization than there was before.  Unfortunately, I did not take any before photos but I do have plenty of after ones to show you.  

This little table stayed put but I cleared it off and put my Cricut Maker on it.  It is the perfect size for me to work there with this.  See the photo above the lamp?  That is my mom and dad's wedding photo from 1948.  Mom made her wedding dress out of heavy satin.  The thing must have weight about 20 pounds!

My sewing center.  Hubby bought this table back in 1984, stained it and put a finishing coat on it.  It is one of my favorite pieces of furniture ever.  See the photo to the right?  That is my Fraternal Grandmother who was born in 1899.  She was about 2 in this photo so it was taken in 1901. 

My large crafting table.  It is also where all my DK and fingering weight yarn is held.  I did not purge as much yarn as I thought I would.  The white bag on the chair is all I have gotten so far.  The worsted weight yarn still needs to be gone through.  I really love having this table under the window.  I do quite a bit of material cutting on this table and also weeding my vinyl from my Cricut.  The natural light is a blessing.

This is the room looking in from the doorway.  The large 'thing' to the right is our Teeter exercise machine.  It takes up quite a bit of room and is one of the main reasons I needed to rearrange in there.

I still have the closet to clean out in there.  There are clothes in there I have not worn in 2 years in hopes of getting into them again.  I do not think I will ever get that thin again so why not let someone else benefit from those clothes?  If I do get down to that size, they will all be out of style by then and I will need new anyway.

There are more craft items in there as well as all my wrapping 'stuff' for gifts, puzzles to be worked, bulky yarn, nylon yarn, fashion cotton thread, ironing board and iron and beading supplies.  Yes, it is a walk in closet but at the moment you can not walk into it LOL.

I did start a new project yesterday.

My local Grand and her dad watch Mandalorian and she is in love with "the child".  I found all the colors of yarn I needed in my stash and decided to make one for her.  I am hoping to have it done by tomorrow night.  She does not know I am doing it.  Hopefully she will love it.  Toy making is not my forte' at all.  

I have red chili beef in the crockpot, pinto beans cooking on the stove and am getting ready to make some flour tortillas.  Hubby teaches tonight so we will have our big meal at lunch today.  We do not like to eat heavy at 8pm.  Neither of us would sleep well after a heavy meal like this.  There will also be a loaf of bread made in the bread machine today.  It now has been almost 2 month since we have bought any store bought bread.  We do not miss it at all!

After all the cooking is completed, 'the child' will be worked on again.  There is a lot of attaching of body parts on this and that is normally where my expertise leaves me.  Fingers crossed it will look like baby yoda when completed.

Until next time........................happy crafting!


  1. Great job on organzing your craft space. I'm going to have to start cleaning with Chinese New Year starting next Saturday. Ooh, baby Yoda? E saw a pattern on Rav and asked for one. I may make him one.

  2. The room looks GREAT! I can see how it would take a long time. My yarn room doubles as a guest room so it has a bed in it, but it also has a lot of "stuff." How crafters love to collect stuff for their craft!

  3. Your craft room looks great! I love the old pictures too. Those satin wedding dresses were popular back then. I never thought about the weight of them but you're right! what a treasure to have a picture of your grandmother as a child. Toy making is hard on the hands especially that amigurumi. You and I both have RA too, He looks cute so far!

  4. I love seeing your craft room, Marsha. And what a lot of artwork you have! So many interesting things to looks at, yet it's all so neat. I'd enjoy being in there and just looking at all those pictures.


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