YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Image result for happy happy joy joy

My SIL is finally home from her Christmas adventure.  She sent me this photo:

The socks fit her perfectly!  It is so scary making socks for someone you do not have near.  Now I know what size she wears and I can make more socks for her.  She is VERY knit worthy.  She told me she knew they were made with much love.  Yup, VERY knit worthy.

I have been busy again today.  There is a loaf of bread baking in my bread machine.  It is a new recipe from my bread machine cookbook I just received.  Hopefully it will turn out yummy.  It is called Honey Beer Bread.  I will let you know.

The final Christmas cards with their monetary gifts have been written and addressed.  Hubby is taking them to the post office when he goes to get his allergy shot.  He's so sweet.

The dishwasher has been emptied and refilled.  That meant the rest of the kitchen got a nice wipe down and everything was put away where it belongs.

After I finish this blog post, I will pick up my knitting and and finish my audio book that is due back tomorrow.  I do have another audio book already rented and ready to go too.

We will be having pork chops for dinner tonight.  It has been a while since I made a 'real' meal around here.  I miss cooking and am looking forward to having a real home cooked meal for a change.

Menus for the next 10 days have been made as well as the grocery list.  Tomorrow will be grocery day.  We do not need that much but I want to get it done and out of the way before the weekend shoppers are out and about.

There is a puzzle sitting on my table waiting to be put out.  I was going to do that today too but want to wait until Christmas is put away.  I am thinking that will happen this weekend.  We normally do not put away Christmas until after the 6th of January (Epiphany).  For some reason, I am just D.O.N.E. with all the decor and stuff.  This is very abnormal for me too.  

Decluttering has already started.  As we are going around putting the house back to it's normal self.  We have found blankets, quilts and other bedding no longer of use to us.  Hubby also went through 'his' bathroom cabinets and found quite a few things to donate and also other things to trash.  This makes me super happy too.

That's about it for today.

Until next time.............happy crafting!


  1. Those socks look great. And how nice you now know the perfect size to make for one as worthy as she! :) Sounds like life is coming together and getting back to normal after a lot of holiday happiness.

  2. I am wanting to make socks for my daughter but can you calculate the knitting size by their shoe size? I don't want here to know. You are motivating me to keep on "keepin' on" and I appreciate it. I like audio books too but can't afford Audible and our library doesn't have ebooks. i keep decorations up until after my birthday on the 4th. Your bread sounds yummy!

  3. How do you cook your pork chops? Yay for fitting socks. I don't know if my brother and SIL wear theirs but I was such a newbie sock knitter then so I doubt they fit well at all.


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