YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Doggie Day

Image result for doggie days

It was another dog sitting day for me.  Thor and I are becoming close buds.  The best part of being with him today was it gave me quite a bit of time to knit.  I also got to work on my computer for a while and got some needed emails sent out.  There was also several chick flicks watched with him.  He seemed to like the movies.

See how happy he is?  He has no concept about personal space.  This was my last day this week to dog sit.  His other grandparents will be with him tomorrow.  Although, I do get the pleasure of taking his mistress to school at 7:15 tomorrow morning!  Oh yea!

Hubby arrived home safe and sound. He is very glad to be back home and is looking forward to sleeping in his own bed.  I don't blame him.  I always miss my bed when I travel. 

Frustration has struck me tonight.  We got a new printer a couple of weeks ago.  I have had issues getting it paired to my phone from day one.  OK, no biggie.  I did get it paired with my laptop.  I have used it from my laptop with no issue.  Tonight, I wanted to make a birthday card to be delivered tomorrow.  Nothing will print from any computer or laptop.  It keeps saying the printer is offline.  Hubby worked with it, I worked with it, we both are frustrated.  We will work with it again tomorrow.  Throwing it out a window has crossed my mind more than once.  Why do I have a feeling we are going to have to uninstall it and reinstall it again.  UGH!

Time to pick up my knitting again and see how much more I can get done on the item I am working on today.

Until next time..............happy crafting! 


  1. Your granddog is so sweet! Glad you got some knitting time and also that your husband got home safe and sound. Yes, there is nothing like your own bed!
    As for the printer, have you rebooted your pc and turned off the printer? Sometimes it needs that when you install new hardware or software. You've probably already done that but I just thought I would ask. Good luck!

  2. You know, technology is great ... except when it isn't!! Ha. I feel that way sometimes - maybe if I through 'whatever' out the window it will understand that I am serious and it will work!! haha! I think Sam I Am had a good suggestion. Turn everything off for a bit and then try again.

  3. When that printer issue happens to us, my husband will delete it off the computer and readd it.

  4. I know all I can see is your legs and feet, but you (and Thor) sure do look relaxed. :)


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