YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Image result for day out

Hubby and I left our house this morning about 9:30 and finally returned about 2.   We did quite a few things during that time.

First item on our list was eye appointments for both of us.  Hubby's eye sight has not changed but his cataracts are growing but not enough for removal.  My eyesight has changed for the better!  This is unusual.  My distance is what has improved. I will take it! 

Second item was taking hubby to get his allergy injections.  He goes twice a week right now.  Pretty soon he will be on maintenance again.  That will mean he only needs to go once every three to four weeks for injections.  That will be nice.

Third item was going to Costco to order new glasses for me.  I am so lucky to have good vision insurance.  I love the frames I have and did not want to purchase new ones.  Lucky for me, my insurance allows enough for frames.  Found out I could get a new pair of frames exactly like what I have now and completely covered by insurance.  That way I will have my new lenses in my new "same" frame.  It was also time to get my sunglass lenses changed too.  It has been 2 years since I have had them updated.  So, all I had to pay for was the 2 sets of progressive lenses.  WOOHOO!

Fourth item was going out to lunch.  We went to our second favorite Mexican restaurant.  It was nice to have a little quiet lunch time with the hubby.  We also ran into the owner of the restaurant (a friend) and was able to chit chat with him for a bit.  In case you were wondering, yes, Mexican food is our favorite.  I even made tacos last night!

We are now home.  Hubby is resting a bit before he needs to get ready to teach a class tonight at church.  Me, I am going to finish this blog and go and make a loaf of bread in the bread machine, knit a bit on hubby's socks and then knit on a new item I started last night.  I KNOW!  Startitis has attacked me badly.  I have several more items I want to cast on RIGHT NOW!  I am trying to hold myself back from starting more items.  Not sure I will be successful.  The struggle is real!

It is a dreary day here.  We had rain this morning.  Now we have fog so thick it leaves a mist on the windshield when driving.  I am not complaining though.  After looking at the news last night, I realize we are fortunate not to have the snow and ice that is hitting so much of the US and Canada right now.

There have been many questions asked in my comment section.  I will be answering those questions in the next couple of days.

Until next time.....................happy crafting!  


  1. Wow that was a busy Monday for you ! Mine was pretty slow. I'm working on a pair of socks for the receptionist at my physician's office. It's a vanilla sock which can be either a speedy project or the monotony of it slows me down. I was at the doctor's office today and had her on the finished sock. It fit ! I made the cuff a bit larger (she has big calves) and the foot to 11 inches. Now I'm sitting on the sofa working on the other one. It is boring but I will be happy to have completed it. I love a good accomplishment !

  2. I have had a the opposite experience - a spell of "finish-itis". It won't last long. I'll be back to normal soon and will probably cast on something else. I hate to have too many things. going because when I am away from a started project for too long - when I return I don't always know where I was. It takes me about an hour to figure it out. Sometimes, if I am really really good - I leave behind some decent notes on where I stopped. But being "good," is not the norm. :-)

  3. It was a very good day, it sounds like! I look forward to your Q & A post. I think some of those questions might be mine! :)


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