YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Image result for lazy day

I did not make it to bed until 1 this morning and slept until 7:30, so that is not too bad.  There was a meeting scheduled for 10 today, at the church.  Good thing I check my emails first thing in the morning.  The meeting got moved to a phone meeting.  How nice to be able to sit in my PJ's all morning.  Even my dogs slept in with me and they have been pretty laid back all day too.

I will be leaving the house this afternoon to pick up a couple of gift cards.  My prescription sunglasses are ready to be picked up, so that will get done today too.  While there, I will hop next door to Winco and pick up the few grocery items I need for the rest of the week.  After all that, I will come home, put away the groceries, feed the dogs and then head off to Trivia.  Looks like there will only be my daughter and myself there tonight.  Hubby is still in Vegas, Grand is working on the school play and have not heard from the cousin as to his plans.  That's ok, we will still have a good time.

As for the shawl I was working on......................it is finished!  That is one of the reasons I stayed up so late.

Hopefully, I will have time to drop by the Prayer Shawl Ministry tomorrow and turn all the shawls in as well as all that yarn I cleaned out of my stash.

Now that I have 2 finishes this week, I am hoping the startitis has been cured so I can get some of my other projects (only 6 now) closer to the finish line.  There won't be much crafting time today, unfortunately.  Tomorrow will be a much better day for knitting.  It is another Grand Dog sitting day.  That gives me about 8 hours of knitting time.

My daughter sent me a request yesterday.  She would like me to make a dozen white dishcloths for a wedding gift.  What a wonderful idea!  I will be happy to make them.  The truth be told, I already have one or two white cloths made and in my 'quick gift' box.  That is one of the best 'take along' projects next to socks.  She doesn't need them until the end of April.  Gives me plenty of time to get them made.

Hubby is coming home tomorrow!  It will be nice to have another human to talk to again.  The dogs are great listeners but lousy at carrying their part of the conversation.  Since I am going to be gone for the day, there is a crockpot dinner being planned for tomorrow night too.  

Until next time.................happy crafting!


  1. The finished shawl is pretty, Marsha. I love the two-tones. Glad you're having a good week and that you're looking forward to hubby returning tomorrow. I had to laugh at the dogs not being good conversationalists.

  2. Beautiful shawl! I wish I had the shopping options that you have there. Have fun at Trivia and you are so funny about the dogs! LOL! I'm sure you will be glad to see hubby again and enjoy your knitting while babysitting your granddog!

  3. The shawl is BEAUTIFUL!! And what a great idea - a selection of wash cloths!!

  4. Interesting idea about the dish cloths How will she make a gift out of it all?


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