YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Image result for where did the day go

This day seemed to just fly by.  I got up around 6 and immediately threw in a load of laundry.  After that was done I got everything together I needed for my day of dog sitting.  I arrived for my doggie day around 9:30.  He was so happy to see me.  He was by my side almost all day long.  

This photo is quite deceiving.  You are probably thinking "what a sweet relaxed dog".  Well, he was until I took him for his last night of dog training at 6pm.  He became the most hyper dog ever.  He wanted to play with all the other dogs but does not realize how big he is and most of the other dogs are VERY little.  My daughter in law was there to work with him in the training pen.  I was going to watch but he kept trying to come to me for loves.  I finally had to leave the area.  There was no place to sit down so I walked around a pet store for 2 hours.  Not a lot of fun, but I did get to pet some of the sweetest dogs.    

While I was dog sitting I continued working on the shawl I started yesterday.  I am doing the "To the Point" shawl again.  It is one of my favorites to do for the prayer shawl ministry.  It lays over the shoulders so nicely and stays there.

I am making this one in black and white.  Do you see those little specks of white in the black section?  Those are sparkles.  The white has them too but did not photograph well.  I have about 7 more rows to do and then I will be done with it.  I still have hopes of completing it tonight.

I have a little funny for you tonight.  My Grand Daughter loves sayings like:  Not the brightest candle on the cake.  Or; Not the shiniest gem in the jewelry store.  So I found this one on FB the other day.

I sent it to her and she loved it.  

I have a chick flick on and will work on the shawl until my eyelids can not longer stay open.

Until next time........................happy crafting!


  1. Your granddog is so sweet but you can tell he's still a pup with boundless energy but how sweet that he is friendly to the other dogs.
    what a pretty shawl that is going to be! I have never heard that saying either but it's a cute one! Have a good day!

  2. Sweet granddoggy looking to you for affection. I will have to look up your shawl and yes, I can see the sparkles on the black. The meme cracked me up. I had not heard that one before but believe me I'm going to begin using it !

  3. I do a lot of dog sitting for my kids. Love those hours with them. And they so appreciate the company when their 'parents' are gone.

  4. Love that GIF. Made me LOL. I'd love to dogsit.


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