YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Image result for goodbye hello

Seldom do I do an end of year post.  So many bloggers do this and I feel like I would just be repeating some of the same things they say and do.  But this last year was a doozy for me and my family.  We had fun times, sad times, adventurous times, learning times and lots of family times.

Some of the highlights from my year were:

Went to The Fiesta Bowl for the first time in 40 years.

Learned how to cook in an air fryer. (My favorite kitchen appliance now)

Loss my brother to a massive stroke

Got reacquainted with some old friends and picked up where we left off

Made several trips to Las Vegas for fun and family

Managed to use up quite a bit of stash yarn 

Made a trip to Texas to wish my military son good luck in the middle east. (He ended up not being able to go because of shoulder surgery)

Met our first great grandchild

Learned that baby outfits are so much fun to make and fast too

Loss the owner of our local yarn store very unexpectedly

Bought a new washing machine (not a planned expenditure)

Bought a new car (also not really planned)

Relearned how to knit magic loop two at a time toe up socks

Loss my husband's best friend to complications from heart surgery

Learned how to clip my dogs nails (that will save me quite a bit of $)

Enjoyed a week with our Texas Grand Daughter at Christmas 

There were lots of family gatherings this year, where we played games, watched movies, went bowling, laughed, cried and drew closer as a family.

Our house is very quiet with all our company gone.  Tonight, hubby and I will go to Mass and then come home and eat Tamales (for luck) and enjoy a movie or two while keeping the dogs from freaking out from fireworks.  I doubt we will make it to midnight, but that is ok.  We are old.

I no longer make any resolutions for a new year.  I figure I just want to be a better person each and everyday.  Someday, I will master that.  Thank you all for following my blog this past year.  I know it is not as professional as others' blogs.  But it makes me happy and gives me a place to express myself in my own way.

Until Next Time..................happy crafting and happy new year.


  1. Happy New Year Marsha! I thought about a year end review, but some things I really don't want to revisit! I'm happy to leave 2019 behind and start fresh this new decade!! Wishing you and your hubby all the best for 2020! Oh btw, congrats on learning how to do the dogs nails. That saves so much money. I do ours with a small Dremel tool once a week and it works like a charm!

  2. I don't make resolutions really anymore either. I usually forget them a few days into the new year, anyway. It's interesting reading your recap of 2019. You had quite a mixture of highs and lows. Enjoy your quiet house now, knowing you helped make memories you shared it with in recent weeks. Happy New Year, friend!


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