YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Week 22 Update

Hello from a very chilly morning here in the deserts of Arizona.  It is 43F right now but will warm up into the 60's today yet.  Today also starts the first day of Advent and I have yet to find my Advent wreath to put on my table.  Hopefully I will find it today while going through our Christmas decorations for our home and tree.

There was crafting done this week, I am happy to say.  Let's take a look at what I did. 

One Christmas ornament was made this week for the local Grand Daughter.  She is the only one of the Grands that puts up a Christmas tree.  In fact, they put up 2 trees.  Yes, the spots on the mittens are sparkles.  This was made with some Lion Brand BonBon yarn I bought many moons ago with the idea of making American Girl Doll clothing.  The pattern called for DPN's and I made the first mitten with DPN's (it is the one on the right)  The second one I did with Magic Loop (the one on the left, duh) and it was much easier and turned out slightly nicer.  I put the dime there to give you a reference as to how tiny these are.

Then this happened.

A cute paw ornament.  Since the Grand got a puppy for her 14th birthday, I decided to do an ornament for him too.

That is his adoption photo I glued in the middle of it.  The family loves it.

The Fawkes socks were completed Thursday evening. (Thanksgiving)   I do no have any socks on my needles at the moment and really do not have any desire to cast on any either.  That may change in the coming week.  Who knows 

Now, this next one is totally new to me.  I told y'all Hubby bought me a Cricut Maker back in February.  It has been gathering dust since then.  I finally took a class at JoAnn's to learn the basics of how to use the thing.  Friday, was the day I decided to venture into the world of cutting vinyl for decoration.

The tumbler set is for a secret Santa gift with the family this year.  They were quite plain so I decided to dress them up a little.  It was so much fun.  I am now thinking of all the things I can make with this machine.  There are tons of gifts I could do with it and probably will.  I have joined a couple of Facebook groups that are just for Cricut users.  You may be seeing quite a bit more of this craft on my blog.

Today, we are going to be heading to Mass shortly.  Then it will be time for me to trim the Christmas tree.  Hubby got the outside of the house done yesterday.  We will also get our collection of Nativities out and put them around the house.  Tomorrow we are expecting company for the night so I also need to get the guest beds ready for them.  It will be busy around here today with all of that going on.  Good thing I have a couple of audio books loaded and ready to go.  Hubby will have football on the TV and I really do not have an interest in watching that when there is so much to be done elsewhere.  

OH!  I did manage to complete the daily blogging last month.  That is the third year I have done it but only the second year I followed through.  It was a challenge some days.  Especially since we did some traveling during that time.  The laptop/tablet I was using was so slow during the traveling.  Hubby had pity on me and bought me a brand new Windows Surface 7!  They were on sale at Costco a week ago.  He had been wanting to get me a new one for a a couple of years but I had been dragging my feet.  My old 2in1 was 'working' so why replace it.  Well!!!!!  After setting up my Surface I can see why he wanted me to switch.  Using my Cricut design space on the new one sure was a lot easier than on the old one.  The new one boots up immediately and shuts down in record time too.  With my old one, I could make a cup of tea and grab my breakfast while it was booting up and shutting down.   The best part of the new computer........my RA mis-shapen left hand does not have a problem typing on the keyboard.  This means I can once again type at my 70 WPM!  Ergonomics are very important to RA patients.  Thanks Honey for the early Christmas gift! 

To see what other's are up to "go here".

Until Next Time...............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh what a nice Christmas gift! I love the teeny mittens and the dog ornament is precious. I should do one for Nitty and Annie. Your cricut is getting some use and those mugs turned out cute. I have not taken my Fall decorations down...I had best get busy! Your socks are gorgeous and I can't wait to see what else you do with your Cricut. Enjoy your company and I hope you find your Advent stuff.

  2. I gotta say it - I'M SEEING RED!!! Your red ornaments are so cute. I can't imagine knitting something as small as those mittens. And the red dog paw ornament is really sweet. Your socks are wonderful and your cricut embellished thermos mugs are terrific! The recipients are going to love those gifts.

  3. Oh my, that tiny pair of mittens is CUTE! Love your paw print ornament and your socks too. Congrats on the new computer and the new found love of the Cricut. Can't wait to see what you get up to with it.

  4. Your fawkes socks are gorgeous and the ornaments are splendid I'm sure they will love hanging those up.

  5. Love your ornaments. Congrats on NaBLoPoMo - especially with travelling and all. I did it too and found it challenging some days and I was home the whole time!

  6. I’m a week behind playing catch up. I sometimes like a break from having socks on the needles, the ones you’ve just finished look great. Your little ornaments are so lovely, the dog paw frame is brilliant. Well done for completing the daily blogging, just think how much easier and quicker that will be next year with your new toy, a lovely early gift.

  7. What a lucky kid to get a puppy for a birthday!


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