YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Can you believe we have already done 26 weeks of this year's "YOP"?  That is half way through the year.  It seems to have flown by.  With this past week being Christmas, not too much knitting got done at my house.  Here is the only item that saw any love this week.

Hubby's socks got a little bit of love.  I was only able to add a few rows this past week.  There will be more time to work on them this coming week, once everyone leaves and goes to their respective homes.

Last Sunday morning I picked up our Texas Grand Daughter from the airport.  There is such a difference in her maturity since the last time I saw her in May.  Our Local Grand Daughter stayed with us Sunday and Monday so she could have some time with her cousin.  It sure is different having teen age girls in the house.  (I raised boys until my step daughter came to us at the age of 15)  There were high pitched giggles all the time.  It filled my heart with so much joy.

Tuesday, we went to Christmas Eve Mass and the Texas Grand spent the night at the local Grands house.  

Wednesday was Christmas and we spent the day at our son's home and had such a great time.  There was a total of 11 of us there for White Elephant gift exchange and dinner.  We had so much fun.  Everyone pitched in with food.  There was a lot of laughter and made the day so special being with family.  The Local Grand and the Texas Grand came back to our house for another sleep over that evening.

Thursday I had planned on taking the girls to see Zoo Lights but mother nature had other ideas.  It started raining Tuesday afternoon and did not stop until Friday evening!  Instead we went bowling.  (The young people bowled and the grandparents watched and had a beer) We had another sleepover that night too. 

Friday I wanted to take the girls to the mountains to play in the snow but the roads were too treacherous for me to navigate and I am glad we did not go.  There were rock slides and road closures everywhere we had planned to go.  Hubby's sister arrived on Friday afternoon and will be here until Monday. We had a nice family dinner Friday night along with lots of game playing.  That was the first night the girls did not have a sleep over at either house.

Saturday was a bit of a lazy day.  My sister in law left in the morning to go to a Fiesta Bowl tail gate party and then on to the game.  Texas Grand, hubby and I went to Mass and then to an Irish pub for dinner.  

Today, we are all going over to our best friends home for our annual end of year get together.  Normally it is at my house but since our bff's remodeled their kitchen, this year, we thought it would be fun to show it off.  We will be celebrating 2 birthdays at "the gathering" also.  There will be 19 of us congregating for this gathering.  This will be the 10th year for this end of year party.

Tomorrow, we send out Texas Grand back to her parents.  It is also her birthday.  Just imagine, she came to us at 13 years old and we send her home at 14 years old.  She has been so much fun to have!  Our house is going to be very quiet!  It has been so nice to have all the noise and hub bub for the past week.  Now I will be back to my audio books and knitting while hubby watches all the bowl games and professional football.

Let me leave you with a few photos highlighting the past week.

Found this ornament on my tree Christmas Day.  Seems our Daughter had placed it there a week ago.  Flamingos are another running joke in our family.  BTW, my tree is blue and white.  How did I miss seeing this for a week?

Family bowling night.  So much fun.

One of the most unique gifts I received this year.

After a year of being just leaves, my white orchid has little buds on it!

Hubby brought me lovely lilies on Friday.  I had sent him to the store for a few items and he rewards me with flowers.

My daughter sent me flowers in memory of my mom who passed away 2 years ago on the 26th.  My eyes might have leaked a little when I received these.

I want to wish all of you a wonderful 2020.  

Until Next Time......................................Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. What a lovely big family Christmas you’ve had, sounds wonderful. How funny that flamingo ornament managed to go unseen, he’s a character. I wish you a very Happy New Year. Xx

  2. I don't celebrate Christmas, so naturally, I don't have a tree, but if I did, I'd pick that flamingo to hang up first thing, what a lovely ornament. Sounds like you had a great time with your family, that's so nice to hear (read).

  3. Oh it sounds as though you have had a wonderful Christmas. How lovely to be able to spend it with your grands. It must have been lovely to find the tree dec!

  4. Oh my, it's been two years already since your Mom passed?!? How sweet that your daughter sent you flowers in her memory. I'm sure they touched a tender spot. It's good to read how happy and full your Christmas holiday was with family and good times. I love the little flamingo sweater ornament. I'm curious how you managed to miss it, too! lol Happy New Year, Marsha!

  5. You had an absolutely wonderful Christmas! What fun with friends and family. I don't think any of us got a lot done over the holidays and yes, hard to believe we are halfway through the year. Your socks are really nice and I like that yarn! I need to force myself to learn toe up and 2 at a time! Enjoy your week and Happy New Year!

  6. Your pictures (especially the little flamingo sweater) and your comings and goings with your family fill me with joy. Thank you for sharing. Happy New Year!!

  7. What a fun Christmas at your house! Here's hoping the coming year will also be full of joy.

  8. You are such a fun grandmother. What cool going-on's you've been having. That flamingo sweater ornament is too cute.


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