YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 19, 2017


Time is marching along and it is getting so close to Christmas..........I have some shopping done and some crafting done.  I wish it was all done LOL.  I need to sit down and make out my list of recipients.  That is usually my best way of making sure I have everything covered. I am not making many gifts this year.  Mostly what you have already seen and those really are not gifts but just a little bit of love to be spread around.

I finished the wee sweaters that needed to be sent to Texas.  They were boxed up and shipped out this afternoon.  It should arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Hopefully, they will be met with smiles from everyone.  The black one and the one to the right of it, are for the 2 dogs, Shiloh and Bandit.  Shiloh is a black lab/boxer mix and Bandit is her biological brother who is black and white.  

I now need to get busy and make some more for my other out of town grands so they can get mailed soon also.  After all the out of towners are completed, I will make the ones for the local folks.  I think I will be making sweaters for the next couple of weeks.  I now have 2 of the patterns memorized.  The only one I need to refer to the pattern for is the Cabled sweater.

I did work on my prayer shawl for a few hours on Thursday.  Other than that, no other knitting or crocheting has taken place here.

I was supposed to get with my knitting instructor this coming Tuesday, but he had something come up so that got cancelled again.  I will give him a call after I return from our little mini vacay we are taking after Thanksgiving.

On to my other news.

My daughter called this morning and we had such a lovely chat.  I always have a smile when I get off the phone with her.  We talked about holiday baking/cooking today.  She is making a couple of my recipes for her Christmas open house she is hosting this year.  I am so proud of her and her husband.  They are such loving and caring people.  They are always there when ever someone is in need.  They make my heart sing with joy.

The rest of my day has been spent finishing up the Texas sweaters and getting it mailed off.  I had really planned on getting it out of here long before noon today but..............I really slept in.  I did not get up until after 8 and that is just not like me.  I guess all those days when I only get about 5 hours of sleep, caught up with me.

I have some general housework to do today.  We did big box store shopping on Friday and neither of us have taken the time to completely put it all away.  I will finish that up this afternoon.  Then I will be making my Christmas list and working on my journals and trying to get my meals planned for the next week.

I have managed to keep up with the laundry this past week, so I don't have to rush to do that today.  YIPPEE!!

We normally put up our Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving.  I don't think we will be doing that this year.  I have 3 appointments on Friday, starting at 10 and going until 2. Then I need to get out our suitcases and decide what we are going to take with us to Vegas on Sunday and do any laundry that is needed.  I like to do that a couple of days ahead of the trip.  That way, we are not rushing around at midnight the night before we drive somewhere.  Hubby is a last minute packer and it drives me bonkers.  LOL

Maybe we can start our decorating on Saturday and at least get our tree up.  Then when we get home from Vegas, we can finish up the rest of the house.  This is the only holiday I decorate for and I go all out.  We collect nativity sets.  At one point, we had over 150 of them gracing our home and tree.  I have since, given a few away to family members and only put about 20 out each year.  I do switch them up each year though.  Makes it more interesting that way.  They go into every room of our home, even the bathrooms.  We believe that Jesus is the reason for the season and spread it all over our house, inside and OUTSIDE too.

Ok, need to get busy.  Hubby is watching football so this is my prime time to do a little housekeeping.  

Until next time..................happy crafting!!!!!!


  1. Hi Marsha! :) I LOVE those little sweaters! They are adorable, you are like a machine knitting all of those lol! :) I can't wait to see all of your Christmas decorations and celebrations! I was listening to Christmas music today while planning my cookie schedule! :)

  2. Those little sweaters are truly adorable. The recipients are going to love them. I'd love to come see all your nativities. My Christmas decorating has gotten simpler as the years have gone by, but I love seeing someone else's house all done up for the holidays. And I admire what goes into it. Safe travels next weekend, Marsha!

  3. I love love love the little sweaters. Perfect christmas gifts! I don't decorate until christmas eve!! so you will be away ahead of me.

  4. The sweaters are so cute and you made ones for the dogs too...you are so sweet! I have yet to do ornaments and so much more! LOL! enjoy your vacay and I can't wait to see your Christmas decorations! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. I love the sweaters. I hope you have a lovely thanksgiving.


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