YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, November 27, 2017

Day 27

This will be a boring post.

I am trying to upload photos to my laptop but......................this is the slowest WIFI connection ever.  So...................there will be lots of photos when I return home Wednesday.

So far we are having fun and I know we will really enjoy the tournament today and tomorrow.  This place is all decorated for Christmas and there are tons of photos of that too.

Whoot....................I got a photo to load!!!!

This is a photo of tailings from the open pit copper mines here in Arizona.  This state is rich in copper.  The only issue is............these tailings just sit there.  My father in law worked the mines all the time I knew him.  It is fascinating to learn about how they mine the copper.

Guess I better get a move on.  Hubby is all ready to go for our free breakfast buffet.  YUM!

until next time........happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. That would be fascinating to learn about. It's such a different landscape that anywhere I've ever lived. I would love to drive through there and see it all.


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