YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Day 2

Day 2 and I am still posting.  I almost did not post today.  Hubby was scheduled for surgery at 11:30 today.  They called him around 10 this morning and told him he was being rescheduled to 3 this afternoon.  That is a looooong time to be without food and water.  He had not had anything since about 11 last night.  

He got the surgery center and filled out all the paperwork and was in the holding area by 3:15.  His Doctor got there about 4 and they took him right away to the operating room.  He was there until about 5, when the Doctor came out and talked to me about what he did and what he wanted hubby to do for the next few days.  We finally got out of there about 5:45 and made it home around 6:15.

Poor man was starving!  I ran and got him some Egg Flower Soup.  They do not want him to have and real solid food for several hours since he was under general anesthesia.

He is doing quite well.  The anesthesia has all but worn off and he is watching a football game on TV.  The next 48 hours will be the telling factor.  If no more bleeding, then the Doctor thinks we have conquered the beast.  If he does bleed, then the next surgery will be quite extensive.  We have several people praying for a great outcome.

I only got about 2 rows done on my shawl while I was in the waiting room.  I am over 200 stitches so it take a little time to do each row.  However, I did manage to get several rows done this morning before we left.  It won't be long now and I will be starting the finale part of the shawl.  I am loving this pattern and the yarn I chose for it is:

Red Heart Shimmer.  It is super soft and has such a nice subtle speck of sparkle in it.  I decided to do it in red because of the up coming holidays.  It just looks so festive.  I have the same yarn in blue, black and white also.  I see more of these shawls being made soon.  The designer ( Cate Leonard ) had a couple of other shawl and I have printed out the other free pattern from her.  It has the decorative pattern starting up a bit closer to the shoulders and I like that look too.  It is still a Faroese shawl but made with DK weight yarn.  I will still make it with worsted though.  I like the size of it when made in the worsted.

I delivered my 3 bags of yarn to the prayer shawl ladies today.  I am so glad to have that out of my house.  They will make good use of it.  I also found a nice home for my mother's interchangeable needles.  My other straight needles were being gone over when I left.  I am confident everything will find a home.

Dinner is over, I am exhausted and still have several more hours before I can lay my head down on my pillow.  Hubby is on moving restrictions.  He is to stay in his recliner with his feet up, other than to go to the bathroom.  Needless to say.............I am running all over making sure he has everything he needs to keep him quiet and comfy.

I am off to do the dishes and then pick up some areas of the living room where hubby has been gathering 'stuff'.  I do not like clutter and there is a lot of that around 'his' area.  It will be dealt with tonight so I can sleep easy.

Until next time......................happy crafting!!!!!!!!


  1. With all that's going on, I don't know how you find time to do a daily post! Surgery...how awful...but if all goes well, then definitely needed. I hope so Marsha. Don't forget to take care of yourself too!

  2. fingers crossed for the next 48 hours.

  3. I will be praying your husband does well and it heals and there will be no need for further surgery. He's lucky he has such a great caretaker. I have some handspun DK weight that I want to find a project for but probably after the gifts are all done. YOur shawl sounds like a good one. I'll have to look at it.
    YOu could be my clutter consultant since you don't like clutter and I have a hard time with it! LOL!


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