YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Day..................................23


I was going to wait until after we had our Thanksgiving celebration, to post to my blog.  I will have photos by then.  I figured I can post those photos tomorrow.

Right now I am doing a bit of laundry.  I just pulled out a loaf of bread from the bread machine.  Hubby is watching football.  There is cheese and summer sausage to be cut to take for snacks today.  

Other than that, it has been a lazy morning.  I am not rushing around to do anything.  The above chores are being done at my pace.  We do not need to be to my Son's until 2 and dinner is not until 4.  No big rush for anything today.  

Hubby and I still have adoration tonight at 9.  That being said, we will be coming home shortly after dinner.  That gives my son and his family time to themselves too.  It is their wedding anniversary today too!  Nothing like having a double whammy going on.

May I just say,.........................I am extremely thankful for all of you who read my blog.  I am thankful for my extended knitting family from whom I have learned so much and have received so much love from.  I am so blessed.  There is no way I could even begin to list all the things I am thankful for.  The Lord has been very good to me.  Tonight, during adoration, I will bring to my mind all the blessings I have received and thank God for them.

Until next time...............................Happy Crafting!


  1. Happy thanksgiving - it sounds like a perfect day you have planned. I am thankful for my knitting/blogging friends too. It has been so great to get to know you more with your daily posts.

  2. I like the pace of your day. Sounds similar to ours. I am not a fan of rushing around. So often the things people think have to be done, things they stress over, really are self inflected.

    Wished I had had a knitting friend sitting beside me today. Ended up frogging about 15 rows. Big rows, 175 ish stitches on an afghan. I just couldn't get it right and all I've managed since frogging is knitting one row. Argh. Perhaps I should have taken a picture before hand.

  3. Hi Marsha! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your hubby :)
    I hope everything was fun and delicious! :)


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