YOP LIST 2024-2025

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Day 4

Day four and I am still finding things to blog about.  It may not be super interesting, but it is something.

Let's start with hubby..................................we have made it over 36 hours now.  By 5:30 tonight it will be 48 hours and that is our magic number.  He has been super good about just sitting around and not helping with anything.  Today I am lucky because there is lots of college football on TV.  He also has his kindle by him so he can read and his laptop is next to him and up and running.  I know he is wanting to move around but I am being quite firm about the 48 hour time period.  I told him he can go and get his own coffee tomorrow morning but that will be about all I will allow him to do.

My day has already been full and it is just noon.  I am on my third load of laundry.  It kind of got away from me this week.  Not being home has a habit of that happening.  I have also baked a loaf of bread, cleaned out the refrigerator, straightened up our bedroom, updated my daily journal, knit a bit on the shawl and made breakfast and lunch for hubby and myself.

I have been doing something else kind of crafty wise:

I am working on the Prayer Shawl story board.  I have all the photos laid out and now I just need to put the wording on it.  I was going to use these:

But realized, I would need several more packages of them to spell everything I needed.  So I am going to go and search for stencils.  I have lovely colored markers I can use.  That will make it a bit more colorful and interesting.  I am hoping JoAnn's carries them.  I will go there tomorrow morning after a meeting I have to attend.  If they don't carry them, I know our hardware store does.  I am hoping for something a little more decorative than straight block type letters.  Fingers are crossed.

I will be going to Mass tonight alone.  Hubby is not allowed to go as there is too much standing, kneeling, sitting...............we call it Catholic Calisthenics.  LOL  After Mass, I will be coming home and we will eat our left overs from yesterday.  It will be a nice quiet evening and I should be able to get quite a bit of knitting done on the shawl.

Until tomorrow's YOP update.....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That's good news about hubby, I have my fingers crossed that he'll make it to the 48 hour deadline! I think I personally would go nuts if I had to take it easy for so long!! That's funny Catholic Calisthenics! :)

    We are going to open one of the Camembert cheeses tonight...I'm so nervous Marsha...I'll report on that tomorrow! I hope it's a success! :)

  2. Catholic Calisthenics - not that is funny. Hope the shawl knitting was peaceful and such good progress with hubby!

  3. Great news about the hubs! I will pray he continues to heal. Love the 'catholic calisthenics'...I'd never heard that before. I hope you find your stencils and enjoy your evening.


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