YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week 19 and NaBloPoMo day 5

It is very early here at Casa de Noce.  In fact, it is still dark here.  In the summertime, the sun comes up around 5am.  When we go into autumn/winter the sun sleeps until around 7am.  Evening comes earlier too these days with the sun going down around 6pm. In the summer we have daylight until 9pm easily.  Now that you have those lovely bits of trivia about Arizona................let me take you into a little bit of YOP posting.

I was totally monogamous this past week.  I only worked on my Faroese shawl.  Yup, that is the pattern I settled on last Sunday when my needles became free.

The fiber being used is Red Heart's Shimmer.  Those little tiny white specks you see on the shawl are not lint.  That is the way the light was hitting the little shimmer flecks on the shawl.  This has been a real joy to knit and it goes pretty fast. It is knitted top down and you decide how long you want it.  These shawls are perfect for someone who is not feeling well. They hug your shoulders and you don't need to constantly need to keep pulling them up and around you to keep them on.  I have quite a bit of worsted weight yarn for shawls.  I do believe I have found my go to pattern for that yarn.  The next one I do, I want to do in multiple colors.  I do believe this pattern will lend itself to that quite nicely.

Now I take you to my second part of my posting, NaBloPoMo Day 5:

I have been doing well with my daily posting....................so far.  It has been so much fun too.  The challenge for me is coming up this weekend.  We have an all day retreat at church on Saturday...........and I mean all day.  It starts at 7am and goes until 10pm.  It will be a challenge for me to post that day but............I think I can manage a few lines, even if I need to post from my phone.

I have a meeting today at 8am for the retreat next weekend.  This is our planning meeting when we discuss who will do what when.  It is one of the longest meetings this group every has but it is so much fun to see the retreat outline come together.

After the meeting I have a bit of shopping to do.  I am on a search to find lettering stencils for the Prayer Shawl story board.  There will also be a trip to the local farmers market to pick up some fresh veggies and fruit.  Then I will return home to start the last 2-3 loads of laundry to get myself caught up in that area.

Hubby has done quite well and we are so thankful for the past 2 days without any nose bleeds.  Today will be the first day he is allowed to do anything other than sit and watch TV.  Yup, today he will be allowed to pour his own coffee.  I still want him to rest as much as possible.  The longer we let him heal the better we will be.  You know things were getting out of hand when your brand new Doctor gives you his private phone number and tells you to call him directly if there are any issues.

I would like to bake some cookies today too.  I have the BEST recipe for healthy cookies.  Our nutritionist gave it to me about 6 weeks ago.  I have made it once and they are delicious and filling.  I have all the makings for them, all I need is the time to bake.  Since the weather has cooled down, finally, it is the time of year I love being in the kitchen making up scrumptious items to fill our bodies.

After all the laundry and baking is completed, I will turn my attention to crafting again.  I need to get the story board done ASAP.  It is going to be used next Saturday for the 8th anniversary of our Cancer Shrine.  I also need to return my attention to the ugly Christmas Sweater Ornaments I started.  They aren't going to make themselves.  They do take quite a bit of time to do.  I still have not finished the first one and have already spent over 2 hours on it.  The one I am doing is not even the most intricate one either.  Yup, need to get going on those ornaments.

OK, the sun has finally risen and I need to go and get ready for the meeting.

Until next time.....................happy crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A Faroese shawl is on my list of things to try knitting. One of my great grandmothers was from the Faroe Islands and I still have cousins there (who I hope to meet one day!) Happy to hear your hubby is healing nicely - I'm glad he is listening to instructions and not exerting himself!

  2. It's a perfect day for making cookies...we got some snow and it's dark and dreary out! :) I'm happy to hear that your hubby is past the danger zone! Let's hope it stays that way! You sound so busy Marsha, I hope you really enjoy your busy day! The shawl looks really nice, I love the red colour!

  3. That sounds like a perfect shawl! So glad the hubs is on the mend but you're right to have him take it slow. Those cookies sound intriguing and I am up early like you every day! Love it. The shimmer in that shawl is lovely. You are very busy but all wonderful worthwhile projects. Love to have you blogging every day...I feel like I'm having coffee with you.

  4. Glad to hear of your husband's progress! Your shawl is beautiful. If you are too busy to post you can write your post ahead of time and then schedule it to post on the day when you aren't around. I have done that sometimes when I know I will be away from the internet. Just an idea!

  5. The shawl looks awesome, you've made a lot or progress in a short period of time. Cookies, Christmas, hubby...wow you're very busy. It's been awhile since I blogged from my personal blog, but am trying to bring it out of moth balls. Totally forgotten what NaBloPoMo means.

  6. Your shawl is gorgeous and is the perfect red colour. I am so glad that your husband is on the mend and hopefully, that has continued this week. I will look forward to seeing your Christmas ornaments!


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