YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Day 29 photo heavy

 We are home.  It feels wonderful to know I will be sleeping in my bed again tonight.  Oh, how I miss my bed when we are away.

I have lots of photos to share with you.  So let's get started.

One of my favorite scenes in Arizona.  I love our mountainous landscape.  Look at all the different elevations displayed here.

Crossing the bridge over Hoover Dam.  You no longer have drive over the actual dam.  It does cut down on the drive time.

Once you cross the bridge you are in Nevada.

Just one of the Christmas displays in the atrium at our hotel.  Love the little teddy bears on the tree.

This is lake Mead.  See the light colored line?  That is how dry it has been in our neck of the woods for the past MANY years.  Our water table is extremely low.

Crossed the bridge on the way home and we are now back in Arizona.

Some of our strange rock outcroppings we have.

Joshua Tree........There is about 10 miles that is just covered with these strange looking succulents.

Yes, this is an actual 'town' in Arizona.  And the name tells you exactly what is there other than a cell tower.

I bet you all thought Bagdad was a place overseas...............................we have one too.

The Phoenix skyline.  So nice to see it.  This signals we are getting pretty close to being home.

I want to give a shout out to Samsung S7 edge..................all of these photos were taken with that phone.  Many of them from a moving car too.  I am impressed with the quality.  As for the overcast skies in some of these......................not the camera's fault.  But it was nice to drive on an overcast day.

Tomorrow I will post a few more photos of our trip.  Most of them will be of the atrium at the casino.  It was so cute.

Until next time.....................happy crafting!

PS:  No, we did not win anything but had a wonderful relaxing time.


  1. Love the pictorial tour. I especially like the Joshua tree.

  2. Thank you for the pictures....it's like taking a little road trip with you! It's always nice to see where my blogging friends live and what their sights are. Glad you had a good time and are home safe and sound!


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