YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Day 14

Day 14 and I had an opportunity to post earlier today than normal.  I am having a 'stay at home' day.  Hubby is out and about and I declined his invite to go with him.  I have a load of towels in the dryer, have emptied and filled the dishwasher and it is running and I am going to spend the rest of my day working on my little sweaters.

I finished knitting sweater #3 last night but still need to sew in all the ends.  I was hoping to start another one last night but this happened:

I made spelt flour brownies from scratch.  Ok, so that really doesn't take too long, but then this also happened:

I baked up a nice batch of Malachi's cookies.  It does take a while to do these as it makes  about 50 cookies and they need to cool a bit before they can be removed from the pan.  But then while those were being baked and cooled I finished up my baking with this:

Banana blueberry spelt flour bread.  I really like baking from scratch.  That way I know exactly what is in my food.  I am hoping these will hold us until we get back from our trip to Las Vegas the end of next week.  I have some other goodies I would like to make but.......I need to restock my coconut palm sugar and spelt flour before I do much more.

Our Daughter is coming over tonight after her Doctor's appointment.  I have a couple of family Christmas recipes she wants to make.  Since she was coming over in the evening, I invited her to dinner too.  I am going to make one of her favorite dishes.

As you can see from the nastiness of the page, this recipe has been made quite a bit.  I will be using gluten free pasta for it but otherwise, it will be made as written.  It is a microwave recipe and that is great.  That way my kitchen will not get heated up again tonight.  We are still in the high 80's around here.  I would have loved to have waited until it cooled off more to do all that baking..............but we have been told we will be this warm for another 2 weeks.  YUCK!

That is all for today.............the dishwasher is done and the towels are ready to be folded.

Until next time...............happy crafting!


  1. I have a recipe for banana muffins that looks very similar to your recipe page! Well loved!

  2. Oh warmth....as I type with a blanket over my lap and my winter hat on my head lol...I LOVE when those things "happen"....something happened the other day and suddenly I had double chocolate muffins lol! The food looks great Marsha!

  3. Oh, I'm going to try your recipe! How wonderful your daughter lives close. I miss mine although she calls me every evening. Say a prayer that I can move back up North and be near her. So sweet of you to make her favorite dish and that she wants to borrow your recipes for Christmas. Do you drive to Vegas? How far is it from you? It's cooler here but 72 tomorrow with sun which will be nice as I am going grocery shopping. Take care and I will have to look up those Malachi cookies if I can. TTYL!

  4. I have a recipe for potatoe leek soup that looks like that! Those brownies look so yummy - I shouldn't read your posts on an empty stomach. growl!


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