YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, November 13, 2017

Day 13

Another fun day for me today.  Hubby and I finally had a morning where there was no alarm set and we took the entire morning to do anything we wanted to do.  So there was not any house work done, no laundry to wash, dry and put away, no running to the store for any supplies.  It was heavenly.  After being so crazy busy since Friday, these old folks needed a bit of down time.  

I did some crafting this morning and am so in love with those little sweater ornaments.  Here is a second one I finished last night.

It is the blue/black one.  Look at the darling little cable going down the middle of it.  How stinking cute is that?  I started a third one this morning and only have the sleeves left to do and sew in ends and it will be done.  I will probably have a fourth one done tonight before I go to bed.

Before I do the fourth one, I am going to make some treats for hubby and myself.  I am going to make our 'good for you' brownies, Malachi's cookies (this is a recipe made up by our nutritionist, and then banana bread.  That should hold us over for a few days.  We really need to get back into our 'healthy' lifestyle as hubby has blood work again in a month and we want his numbers to go DOWN!  I figure while some of that is baking I can work on the little sweater.  It takes about 2 hours to complete one, start to finish.  I don't figure that is too bad.  I am hoping to have a bunch done by Saturday.  If so, I am going to mail them to Texas.  Our Texas family is hosting Thanksgiving at their house this year so all the grands will be there as well as all the in laws.  I want everyone to be able to pick their favorite and have something to put on their tree to remember us with.  If I can not get a ton done by then, I will just send enough for the children to have.

This afternoon was my visit to my mom.  What a difference there is in her since her Doctor took her off some of her meds.  She is my mom again.  It was a pleasure to be with her and talk with her.

On the way home, I saw this:

See the little rainbow?  FYI.............it is not raining here.  Evidently, there is moisture in those clouds though.  It was something I had never seen before.  Well, I have seen rainbows before but never one that just covered the sun with clouds and no rain.  Little things make me so happy LOL.

That is all for today.  I need to get into the kitchen and start my baking and then make dinner for the hubs and myself.  Tonight is chicken tenders turned into chicken fingers and fresh asparagus roasted with olive oil and Parmesan cheese.  YUMMY!  For desert I will have plenty of choices.  My favorite lately has been plain Greek yogurt with granola, dried cranberries and raw honey.  Nice and filling and just enough sweetness yet extremely healthy.

Until tomorrow................happy crafting!


  1. Those little sweaters are adorable! What a pretty rainbow ♥

  2. The sweaters turned out darling! 2 hours? Not bad! I still have ornaments to make but found dome cute felt ones that I thought my grands would enjoy more. We'll see. Glad you had a down day...you both deserved it after the past few weeks. Your recipes sound great. I'm not supposed to have a milk products because of cholesterol and I used toe at yogurt all the time! There is a soy yogurt but it's not the same. The almond milk one is good but then Wally World stopped carrying it.
    Enjoy your knitting!

  3. I hope those sweaters are on your project page so I can get the pattern.


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