YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, November 6, 2017


Happy Monday the 6th of November.  Blogging every day has been a lot of fun for me.  I start planning my blog the night before and jot down ideas of what I want to say.  It really has me thinking and making note of how a day is going and what I am doing with my time.  I have found I have had better time management too.  A win win for me.

I received a private message this weekend with this picture in it.

This is our God Daughter, Grace.  She was heading to church to receive her sacraments this weekend.  The dress she is wearing is the one I knit for her for her baptism 4 years ago.  The dress is on backwards, but I don't care.  I am just thrilled her dad thought enough of it to have her wear it again for another wonderful occasion.

This is the dress the first time she wore it.  I loved making this for her.

The past couple of weeks have been so hectic with hubby's issues.  I have not made a decent meal for us in almost 2 weeks.  Last night I changed that.

This is the recipe I used to make our dinner.  I use gluten free pasta and organic pasta sauce.  I also reduced the amount of bell pepper to 1 and used orange instead of green.  (Green does not agree with hubs or myself)

This is what it looked like before we consumed 80% of it

It was very yummy but I think I will had a bit of red pepper flakes next time to give it a bit more umph.

I am cooking again tonight and will share my recipe and photo with you on tomorrow's post.

I did complete a project today:

The story board is completed and ready to be displayed at Saturday's celebration of our Cancer Shrine's 8th anniversary.  I really enjoyed finding the photos for the board.  I did not enjoy making sure everything was level and spaced evenly.  I will hang onto this board as I am sure it will used again next year and also for our ministry fair we have each year.

I need to brag a bit.  Yesterday I told you I had a meeting at church at 8.  After the meeting, I went to Michael's, Walmart, Sprouts (farmers market) and then came home in time for lunch.  After lunch I started more laundry and got 2 loads completed and even with all that happening I was still able to take an hour nap!  I seldom nap, but with all the hub bub that has been happening, I knew I needed to slow down a bit before I crashed and burned.  As and RA patient, I need to be mindful of my body and what it is saying to me.  I don't always listen.................(oops) but I knew if I needed to continue to be available for my sweety, I needed to take care of me too.

Speaking of my sweety..............he is doing so well.  I am very happy to report, no more bleeding since Thursday before surgery.  He has been very good about taking things easy and is letting me do most of everything for him.  

I know today is supposed to me 'what are you reading' Monday. I am still reading my Rachel Herron book "How to Knit a Heart Back Home".  It is the second book in her Cypress Hollow series.  It is pretty good but I am so tired by the time I go to bed, I am only getting a couple of pages read each night.  Maybe by next week, when things get back to normal, I will be able to really sit down and read more.

Until tomorrow..........................happy crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love the title of that book you are reading - I will have to go look it up at the library. That baptismal dress is beautiful. Is the pattern on Ravelry? So glad to hear your hubby is on the mend and glad too that you are taking good care of yourself. Yay for napping!

  2. What a beautiful dress and what a beautiful little girl. How sweet is she?
    Wonderful news about your husband and yes,,,the caretaker need to take care of herself too....glad you did. The dinner looks good...I'm eating something similar with my Mario Batali pasta sauce and my jar salads. Shopping and driving tires me out faster than anything. The book sounds good....TTYL!


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