YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, November 20, 2017

Day 20

Good afternoon.  It has been a beautiful day here.  A gentle breeze and mid 80's for the high today.  I woke up this morning and it was 48 outside.  Love that crisp morning air.  Gets my blood flowing.

I have started on more mini sweaters.  Actually, I started on them last night.  I already have 2 done and a third one started.  I figured I needed at least 11 more of them for family and friends.  I would like to do twice that many and give them to my Prayer Shawl ladies too.  I will see how it goes.  Since we are taking a road trip next week, I will have some knitting time in the car and I should be able to complete at least 2 on the way up and on the way back.  Now that I have the pattern memorized, I don't need to look at my paper anymore.

I was asked for the pattern link...........................sorry, but the pattern I am using is from a magazine.  However............I did peruse Ravelry and found this one on there.  Very similar to mine.  For next year, I am thinking of doing other little items for trees.  Here is a bunch of mini's for the tree.  I will most definitely start earlier next year too.  

I baked a loaf of bread today.  We are  having this:

For dinner tonight.  I thought some fresh homemade bread would taste mighty good with it.  Hubby got it all in the crockpot for me as I was out visiting my mom when cooking time was supposed to start.

While at my mom's we finished this today.

Yes, I know there is a piece missing.  I found it after I had taken the puzzle apart and put it in the box.  I did add the missing piece to the box.  This is what mom and I do most of the time I go and visit.  We work puzzles together.  It gives us a common interest that she can still participate in.

Tonight, I am going to look through Pinterest.  I am looking for healthy ideas for Christmas/New Years snacks.  I want to make my own but do not want it to be so high in sugar it puts us into diabetic comas LOL.  I will make my normal Chex Mix Party Mix.  But instead of all the fudge, rolo pretzels, rice krispie treats and butterscotch haystacks, I want to find healthier alternatives.  I am sure it will be a challenge but a good learning experience for me.  I may have to email our nutritionist and ask for her assistance on this.  

If any of you have healthy ideas for me................let me know.  I am super excited to try new things this year.

Until next time....................happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Hey we are having spaghetti for dinner tonight too! Thanks for the link. I can't wait to knit me some little sweaters.


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