YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

22nd Day

Howdy.  Can you believe that we are almost out of the month of November?  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day for those of us in America.  A day to think about all the blessings each of us has and be thankful for all those blessings....no matter how big or small.  It is also a day of food and family.  Hubby and I will be at our Son's home.  I will have more to say about that tomorrow.

Today..............hubby had another post op visit with his ENT Doctor.  He is healing but it is just taking a looooong time.  We see the Doctor again in 2 more weeks and hopefully we will be discharged completely then.  It will be hard to not see this Doctor again for a while.  We have actually become friends with him and have so enjoyed our visits with him.

After the appointment, we headed to Costco to pick up a few items we forgot the last time we were there.  I was surprised.  The store was not as horrible as I thought it would be the day before Thanksgiving.  We were in and out in less than 30 minutes.

I visited my mom this afternoon.  I won't be back out to see her for a week.  Lucky for me, my son and daughter will fill in for me while I am gone.

After visiting my mom, I stopped off at one of my local LuLaRoe dealers and picked up some clothes I had ordered and also picked up my BFF's order too.  I took BFF's clothes over to her and then I got home.

I have programmed the TV to record all the new Hallmark Christmas movies until December 9th.  The TV won't let me go beyond the 8th at this time.  We have watched all other new movies that were recorded prior to today.  This is a tradition we started about 4 years ago.  We love watching them in the evening just before bed.  They are always wholesome and have a happy ending.  Like having a bedtime story read to you.

That is all for today.  I have not touched my mini sweaters in over 24 hours.  I still have 2 done and a third one on the needles.  I did get one sleeve almost completed and still have another sleeve to go.  Maybe I can finish that tonight and start on another one.  I will be able to work on them tomorrow while waiting for dinner to get completed.  Might get another one done tomorrow too!

Until next time...........................happy crafting!


  1. Making blog rounds this am to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Sounds like you've been busy. Glad hubby is recovering. Have you noticed the change in LLR fabrics and sizing? I had to return the last 2 dresses I purchased. The arms were so tight, I couldn't even put the dress on. Seems like the quality has really gone down hill. I have 6 Nicole's in my closet, all size S, that fit great. All purchased from different ladies at different times over a period of about a year. I even one that's a XS that fits well. Not sure what's going on,but not to be able to even pull the small on now....seems strange. The lady that I ordered from, said she's had lots of complaints from people about the change in fabric, less stretchy etc.

  2. I started a mini sweater - thanks to you. Good news about your hubby's recovery. Slow and steady but winning the race!


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