YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, November 26, 2017

WEEK 22/ Day 26

Hello to all of you my blogging buddies.  Another week has past and we have 30 weeks left to complete our lists that we made 22 weeks ago.  How are you all doing?  I looked at my list and WHOA............................I have completed 1 item on my WIP list and the only other thing I have done according to plan is to have a shawl on my needles/hook at all times.  Otherwise..............I am way off.  I have added too many other projects to my list.  Good thing we are not graded on how well we follow instructions.  LOL

This week has seen me making more of the mini sweaters.  I have atleast 7 to make and would really like to make many more than that.  I have many people who would be thrilled to have them.  I will just continue making them until Christmas time and see where I am at.

Here is what I have done this week.=:

The pink one and the purple one on the needles have been spoken for.  I have bunches of ends to sew in.  It seems I enjoy sitting down and just sewing in ends for an evening rather than doing them one sweater at a time.  It that strange?  This is still an enjoyable project for me.  I am hoping I can get many more done over the next week. We will see.

Other than that I have this to announce:

I have made it 26 days without forgetting.  Monday and Tuesday will be the challenge.  I am in Vegas and my time is limited here.  Our bingo tournament is 8 hours long and by the time we are done I am usually pretty much toast.  I will try my best.  This is the first year I have tried to do NaBloPoMo and I would really like to succeed.

Tomorrow I will post some photos of our trip up here and maybe of some interesting people at the casino.  I promise not to show faces.  Privacy is important to me.

When hubby and I get home, I am going to be in a mad rush to get my house ready for Christmas.  This year is my mom's 90th birthday and we have lots of people coming in to help celebrate it.  I only have 2 people staying with me.  That doesn't mean the others will not be coming over to eat and talk and enjoy some family time. After they all leave, we have friends from Vegas that will be down for a few days.  They will spend one day with us and always look forward to seeing our decorations.  We are kind of known for all the stuff we do to our house for this season.  Our decorations stay up until January 6th (Epiphany) so we really get to enjoy them for quite a while.

I also have some Christmas baking to get going once we get back home.  I have 8 hours worth of chex party mix to make, ginger bread cookies, Hanukkah Stars and Rolo Pretzels.  So I need at least a week to get all of those done.  

Anyway, I will keep you all informed of what is going on at Casa de Noce.

Until next time............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I just love those little sweaters Marsha :) Have fun on your Vegas trip! Sounds like it'll be fun! I'm also glad I'm not being graded on my knitting lol...I had to temporarily leave the group...at least until the dog situation works itself out. But I have a little knitting done here and there! I'm working on the doggie and kitty stockings for Christmas still!

  2. Your little sweaters are much littler than mine. What are their measurements? Also, I looked at my list and it seems I am not doing that badly, but I keep casting on new things that aren't on the list. And, I havent done any spinning to speak of. I will have to get on that in the next 30 weeks!

  3. I need to try them as they look like they work up fast and they are so cute! I too like to wait until I have some (not too many) ends to weave in and then do it while watching t.v. It doesn't bother me then and it goes fast.
    I feel better now that you 'confessed' as I haven't even looked at my list so I'm sure I am way off from it. I'll try and get back ontrack after the holidays....uh huh.
    Bingo for 8 hours? I love Bingo but not sure I could go for 8 hours but then why not with food and friends it would be fun! Congrats on your blogging. I will try it next year. I never even heard of it until you were doing it. I've been really bad this week but then I don't have as exciting a life as you either! LOL!
    Your Christmas is going to be so special with your Mom's birthday and the whole family getting together. I live vicariously through you and your adventures! LOL! Have fun and so glad your husband is doing well now. I have to catch up with your blogging this past week! TTYL!

  4. Busy, busy! Have fun in Vegas and lots of luck!

    Sounds like you're going to have a full house at Christmas. I hope your Mom really enjoys it. We're doing Christmas with family too. I booked a hotel near my sister's house in Toronto for the 24th and 25th so that we can visit without imposing, and without any white knuckle middle of the night drives there or back!

    I still haven't figured out our Christmas decorations. I'd like a tree but don't have room to store one after Christmas. And I don't think I'd trust our cat with a natural tree. Maybe a wall tree? Or a table top tree?

  5. I have to ask... is that 8 hours of making all those goodies, or 8 hours of eating them? Either way, Whew! I would like to have a good reason for decorating for Christmas. We're a bit hum-buggy here so I keep finding ways to simplify the holidays. I'd love to come to your house to see what you do, though! Did I already say that last week? If not, I was thinking it. ;^) The little sweaters are adorable and peeps are going to love receiving them. Have fun in Vegas!

  6. Your little sweaters are gorgeous, they will be well received. A bingo marathon sounds marvellous and so you don't stick to your list - it doesn't matter, it's only a guide anyway!

  7. Your intended recipes sound yummy! I love how you're having lots of company coming over. Good luck at your Bingo tournament. The mini sweaters are cute. I made one for my swap partner's advent gift set. I cant' post about them yet since we don't start opening until this Sunday.


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