YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Day 7

Hello again from Arizona.  It is very overcast today and I am loving the change of pace that gives me.  With having over 300 days of sunshine, a day of clouds is a welcomed change.

Last night, I made another great meal for the hubs and myself.

I have made this several times and it is one of our favorites.  I did not get a photo of it on our plates.  It was already 7pm when the dish was ready for consumption and we were very hungry.  Instead of white potatoes, I used white sweet potatoes since those are better for us.  I also used orange bell peppers as that is what I had in the fridge.  It is quite easy to make.  I cook the veggies in the bit oven and the sausage in my little Breville toaster/convection oven.  The pans I use for this are these:

Image result for copper chef baking pan

I have a large one and a small one.  I use these quite a bit and it is my answer to an air fryer.  They are made by Copper Chef.  The small one is my favorite for the two of us.  It fits into my Breville quite nicely too.

Once dinner was completed, I sat down and knitting on the shawl some more.  It has so many stitches now, a row takes me quite a while to finish.  I got 6 rows done last night while watching TV.

I have kept an even keel today of doing chores and resting.  I managed to get the living areas of the house vacuumed today.  These dogs have not heard that winter is coming.  They shed so much.  I have already found a couple more 'rolls' of dog hair since I vacuumed a couple of hours ago.  It is a never ending battle, for sure.

I also got all the tags and medals sewn on the prayer shawl I had completed and have them bagged and ready to go to the church on Thursday.

It will feel good to get them all out of the house.  I was hoping to have the other shawl done to turn in, but I do believe it is going to be a little while longer on it.  I am getting ready to attach the third skein of yarn to it.  It calls for a little over 600 yards and I have just used around 500.  I may make it longer than it is in the pattern, as I want it to cover the recipients back to keep them warm all over.

Thank you to those of you who commented last time on my post.  I see that there are a couple of you interested in the pattern I used for the baptismal gown.  No, it is not on Ravelry.  I actually bought a pattern book.

It is a Leisure Arts book.  I bought it 4 years ago but I would assume they are still printing it.  There are 4 outfits in the book.  The one I made is on the front cover.  The only thing I did not make were the booties.   I have never liked booties.  They never stay on either.  I bought her Humpty Dumpty booties/socks in white to go with the dress.  Those things never come off.  LOL

Tonight is Taco Tuesday night.  Hubs loves anything Mexican and I have a couple of dishes this week with that flavor in it.  He will be a happy man.

That is all for today.  I am going to go and work on the blasted blessed shawl again.  

Until tomorrow................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. lol. it is taco night at our house too! My hubby does all the cooking. I do the dishes. I have been prepping lectures all day so it is nice to have a cook. Funny line about your dogs....reminded me of Game of Thrones - Winter is coming!

  2. Thanks for sharing the pattern information for the baptismal gown. I'll have to keep an eye out for this booklet!

  3. Thanks for the recipe....I make something similar but I think I will try yours and definitely exchange the white potato for sweet and the kielbasa for chicken sausage. Also, what is a white sweet potato? I've never heard of that. Yes, my girls are shedding to....they shed their summer coat in order to get their winter coat in...what a mess....it seems like they just got done shedding their winter coat all summer long! LOL! I think the older they get the longer it takes. I like those copper baskets....they help make things crispy don't they? I need to look into that. You are amazing with your shawls! Have a great day and yes, I agree with you about all the sunshine....I like variety. It is cold, damp and overcast today....I'll be staying in! LOL!

  4. Hi Marsha :) Taco Tuesday always sounds so good...I think I might do something like "Mexican Monday" from now on! We love Mexican dishes a lot and I'm hungry as I type this comment! That's an interesting pan you have there, I have to do a little more research, I've never seen that before.

    I got a tinge of jealousy when I read that you have 300 days of sun! I do understand the need for cloudy weather sometimes though! :)


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