This is the last week before Christmas. The last week of advent as we prepare for the birth for our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is the last few days that we have to prepare our hearts and minds for this joyous event. This is the time of year that I love. It is so joyful being filled with friends, family, festivities and FOOD!
A few weeks ago my Grand Daughter helped me and my mom make Mom's famous party mix. She was a big help stirring all of that stuff and taste testing it to let us know if it was good enough or not. Here is a shot of her helping.
This past Thursday our Grand Daughter had her Advent program at Church and it was wonderful. What a joy to watch all the children from her school perform some very special songs in preparation for the coming of our Lord. Here is a shot of some of her Classmates during their song.
And here is a shot of her doing some of the sign language during the song. (actually they all did sign language during the song)
Last night was her Dance recital but unfortunately we are not allowed to take photos during the performance but just trust me when I tell you she did a wonderful job. In fact the other girls in her troop were watching her to make sure they were getting it right.
We have all the presents bought, wrapped and most of them delivered. My hubby was a big help this year with some of the shopping and with the wrapping. We were up until 2AM wrapping last night and had a wonderful time listening to Christmas music and enjoying each others company.
I think next year I will start the first of the year getting gifts for Christmas. I love giving. It gives me so much joy to watch the faces of others as they get a gift that is heartfelt. I would love to have a homemade Christmas next year. So if that is going to happen I truly need to start in January to get everything made that I would like to give to others. So the list will begin very soon and will have much thought put into it.
I hope all of you have a Blessed Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
Craft on!
Here is a place where you can enjoy listening (reading) about all my adventures as a lefty in a righty world. It is not easy to do this at times but I have managed to do it for over 70 years. Crafting is probably the hardest thing to do as a lefty since all directions are printed for righties. I have managed to adjust and will be more than happy to share my crafts with you thru pictures and writings. Enjoy!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
New Stuff
Thought I should probably get into here and show you all that I have some "new stuff" to show you.
We have a new member in our family. This is Luna. She is a rescued dog from Mixed up Mutts and Shephards Too. They think she is about 4 years old and if you look closely you can see her back right paw is black. That is from skin grafts she had to have. They don't know how she damaged it but she is lucky as they almost had to amputate it. She is a Chihauhau Minature Pinscher mix. What a love too! I was originally looking to get a Doxie for my Mother in Law but fell in love with this little bit of a thing and couldn't resist her. She has a great personality and has made her way into our hearts in a very short time. She has been with us now for two weeks!
And last but not least is some photos of my Grand Daughter who decided that it would be kind of fun to try out ice hockey. I have a whole new respect for hockey players. After watching her get her gear on I was exhausted. And all I did was watch. Of course she told us that she couldn't play hockey because she has all of her teeth! She got 4 free lessons and we are taking bets on how many of them she will actually go to. Last night she was already saying she didn't want to go anymore. (she has only been once.) So we will see.
We have a new member in our family. This is Luna. She is a rescued dog from Mixed up Mutts and Shephards Too. They think she is about 4 years old and if you look closely you can see her back right paw is black. That is from skin grafts she had to have. They don't know how she damaged it but she is lucky as they almost had to amputate it. She is a Chihauhau Minature Pinscher mix. What a love too! I was originally looking to get a Doxie for my Mother in Law but fell in love with this little bit of a thing and couldn't resist her. She has a great personality and has made her way into our hearts in a very short time. She has been with us now for two weeks!
Here is a scarf that I am knitting for someone very special to me. I have never done somthing that will come out rectangular that is knitted on the "bias". It makes the striping really kind of cool.

I am still beading too. I have lots of stuff ready for the craft sale on the 20th. Now I only hope that we have lots of people attend so I don't have to bring it all home and then decide what I am going to do with all of it. Here are just a few pictures of what I have ready to go. This is not even half of them and I am still working on more these next two weeks.
And last but not least is some photos of my Grand Daughter who decided that it would be kind of fun to try out ice hockey. I have a whole new respect for hockey players. After watching her get her gear on I was exhausted. And all I did was watch. Of course she told us that she couldn't play hockey because she has all of her teeth! She got 4 free lessons and we are taking bets on how many of them she will actually go to. Last night she was already saying she didn't want to go anymore. (she has only been once.) So we will see.
So that is about all for now. Some day I will figure out this blogger thing. It took me over an hour just to get this all posted and aligned and I am still not happy with it. Oh well, maybe when I have more than a couple of hours in a day free I will be able to do that.
Have a great week all and Craft On!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
As promised I did take pictures of the 'winter wear' that I made.
This is from a Chemo hat pattern. My niece wanted a skull cap and this was so feminine that I just couldn't resist it. I love the lace on the bottom of it. It is made with Lorna's Laces and the color is Huck's Room.
These are called Peek-a-boo mittens. They are really clever in the fact you can just pop your four fingers out of the mitten without the help of either hand or your mouth. You can also pop them back in without any assistance. It is nice when you have your hands full of children, purse, grocery sacks, etc and need to have some extra dexterity for something like your keys.
Finally is the scarf. It is called Column of Leaves and was the first lace project that I had attemped on anykind of a large scale. I loved doing it and will probably do more scarve in this pattern.
That is all for now.
Have a great crafty day.
This is from a Chemo hat pattern. My niece wanted a skull cap and this was so feminine that I just couldn't resist it. I love the lace on the bottom of it. It is made with Lorna's Laces and the color is Huck's Room.
These are called Peek-a-boo mittens. They are really clever in the fact you can just pop your four fingers out of the mitten without the help of either hand or your mouth. You can also pop them back in without any assistance. It is nice when you have your hands full of children, purse, grocery sacks, etc and need to have some extra dexterity for something like your keys.
Finally is the scarf. It is called Column of Leaves and was the first lace project that I had attemped on anykind of a large scale. I loved doing it and will probably do more scarve in this pattern.
That is all for now.
Have a great crafty day.
Monday, October 11, 2010
I have some FO's. For those of you that do not craft in any way shape or form...........FO stands for...............Finished Objects. I have lots of FO's actually.
I finished the hat, mittens and scarf for my niece/God Daughter in Wisconsin. Now I just need to get it in the mail so she can be nice and toasty warm this winter.
I finished 2 sets (necklace, earrings, braclet) of beading for the craft show/sale. I have another set on the beading board and I just finished a chunky chain necklace and have another one that needs a clasp put on it and that will be done!
Amazing what a person can do when they get an extra day off on the weekend. Especially if you tell everyone that you are not doing anything that day but working on your UFO's!!!!!
I even got to work on MY socks a bit last night. They have been sitting there for about 4 months now waiting for me to notice them again. It felt good to get a lot of stuff finished up and be able to work on what I wanted with out any guilt.
I will try and take some pictures to post on here of some of the FO's. I am so bad about taking pictures and I carry a camera in my purse all the time. Go figure. But I really want you all to see the winter set I made as well as some of the jewelry that I have designed and made.
Ok, well that is about all for now. TTYL
I finished the hat, mittens and scarf for my niece/God Daughter in Wisconsin. Now I just need to get it in the mail so she can be nice and toasty warm this winter.
I finished 2 sets (necklace, earrings, braclet) of beading for the craft show/sale. I have another set on the beading board and I just finished a chunky chain necklace and have another one that needs a clasp put on it and that will be done!
Amazing what a person can do when they get an extra day off on the weekend. Especially if you tell everyone that you are not doing anything that day but working on your UFO's!!!!!
I even got to work on MY socks a bit last night. They have been sitting there for about 4 months now waiting for me to notice them again. It felt good to get a lot of stuff finished up and be able to work on what I wanted with out any guilt.
I will try and take some pictures to post on here of some of the FO's. I am so bad about taking pictures and I carry a camera in my purse all the time. Go figure. But I really want you all to see the winter set I made as well as some of the jewelry that I have designed and made.
Ok, well that is about all for now. TTYL
Friday, October 1, 2010
Remember how I was complaning last month about it being September and still being over 100 degress outside. Well, same gripe only now it is October! But at least the swimming pool is still in use longer than normal. Then I hear the other night that we are entering a La Nina season and that we will have a milder than normal winter. GREAT! This means we will have bugs up the kazoo next year. I already have ants all over my back yard and we can not find out where they are coming from. Now I will have crickets, spiders and goodness knows what other little critters to go with them. All I pray for now is a lot of those cute little geckos that we have sometimes that eats all our bugs.
Ok, so much for my complaining. Now on to the crafting front.
I got the scarf done this past weekend and now am working on the hat. I should have that done this weekend and then the mittens will ensue. The hat would have been done about Wednesday but I had to rip it out 4 times as I was not happy with the size of it. I even swatched the yarn before I started and it still came out big enough for 2 small children to wear it at the same time. It is now perfect and I am on the decreasing rows so it will be done shortly.
I have not done anymore beading for the craft sale and really want to get back to that but not until the "winter" wear is done and boxed up and sent to it's owner. Then I can bead without and feelings of guilt.
Than my Grand Daughter found a lonely skein of light green yarn and decided she wanted me to make a blanket for her baby. (I am not sure which baby as she has LOTS of them). So when she is there I do a couple of rows on it to appease her little self. Otherwise it is tucked neatly away in my WIP (works in progress) area.
We have not decided on flooring yet either. I need to go to one of the flooring stores that my DH went to but have not had the time to do that yet. Their hours are not very condusive to the working class folk.
In a couple of weeks we are going to be heading to Las Vegas for our 35th wedding anniversary. Our best friends are suppose to be going with us but that is up in the air right now since their house caught on fire and they are a bit displaced and waiting for the work to be done on it so they can move back in. One of our sons and his wife are going also. We are looking forward to getting away for a few days to relax and just totally enjoy ourselves.
Did I tell you that our youngest son made Chief in the US Navy? He was pinned on the 18th of September. We are so proud of him and his family. He deserved it too. We were not able to make the pinning but got lots of pictures from them of the ceremony. Here are just a few of them.
So that is my life up to the moment. It may not sound exciting to you but to me it is wonderful and full of love, family and friends.
Until later..............................
Ok, so much for my complaining. Now on to the crafting front.
I got the scarf done this past weekend and now am working on the hat. I should have that done this weekend and then the mittens will ensue. The hat would have been done about Wednesday but I had to rip it out 4 times as I was not happy with the size of it. I even swatched the yarn before I started and it still came out big enough for 2 small children to wear it at the same time. It is now perfect and I am on the decreasing rows so it will be done shortly.
I have not done anymore beading for the craft sale and really want to get back to that but not until the "winter" wear is done and boxed up and sent to it's owner. Then I can bead without and feelings of guilt.
Than my Grand Daughter found a lonely skein of light green yarn and decided she wanted me to make a blanket for her baby. (I am not sure which baby as she has LOTS of them). So when she is there I do a couple of rows on it to appease her little self. Otherwise it is tucked neatly away in my WIP (works in progress) area.
We have not decided on flooring yet either. I need to go to one of the flooring stores that my DH went to but have not had the time to do that yet. Their hours are not very condusive to the working class folk.
In a couple of weeks we are going to be heading to Las Vegas for our 35th wedding anniversary. Our best friends are suppose to be going with us but that is up in the air right now since their house caught on fire and they are a bit displaced and waiting for the work to be done on it so they can move back in. One of our sons and his wife are going also. We are looking forward to getting away for a few days to relax and just totally enjoy ourselves.
Did I tell you that our youngest son made Chief in the US Navy? He was pinned on the 18th of September. We are so proud of him and his family. He deserved it too. We were not able to make the pinning but got lots of pictures from them of the ceremony. Here are just a few of them.
So that is my life up to the moment. It may not sound exciting to you but to me it is wonderful and full of love, family and friends.
Until later..............................
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Finally September!
It is finally September and we are still in the 100's. I am so looking foward to some cooler weather. This is the time of year when I get really tired of all the heat. But as I well know we will probably have another month of really "warm" weather before it truly cools off for about 6 months.
I made my kercheif that I told you about last time. I love it. Infact I love it so much I have made 3 more of them. One of them will be given to my young God Daughter. She is an altar server and likes to veil but is afraid of wearing too long of veil because of the candles she carries. She saw me wear my kercheif on Saturday evening and loved it so I promised I would make one for her too. I have plenty of lace left to make many more of them in lots of different colors.
I have put my socks on hold while I work on a lovely scarf for a very special person. I can not tell you who it is as I know that person reads my blog and I kind of want to surprise that person! I am working like crazy to get it done so I can work on some more items for this same person. Oh I just love mysteries, don't you?
I have not worked on any beading or other knitting/crocheting either. Since our Daughter moved out we have been looking at our house and decided that we are going to be getting rid of bunches of "stuff". We have too many "things" and it is nothing other than a bunch of clutters. So we have been cleaning it out bit by bit. I took a bunch of it over to our neighbor for her garage sale and a lot of it sold. We don't take any money for it as she buys food for our church food pantry with the $$ and that works for us. We still have LOTS more to clean out but it is a start.
We got new furniture for our family room last week. Our Daughter took our old stuff (we were glad to give it to her) and I have been wanting a sectional for a long time and that is what we got. I love it. So now we are looking at flooring for that room too. We have been living with bare concrete floors for about 7 years. So it is time now to finally decide what we want to do with the floor. We went to 2 flooring stores this weekend and have two other flooring places coming to our house in the next couple of weeks to bring sample. My DH is going to go to another flooring store sometime this week and look there too. It is hard to decide what we want as there are so many possiblities and this will be the last floor we put in. We have agreed on no carpeting. With the animals and all the dust from our desert it is just too nasty to have carpeting all thru the house. When we pulled up the old carpeting it was totally disgusting what was underneath it. Nope, no more carpeting (other than our master bedroom)
So that is how my life is rolling right now. Busy as usual and hoping someday to get back to "normal". (what ever that is)
I made my kercheif that I told you about last time. I love it. Infact I love it so much I have made 3 more of them. One of them will be given to my young God Daughter. She is an altar server and likes to veil but is afraid of wearing too long of veil because of the candles she carries. She saw me wear my kercheif on Saturday evening and loved it so I promised I would make one for her too. I have plenty of lace left to make many more of them in lots of different colors.
I have put my socks on hold while I work on a lovely scarf for a very special person. I can not tell you who it is as I know that person reads my blog and I kind of want to surprise that person! I am working like crazy to get it done so I can work on some more items for this same person. Oh I just love mysteries, don't you?
I have not worked on any beading or other knitting/crocheting either. Since our Daughter moved out we have been looking at our house and decided that we are going to be getting rid of bunches of "stuff". We have too many "things" and it is nothing other than a bunch of clutters. So we have been cleaning it out bit by bit. I took a bunch of it over to our neighbor for her garage sale and a lot of it sold. We don't take any money for it as she buys food for our church food pantry with the $$ and that works for us. We still have LOTS more to clean out but it is a start.
We got new furniture for our family room last week. Our Daughter took our old stuff (we were glad to give it to her) and I have been wanting a sectional for a long time and that is what we got. I love it. So now we are looking at flooring for that room too. We have been living with bare concrete floors for about 7 years. So it is time now to finally decide what we want to do with the floor. We went to 2 flooring stores this weekend and have two other flooring places coming to our house in the next couple of weeks to bring sample. My DH is going to go to another flooring store sometime this week and look there too. It is hard to decide what we want as there are so many possiblities and this will be the last floor we put in. We have agreed on no carpeting. With the animals and all the dust from our desert it is just too nasty to have carpeting all thru the house. When we pulled up the old carpeting it was totally disgusting what was underneath it. Nope, no more carpeting (other than our master bedroom)
So that is how my life is rolling right now. Busy as usual and hoping someday to get back to "normal". (what ever that is)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Still here
I am still here but just haven't gotten around to posting on my blog. Always seems there is something going on when I think about it.
Anyway, I am knitting, crocheting and beading away the summer. I have finished one prayer shawl since last I wrote. I didn't get pictures of it as I know our Cancer Ministry at church was in dire need of it and finished it while in my hour of prayer so just left it in the office for them. I now have a pair of socks on the needles and I promise these are going to be for me because I picked out the yarn with me in mind. I also have the alpaca prayer shawl on the crochet hook and have not touched it in a long time. It is just too darn hot to work on right now. I will have the LaLa's simple shawl on the needles and have done a few rows on that this week. Then I also have a survivor shawl on the crochet hook and love doing it as it goes pretty fast.
In the world of beading I have finished 5 necklaces, 2 bracelets and 5 earrings that will be sold at a craft sale where my mom lives. That will take place in November and I would like to get several more sets done for it. Mom is also working on sets to sell too.
I have also completed 3 snoods to wear to Mass instead of the chapel veils. The veils are so warm and the snood is off the neck so they are a bit cooler. I am also going to try and make a mimkhatah which is Hebrew for kercheif. It is not like your normal kercheif but is really nice looking and ties under the back of your head and does not require bobby pins or clips to keep it on. It will also be cool as it will be made out of light weight lace and only to to the bottom of my hair line. So the neck will be exposed. YEA!
Our daughter is moving out this week. She found a really adorable one bedroom apartment int he historical section of our town. It was built in the 60's and you can tell that as soon as you walk in and see the turquoise range top and oven. It has just been a year since she moved back home and I think she has done really well getting her life back together and it is time for her to venture out on her own. She has never lived by herself so this will be really good for her. She is only about 5 minutes from our house so that is nice too.
Other than that is has just been crazy busy with our daily lives. Seems like we don't get much down time anymore and if I do manage to find some I am at my crafts which make me so happy!
Have a great week and I will get some pictures of the jewelry and post them. I might even take some pictures of works in progress too.
Anyway, I am knitting, crocheting and beading away the summer. I have finished one prayer shawl since last I wrote. I didn't get pictures of it as I know our Cancer Ministry at church was in dire need of it and finished it while in my hour of prayer so just left it in the office for them. I now have a pair of socks on the needles and I promise these are going to be for me because I picked out the yarn with me in mind. I also have the alpaca prayer shawl on the crochet hook and have not touched it in a long time. It is just too darn hot to work on right now. I will have the LaLa's simple shawl on the needles and have done a few rows on that this week. Then I also have a survivor shawl on the crochet hook and love doing it as it goes pretty fast.
In the world of beading I have finished 5 necklaces, 2 bracelets and 5 earrings that will be sold at a craft sale where my mom lives. That will take place in November and I would like to get several more sets done for it. Mom is also working on sets to sell too.
I have also completed 3 snoods to wear to Mass instead of the chapel veils. The veils are so warm and the snood is off the neck so they are a bit cooler. I am also going to try and make a mimkhatah which is Hebrew for kercheif. It is not like your normal kercheif but is really nice looking and ties under the back of your head and does not require bobby pins or clips to keep it on. It will also be cool as it will be made out of light weight lace and only to to the bottom of my hair line. So the neck will be exposed. YEA!
Our daughter is moving out this week. She found a really adorable one bedroom apartment int he historical section of our town. It was built in the 60's and you can tell that as soon as you walk in and see the turquoise range top and oven. It has just been a year since she moved back home and I think she has done really well getting her life back together and it is time for her to venture out on her own. She has never lived by herself so this will be really good for her. She is only about 5 minutes from our house so that is nice too.
Other than that is has just been crazy busy with our daily lives. Seems like we don't get much down time anymore and if I do manage to find some I am at my crafts which make me so happy!
Have a great week and I will get some pictures of the jewelry and post them. I might even take some pictures of works in progress too.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
We are home.
We are back from Texas and I would like to show you some pictures of our trip. Above we have a picture from the Fort Worth Stock Yards. It is a fascinating place with lots of restaurants and shops of all kinds.
We had to laugh when we saw this sign at the restaurant we ate at with some old friends of ours. We were wondering if this was the Micro Brewed Beer of Texas!
No trip to the Stockyards would be complete unless you went to Billy Bob's and spent some time in there. We met my brother and his wife there for lunch one day. They do not have a mechanical bull. Instead they have REAL bull riding every Friday and Saturday night. You must have your bull riding card to participate but all are welcome to watch. (we left long before bull riding began)
From left to right is: Susan (my sister in law), Stan ( my brother ), me and Joe my wonderful husband. I am still wondering when my brother went country.
We celebrated Bryson's 7th birthday while in Texas. He sure looks funny here. We were all singing to him and I think he was worried about all the wax getting on the cake.
I am not a proponent of giving children guns to play with but.........his daddy does work with aviation ordanence for the Navy and is a fire arms instructor too. He had wanted this cap gun since Christmas. It uses the old fashioned rolled caps. I know they are old fashioned because they were around when I was a child. (and that was some time ago)
I had to have a picture of their 7 month old puppy Kiowa. She is a real character and this is one of the few times we saw her actually relaxing. She is a very busy lady wanting everyone to play with her toys. She was a Christmas/houswarming gift from us to the family when they moved into their house this past December. Just think, she has another 17 months to grow. I think she is going to be a rather large GS!
Here is a picture of the Texas family. It was so hard to leave today. In the back row is Jamie (my daugher in law), Jay (our son) in the front row is Bryson and Jadin (10 yrs old). They have 2 other boys (Neiko 17 and Skylar 22) but Neiko was not home and Skylar is in college in Philadelphia and couldn't make it home.
This was my favorite time today. It was just before we left and I got to hold the boys and love them a lot. They are wonderful children and I wish we were closer so we could see them more often but that is the Navy for you. There isn't a base here in Arizona so Texas was the next best place for them to pick. It is only a 3 hour flight or a 14 hour drive (ugh!)
While on this trip I finished my Multnomah prayer shawl and started back working on my La La's simple shawl. I still have Eva's shawl to finish after this. But I did manage to get the socks done for Jamie before we left and she loved them. I have a request from Jadin for convertible mittens for this winter. I am going to have fun making them as I never got a chance to make an outline of his hand before I left. I did hold his hand to mine and it is quite a bit smaller than mine so will just have to punt.
I need to go to bed now. It is back to work tomorrow and I am sure there is plenty for me to do there since I have been gone for 7 work days. (sigh) Only 9 more years and I can retire. (big big BIG sigh)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
So what do you do when you don't have a swiffer to help you wind your yarn into a nice neat cake? You go up to the dear unsuspecting spouse who is watching his baseball game and ask him to hold his arms out about so wide. Then you plop a hank of beautiful yarn on his arms and tell him to hold that for just a few minutes while you manually roll it into a nice ball of yarn.
I think he did a great job! After I finished this hank he actually asked me "how many more of these do you have to do". I told him that not to worry about it as I was not going to do them all tonight.
I have 3 more of these to do so I think I had better spread it out a bit. Of course if I do them all one right after the other I might find a swiffer in my mail box someday soon.
I finished up my magic loop beanie class tonight. I really liked the way it turned out and now am looking foward to doing many more hats this way. In fact the yarn that DH helped me with tonight is going to become one of them but I will alter the pattern a bit as I am making it for a woman and want it to be a bit more femine than the one we did for class.
I finished the socks for my Daughter In Law and will be taking them with me to TX. I tried to do the stretchy bindoff and could not get it. So tonight while in class I asked my instructor to explain it to me as the instructions were really hard for me to grasp. He explained it to me and told me to take out the binding and to attach the yarn back to the place where I started the bind of and do the bind off that way and then I would just weave in the ends. So I am going to do that so the socks will go over her heels. Otherwise they are really really a tight fit.
I am still working on the 3 prayer shawls and hopefully will be completing one of them soon. The other two are kind of on hold until this first one is completed. I was starting to get a bit confused as 2 of them are very close in their patterns.
We leave this Saturday for our 10 day trip to TX. I am really looking forward to seeing the grandkids there and of course their parents too. I am not looking forward to the weather there as it has been raining almost everyday for the past month it seems. So the humidity will be really heavy. Whereas here in AZ we are still around 11% humidity. Ok,so I have already decided: no makeup, no fancy hair style, cotton clothes only, drink tons of ice water while there.
Better close this post up for the night. I still have 3 more days of work before I can get on that big jet plane.
I think he did a great job! After I finished this hank he actually asked me "how many more of these do you have to do". I told him that not to worry about it as I was not going to do them all tonight.
I have 3 more of these to do so I think I had better spread it out a bit. Of course if I do them all one right after the other I might find a swiffer in my mail box someday soon.
I finished up my magic loop beanie class tonight. I really liked the way it turned out and now am looking foward to doing many more hats this way. In fact the yarn that DH helped me with tonight is going to become one of them but I will alter the pattern a bit as I am making it for a woman and want it to be a bit more femine than the one we did for class.
I finished the socks for my Daughter In Law and will be taking them with me to TX. I tried to do the stretchy bindoff and could not get it. So tonight while in class I asked my instructor to explain it to me as the instructions were really hard for me to grasp. He explained it to me and told me to take out the binding and to attach the yarn back to the place where I started the bind of and do the bind off that way and then I would just weave in the ends. So I am going to do that so the socks will go over her heels. Otherwise they are really really a tight fit.
I am still working on the 3 prayer shawls and hopefully will be completing one of them soon. The other two are kind of on hold until this first one is completed. I was starting to get a bit confused as 2 of them are very close in their patterns.
We leave this Saturday for our 10 day trip to TX. I am really looking forward to seeing the grandkids there and of course their parents too. I am not looking forward to the weather there as it has been raining almost everyday for the past month it seems. So the humidity will be really heavy. Whereas here in AZ we are still around 11% humidity. Ok,so I have already decided: no makeup, no fancy hair style, cotton clothes only, drink tons of ice water while there.
Better close this post up for the night. I still have 3 more days of work before I can get on that big jet plane.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Looky who got her haircut! Josie finished her dance recital on Saturday the 19th and on Tuesday the 22nd she got to get her haircut. She has been asking for short hair for about 6 months but because of dance she needed to have it long. She is so excited about the new do.
Today is my Grandson, Jadin's, 10th birthday. Doesn't seem like it was that long ago. I got to have the priviledge of being in the room when he was born. What a miracle birth is.
On the crafting front...................I started a new knitting class on Tuesday. I am doing a beanie with the magic loop method. I have not decided if I like it or not yet. Jury is out but next tuesday is the final class so will let you know after that.
I still have 2 prayer shawls on the needles and one prayer shawl on a hook. I have a pair of socks on needles too. So I am still busy switching between projects and love it.
We get to have Josie this weekend so we have decided to take her to her first circus. Ringling brothers is in town so we are going Saturday morning. We are going to take the new Lightrail into town and that should be exciting for her too. So it will be a very adventurous day for all of us. I am so excited and can not wait to see her face when she finds out where she is going. Mom and Dad have been kind enough not to tell her for us.
Then on Monday Josie begins her swimming lessons. We were going to do them last summer but time got away from us. So this year we finally found a time that mom and dad would be able to go with her. I hope she learns quickly as she only has 4 weeks of lessons and then they close them down to get the pools ready for the beginning of school.
We will be traveling to TX in a couple of weeks and I can hardly wait to see my grandsons. I saw them at Christmas time but I really miss them a lot! I don't know what we will be doing with them this time. Each time we visit we try and take them to something that they really want to do or see. So I told them to start thinking hard since we will be there soon.
Other than that life is normal for us. (I love normal!)
Have a great crafty day/week.
Today is my Grandson, Jadin's, 10th birthday. Doesn't seem like it was that long ago. I got to have the priviledge of being in the room when he was born. What a miracle birth is.
On the crafting front...................I started a new knitting class on Tuesday. I am doing a beanie with the magic loop method. I have not decided if I like it or not yet. Jury is out but next tuesday is the final class so will let you know after that.
I still have 2 prayer shawls on the needles and one prayer shawl on a hook. I have a pair of socks on needles too. So I am still busy switching between projects and love it.
We get to have Josie this weekend so we have decided to take her to her first circus. Ringling brothers is in town so we are going Saturday morning. We are going to take the new Lightrail into town and that should be exciting for her too. So it will be a very adventurous day for all of us. I am so excited and can not wait to see her face when she finds out where she is going. Mom and Dad have been kind enough not to tell her for us.
Then on Monday Josie begins her swimming lessons. We were going to do them last summer but time got away from us. So this year we finally found a time that mom and dad would be able to go with her. I hope she learns quickly as she only has 4 weeks of lessons and then they close them down to get the pools ready for the beginning of school.
We will be traveling to TX in a couple of weeks and I can hardly wait to see my grandsons. I saw them at Christmas time but I really miss them a lot! I don't know what we will be doing with them this time. Each time we visit we try and take them to something that they really want to do or see. So I told them to start thinking hard since we will be there soon.
Other than that life is normal for us. (I love normal!)
Have a great crafty day/week.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Can you believe it has been 2 weeks since I last posted? Sure you can because you know my past history. HAHAHA!
So let me catch you up a bit.
I celebrated my birthday with out much fuss. I managed to slip into another year and now I am getting closer and closer to my next decade mark. How did that happen? I don't feel my age, and I hope I don't act my age either. I still feel like a 30 something person. Well, most of the time I do.
I continue to knit and crochet away on my prayer shawls and socks. I have not taken anymore pictures of the prayer shawls because the knitted ones are kind of all bunched up on the circulars so they are kind of hard to get any kind of idea of how they look. The socks are coming along but I don't think they will be done real quick. I just have too many projects going at once. But I like having several things in progress at the same time. That way I have a choice of what I work on. If I get bored with one I can switch to another and so on.
It was kind of sad this week. My son and his wife here in town had to finally surrender their dog to the humane society. She had severe separation anxiety and had done a lot of damage to their home and their possesions. She was such a loving dog and so good with their child and cat but she just had this one little problem. They had it set up where she could not get into the house by putting a crate infront of her doggie door. That way she could go into the crate during the day to get out of the blistering Arizona heat and yet still go outside to relieve herself. Seems like one evening she learned how to bounce the crate around so she could get it to move and she managed to get out of the crate and managed to "enjoy" her freedom in the house for several hours. Needless to say that was the last straw. They had tried just about everything other than medication and they refused to medicate her. I don't blame them. She needs a nice farm to live on where she can run all day and sleep all night. So we pray that she will find a wonderful family to live with.
Next week will be quite busy for us here. Our son and one of my DH's brothers are coming in for a short visit on Wednesday and leaving again on Saturday. They are coming down for the Iron Maiden concert and as a bonus they will get to go to our granddaughters dance recital. We will be plenty busy with them here. The house will be full but that is fine. Next week is also my DH's birthday. I plan on making sure his does not go by to quietly. I have not decided what I am going to doto for him yet but will make it memorable.
This weekend I will be busy sewing about 6" of material into my son's "dance" costume. He is performing a daddy/daughter dance and his costume is made for a 5'10" man and he is 6'1". He said it kind of hurts to put his arms over his head. You think?
Last week I also purchased a cone of black thread. It is not real fine but not real course either. I am going to try and crochet mantillas/chapel veils out of it. I am looking like crazy for a pattern but so far have not seen anything that strikes me as Mass appropiate. If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comment section. I am looking at doily patterns that would be about 30" round or doily patterns that could be "cut" in half. I would really appreciate any help you could give me.
That is it for this week and probably next. So have a great couple of weeks and will check back after all the company leaves.
So let me catch you up a bit.
I celebrated my birthday with out much fuss. I managed to slip into another year and now I am getting closer and closer to my next decade mark. How did that happen? I don't feel my age, and I hope I don't act my age either. I still feel like a 30 something person. Well, most of the time I do.
I continue to knit and crochet away on my prayer shawls and socks. I have not taken anymore pictures of the prayer shawls because the knitted ones are kind of all bunched up on the circulars so they are kind of hard to get any kind of idea of how they look. The socks are coming along but I don't think they will be done real quick. I just have too many projects going at once. But I like having several things in progress at the same time. That way I have a choice of what I work on. If I get bored with one I can switch to another and so on.
It was kind of sad this week. My son and his wife here in town had to finally surrender their dog to the humane society. She had severe separation anxiety and had done a lot of damage to their home and their possesions. She was such a loving dog and so good with their child and cat but she just had this one little problem. They had it set up where she could not get into the house by putting a crate infront of her doggie door. That way she could go into the crate during the day to get out of the blistering Arizona heat and yet still go outside to relieve herself. Seems like one evening she learned how to bounce the crate around so she could get it to move and she managed to get out of the crate and managed to "enjoy" her freedom in the house for several hours. Needless to say that was the last straw. They had tried just about everything other than medication and they refused to medicate her. I don't blame them. She needs a nice farm to live on where she can run all day and sleep all night. So we pray that she will find a wonderful family to live with.
Next week will be quite busy for us here. Our son and one of my DH's brothers are coming in for a short visit on Wednesday and leaving again on Saturday. They are coming down for the Iron Maiden concert and as a bonus they will get to go to our granddaughters dance recital. We will be plenty busy with them here. The house will be full but that is fine. Next week is also my DH's birthday. I plan on making sure his does not go by to quietly. I have not decided what I am going to do
This weekend I will be busy sewing about 6" of material into my son's "dance" costume. He is performing a daddy/daughter dance and his costume is made for a 5'10" man and he is 6'1". He said it kind of hurts to put his arms over his head. You think?
Last week I also purchased a cone of black thread. It is not real fine but not real course either. I am going to try and crochet mantillas/chapel veils out of it. I am looking like crazy for a pattern but so far have not seen anything that strikes me as Mass appropiate. If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comment section. I am looking at doily patterns that would be about 30" round or doily patterns that could be "cut" in half. I would really appreciate any help you could give me.
That is it for this week and probably next. So have a great couple of weeks and will check back after all the company leaves.
Monday, May 31, 2010
End of May?
Golly Gee, where does the time go to? Here it is the end of May and I feel like the year just started. Does this mean I am getting old? I hear the older you get the quicker time goes by. I hope this is just some old wives tale.
Tomorrow being the first of June sees me turning another year OLDER! I have no plans for the birthday and that is fine with me. Since this weekend was Memorial Day weekend I had lots of fun with family and friends.
Saturday my Grand Daughter came and we had a sleep over. She is such a joy to have and being four is almost grown up to her. We played, went to Mass, went to McDonald's for dinner and then decided it was time to go swimming for the first time this year. (the water was COLD). She loved all of it but I think she liked the swimming best even if my lips were blue after 30 minutes in the water.
Sunday is family day as usual and Grand Daughter's parents came over around noon and we all went swimming again. It was not as bad this time since the sun was shining brightly but the first 5 minutes in the water were a bit frigid. We swam for about 2.5 hrs and then we got out and put out the snacks that the little girl "helped" me make. My mom came over and we played some card games and then I BBQ'd chicken kabobs for the family and my daughter made Mac and Cheese to go with it. My mom made a wonderful angel food cake for my birthday so we had a very yummy desert too.
Today I went shopping with my mom at Dress Barn (free plug for them). Afterwards we went to Daves BBQ for lunch and had a really enjoyable time. I came home and proceeded to do a bit of house keeping until I was so tuckered out from all the activities of the weekend I finally sat down, put in a chic flic and proceeded to knit and crochet on my two prayer shawls. I was going to BBQ some chicken breasts up for daughter and I but neither one of us were all that hungry so will do that tomorrow night after work. I went to holy hour of prayer at 9 and now I am home and wide awake!
I know I need to go to sleep as I have to be up around 5:30 tomorrow to get ready for work but for some reason I can not get sleepy. (Bet I am sleepy by 3 in the afternoon tomorrow!)
Hubby has been gone since last Wednesday and returns tomorrow. He went to Vegas to visit his mom for her 83rd birthday! Today they went to the VA cemetery to decorate his Dad's gravesite. He was plenty busy while up there. He helped his brother plant Lantana and Mexican birds of paradise in Mom's front yard. He also got his mom to the DMV to get her drivers license. She doesn't drive anymore but it was easier to get the license that it was to get an ID card! Go figure.
My dog and cat are staring at me like I have lost my mind. They really want me to go to bed so they can go to bed too. Guess I will be a good pet owner and accomodate them. (Just this one time thought)
Have a great week!
Tomorrow being the first of June sees me turning another year OLDER! I have no plans for the birthday and that is fine with me. Since this weekend was Memorial Day weekend I had lots of fun with family and friends.
Saturday my Grand Daughter came and we had a sleep over. She is such a joy to have and being four is almost grown up to her. We played, went to Mass, went to McDonald's for dinner and then decided it was time to go swimming for the first time this year. (the water was COLD). She loved all of it but I think she liked the swimming best even if my lips were blue after 30 minutes in the water.
Sunday is family day as usual and Grand Daughter's parents came over around noon and we all went swimming again. It was not as bad this time since the sun was shining brightly but the first 5 minutes in the water were a bit frigid. We swam for about 2.5 hrs and then we got out and put out the snacks that the little girl "helped" me make. My mom came over and we played some card games and then I BBQ'd chicken kabobs for the family and my daughter made Mac and Cheese to go with it. My mom made a wonderful angel food cake for my birthday so we had a very yummy desert too.
Today I went shopping with my mom at Dress Barn (free plug for them). Afterwards we went to Daves BBQ for lunch and had a really enjoyable time. I came home and proceeded to do a bit of house keeping until I was so tuckered out from all the activities of the weekend I finally sat down, put in a chic flic and proceeded to knit and crochet on my two prayer shawls. I was going to BBQ some chicken breasts up for daughter and I but neither one of us were all that hungry so will do that tomorrow night after work. I went to holy hour of prayer at 9 and now I am home and wide awake!
I know I need to go to sleep as I have to be up around 5:30 tomorrow to get ready for work but for some reason I can not get sleepy. (Bet I am sleepy by 3 in the afternoon tomorrow!)
Hubby has been gone since last Wednesday and returns tomorrow. He went to Vegas to visit his mom for her 83rd birthday! Today they went to the VA cemetery to decorate his Dad's gravesite. He was plenty busy while up there. He helped his brother plant Lantana and Mexican birds of paradise in Mom's front yard. He also got his mom to the DMV to get her drivers license. She doesn't drive anymore but it was easier to get the license that it was to get an ID card! Go figure.
My dog and cat are staring at me like I have lost my mind. They really want me to go to bed so they can go to bed too. Guess I will be a good pet owner and accomodate them. (Just this one time thought)
Have a great week!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Here are a couple of pictures of the prayer shawls I am working on for one of my ravelry groups.
On the left is the Lala's Simple Shawl done in Fantasy yarn on a size 9 needles. It is a lovely yarn and so soft. Unfortunately I am at a stand still for the moment until my 40" needles arrive. Right now I am working on 12" circulars and kind of feeling the cramp.
On the left is Eva's Shawl pattern done in 100% alpaca. This is crocheted on a G hook. I wish you could see the fuzziness of the yarn in this picture but alas my photo skills are limited to my little Canon powershot camera. But let me tell you that this yarn is also very yummy and is going to be absolutely beautiful when it is finished.
I have another shawl in the works but have not taken any pictures of it yet as I am not sure I am 'in love' with it. It is a multnomah shawl and I like the pattern but not sure I picked the right yarn for it. I will work on it some more before I decide.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend and please pray for all those who protect and serve our country. (Thank you my son for your service! USN)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I am in fiber heaven!
Last week I went to my LYS (local yarn shop) and purchased some very lovely yarn to make some prayer shawls. I am in 3 KAL/CAL (knit along/crochet along) on Ravelry. So what do I do? Start 2 of them at once! Someone suggested that, having more than one project on the needles/hooks at a time is wonderful, and that way if you get tired of working on one you can put it in it's project bag and pick up another and work on it. SO I am going to try it.
Now mind you, I still have my socks on the needles and need to finish those and get the other pair made before we leave in July for Tx! Surely I will have no problem here right?
One of the KAL is for the month of June (so I am already ahead there) and the other KAL/CAL is from May thru September so I don't think I will have a problem getting that done. All of the shawls are worked on large needles and have a lot of laceyness (is that a worf) to them so they go pretty quick.
Now here is why I am in fiber of the shawls I am going to do (the crochet one) I bought baby alpaca yarn to use. It is so soft, furry and yummy looking. Can't wait to do that one but I have done that shawl before and it goes really quick so I don't need to start that one until the other two are well under way. I just hope I don't end up with furries up my nose all the time while using it. (ewwwww)
As for the socks..................the foot portion is done as well as the heel and now I am working on the leg portion. But since these are not to be knee socks like the boot socks were they will be done much quicker! So tonight I will work on the socks until my fingers get cramped from holding the tiny needles and then I will switch over to one of the prayer shawls.
Pictures will be following shortly. (well not today)
Have a grea week! (I am)
Now mind you, I still have my socks on the needles and need to finish those and get the other pair made before we leave in July for Tx! Surely I will have no problem here right?
One of the KAL is for the month of June (so I am already ahead there) and the other KAL/CAL is from May thru September so I don't think I will have a problem getting that done. All of the shawls are worked on large needles and have a lot of laceyness (is that a worf) to them so they go pretty quick.
Now here is why I am in fiber of the shawls I am going to do (the crochet one) I bought baby alpaca yarn to use. It is so soft, furry and yummy looking. Can't wait to do that one but I have done that shawl before and it goes really quick so I don't need to start that one until the other two are well under way. I just hope I don't end up with furries up my nose all the time while using it. (ewwwww)
As for the socks..................the foot portion is done as well as the heel and now I am working on the leg portion. But since these are not to be knee socks like the boot socks were they will be done much quicker! So tonight I will work on the socks until my fingers get cramped from holding the tiny needles and then I will switch over to one of the prayer shawls.
Pictures will be following shortly. (well not today)
Have a grea week! (I am)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Stopping by to say hi!
Just stopping in to let you all know I am still here.
Been really busy with life the past few weeks. I have been knitting up a storm on MY socks and hopefully will get a picture taken of them soon and post it here. I think they are going to be really nice looking without using any type of "decorative knit" on them. The striping on them is so nice and interesting. So once again I am just going to do a plain vanilla sock. Infact I am going to do it twice. I have enough yarn to make 2 pair of socks because when I started knitting them I realized the patterning of them is the exact opposite of each other. One goes from black to purple to red and the other goes from red to purple to black. So I figure when I do the second pair then each sock will have a mate! Pretty smart huh?
I am still working on 2 different prayer shawls also.
I have not beaded since before Easter as I really like to just sit and knit at night because I can be with my family and my beading is in a whole other room of the house and kind of a pain to transport. Plus I really do not have any inspirations coming to me to make in the jewelry line.
It is almost time here to take the safety net off our pool and get into it. The temp of the water is 80 degrees. Just about right for us. Looking forward to a bit of water aerobics again.
Hopefully this weekend we will be getting our 4 dead fruit trees removed from our backyard. They are so unsightly! Then we are going to look into putting artificial grass back there. There are a few places in the area that do this. The new artificial grass looks so real and it is pet friendly too. This will sure cut down on our water bill!
After that is completed then I would say the outside of our home is just about complete. Other than thinking about putting up a pagodo over the artificial grass and getting some new patio furniture. Than it will be DONE! Next..............the inside of the house.
Summer is upon us and we wanted to get all the outside done before the 100's hit and I think we will just about make it. (barely) Then we can work on the inside where the A/C is and be comfortable.
So does anyone out there have any big plans for this summer?
Been really busy with life the past few weeks. I have been knitting up a storm on MY socks and hopefully will get a picture taken of them soon and post it here. I think they are going to be really nice looking without using any type of "decorative knit" on them. The striping on them is so nice and interesting. So once again I am just going to do a plain vanilla sock. Infact I am going to do it twice. I have enough yarn to make 2 pair of socks because when I started knitting them I realized the patterning of them is the exact opposite of each other. One goes from black to purple to red and the other goes from red to purple to black. So I figure when I do the second pair then each sock will have a mate! Pretty smart huh?
I am still working on 2 different prayer shawls also.
I have not beaded since before Easter as I really like to just sit and knit at night because I can be with my family and my beading is in a whole other room of the house and kind of a pain to transport. Plus I really do not have any inspirations coming to me to make in the jewelry line.
It is almost time here to take the safety net off our pool and get into it. The temp of the water is 80 degrees. Just about right for us. Looking forward to a bit of water aerobics again.
Hopefully this weekend we will be getting our 4 dead fruit trees removed from our backyard. They are so unsightly! Then we are going to look into putting artificial grass back there. There are a few places in the area that do this. The new artificial grass looks so real and it is pet friendly too. This will sure cut down on our water bill!
After that is completed then I would say the outside of our home is just about complete. Other than thinking about putting up a pagodo over the artificial grass and getting some new patio furniture. Than it will be DONE! Next..............the inside of the house.
Summer is upon us and we wanted to get all the outside done before the 100's hit and I think we will just about make it. (barely) Then we can work on the inside where the A/C is and be comfortable.
So does anyone out there have any big plans for this summer?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Finally THE SOCKS are finished. Man, I didn't think I was ever going to quit seeing gray! They are just a plain vanilla sock with an inch of ribbing around the top. Nothing special but since they had to fit in a boot they had to be longer than I normally make.
Of course while working on these we took several trips, I had a knitting class and had to finish another pair of socks in 3 weeks, I knitted and crocheted some prayer shawls etc. So it is not like I worked on these day in and day out for the past 3 months.
I already have my next sock project picked out. I am going to make a pair of purple self striping socks for ME! I have yet to make myself a pair and I have decided it is time. They will also be a plain vanilla sock since I want the striping to really show off.
I would like to take this moment to wish all you moms and dads who have to be a mom, a happy mothers day. Enjoy it because being a mom is a VERY hard profession.
Until later............happy crafting.
Friday, April 30, 2010
End of Month
It is the end of April and I had my last sock class last night. I am almost done with my mom's bed socks. I have about an inch left to do on them and then bind off and weave in all the loose ends and she will have a nice pair of bamboo bed socks. I loved the class and learned a whole new way of doing socks and I really like this way. Of course while in the class I got a discount on the yarn at the shop so I had to take advantage of that and so I got about 8 more skeins of yarn. Four skeins are for socks and the other 4 can be used for socks but I think I am going to do something else with it as it is a bit thicker than the sock yarn I like to use.
Tonight we have a surprise party to go to. Can't tell you what it is for since it is a surprise. But it should be a very nice time.
Tomorrow DH is in a charity golf tournament and I go along for the socializing at the end of the day as well as the really good prime rib dinner they serve. There are lots of friends and family going too so looking forward to that.
That about covers my weekend.
I was very sad that my sock class came to an end. It was so nice to get out among others that have a love of fiber like I do. So I found 3 more classes to sign up for. I actually found 2 others but they were in the middle of the day during the week and I didn't think my boss would understand me having to leave for a "yarn class". SO I will wait and see if they will offer them at night. My first class is making beanies with the magic loop method. That is in June. In August I have 2 classes a couple of days apart. One is a leaf scarf class and the other is how to make a scarf that is reversable. I am really looking forward to those. That will give me some new things to work on for gifts!!!!
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Tonight we have a surprise party to go to. Can't tell you what it is for since it is a surprise. But it should be a very nice time.
Tomorrow DH is in a charity golf tournament and I go along for the socializing at the end of the day as well as the really good prime rib dinner they serve. There are lots of friends and family going too so looking forward to that.
That about covers my weekend.
I was very sad that my sock class came to an end. It was so nice to get out among others that have a love of fiber like I do. So I found 3 more classes to sign up for. I actually found 2 others but they were in the middle of the day during the week and I didn't think my boss would understand me having to leave for a "yarn class". SO I will wait and see if they will offer them at night. My first class is making beanies with the magic loop method. That is in June. In August I have 2 classes a couple of days apart. One is a leaf scarf class and the other is how to make a scarf that is reversable. I am really looking forward to those. That will give me some new things to work on for gifts!!!!
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
More crafty news
Ok, so I started my magic loop sock class last Tuesday. I got to have that private session and it was wonderful. I learned a new way to cast on for socks (not sure I have the hang of it yet) and a new way to increase the toe of the sock. So my homework assignment was to complete the socks from the toe to the point where it would be the middle of the ankle bone. Well.................if I was only doing one sock like most of the class is I would have been there in a couple of days. But since I am an over acheiver, and doing 2 socks at the same time I am having a bit of a crunch time trying to get there. I am about 3.5 inches away from the place I need to be. I managed to put on 2.5 inches last night in 3 hours. Tonight I will not have the amount of time to work on them and of course the class is Thursday about an hour after I get home from work. SO I think I will be carrying the socks with me to Mass tonight and will work on them before Mass and then again after mass while we are eating dinner. I should be able to get a couple of inches done on them and then be able to do the other 1.5 inches tomorrow night after work before class.
See this is what happens when you have an out of town conference to go to when you have homework to be done. I was able to work on them on the plane trip (which was only 1 hour each way) and for about an hour each morning while waiting for my boss to get ready to go to classes.
This week I do believe we are going to be learning how to turn a heel without having to go back and forth but continue in the round. It looks interesting and kind of scary too as after we get it done we actually cut the sock! Will let you know if I mess it up too bad. LOL
As for the was really great. I learned so much "stuff" and found out lots of new things that we can be doing in our practice. Can't wait to start implementing some of it.
In the evenings we had a great time just sitting around a slot machine and people watching. There are some really strange creatures on the main strip in Vegas! Must be why we normally stay more in the Henderson area. People there are so much more 'normal'!
We came back with more money than we started with so that means we were winners for a change! But not I have to get rid of those 3 pesky pounds that I found up there. Oh was worth it.
So now I am back to work and life is back to normal or as normal as it ever is.
Have a great week and will let you all know how the sock class comes out.
See this is what happens when you have an out of town conference to go to when you have homework to be done. I was able to work on them on the plane trip (which was only 1 hour each way) and for about an hour each morning while waiting for my boss to get ready to go to classes.
This week I do believe we are going to be learning how to turn a heel without having to go back and forth but continue in the round. It looks interesting and kind of scary too as after we get it done we actually cut the sock! Will let you know if I mess it up too bad. LOL
As for the was really great. I learned so much "stuff" and found out lots of new things that we can be doing in our practice. Can't wait to start implementing some of it.
In the evenings we had a great time just sitting around a slot machine and people watching. There are some really strange creatures on the main strip in Vegas! Must be why we normally stay more in the Henderson area. People there are so much more 'normal'!
We came back with more money than we started with so that means we were winners for a change! But not I have to get rid of those 3 pesky pounds that I found up there. Oh was worth it.
So now I am back to work and life is back to normal or as normal as it ever is.
Have a great week and will let you all know how the sock class comes out.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I have been talking about THE SOCKS for so long I thought it only right that I show you a picture of them. Like I said yesterday. I need to do another 4 inches on them before I do the bind off. I didn't get anything done on them last night and have done nothing on them so far today. I guess I should really do something on them this weekend. After all I wouldn't want DH to think I didn't love him any more. This is my first attemp at the short row heel. I really liked it but still need a bit more practice on it. It was so much quicker than the gusset heel. ( I am not a patient knitter)
I don't know how many of you do the magic loop method of knitting in the round but I find that it is VERY hard to take a really good picture of socks that are being done 2 at a time this way.
Today has been a very lazy day for me. Infact it is almost 1 in the afternoon and I am still in my PJ's. I did do a bit of cleaning up around the house but other than that I have done nada, zilch, zero! I have enjoyed my day too. I have not done this for a very long time. Normally I am running around getting groceries, laundry, cleaning, visiting etc. Not today. Very quiet and nice day indeed.
So I am going to go to Mass tonight and then come home and relax and watch some TV and knit (I promise) and then go to bed when I feel like it! Might even watch some mindless TV in bed tonight. Yup, a day of my dreams!
Have a great day of your dreams too!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Busy as usual
Easter is behind us and yet my schedule still seems to be as busy as it was before and during Easter. Well, at least I am not on the streets causing trouble.
Next week I leave for Vegas. This time it is for buisness. I am attending a seminar to keep up my coding certification. DH is going with me so I am hoping for a bit of down time so we can have a bit of fun. My boss and her hubby are going also. Then last week we found out the the owner of our company and his wife are going too. This should be fun! I think.
I am most excited about my upcoming magic look sock class that I am to start next week. Infact the first class is the day I leave for Vegas. So I called the LYS where the class is being held and explained my perdicament. The instructor was so great. He has offered for me to come in 2 days early and give me a private lesson!! And I thought customer service was dead. So I tell this lovely man that I knit right handed. He pauses and says "thats good". Then I tell him "but I am left handed". He says "lots of leftys knit right handed that is no problem" Then I inform him "but I cast on left handed". Another pause and then a bit of a chuckle and he says "we will work on that". So maybe he can break my mental block that stops me from casing on right handed. It would be great if he could because my first row of knitting is a b***h! Everything is all twisty turny and messed up until about the third row. Especially doing the magic loop method. So I will let you all know if he succeeds or not.
Of course then I had to ask what was needed for the class and was told "40 - 47 inch circulars the size of your choice, sock yarn and the book". OOPS!!!!!!!! I was going great until he said "the book". WHAT BOOK??????? He said, didn't they give you a list of materials needed? I said, NO!!!!!!!! I signed up for this class in January and they didn't have a list then. He pauses and then says "hummmmm, well we have your e-mail and your phone number and seems like no one took the time to fill you in on this" NO KIDDING! "well, we are out of stock on the book so I will just let you use mine." More customer service!!!!!!!! I look outside to see if the pigs are flying. What a wonderful person. I can't wait to meet him in person. I will shake his hand and tell him how much he has restored my faith in mankind!
DH has been in Vegas since Monday painting his mom's house. He will be home for 2 days and fly back up for MY trip. I am sure MY trip will be much more fun for him.
Tonight, mom, me and DD are having movie night at Mom's house. I am taking THE SOCKS with me to work on. I still have about 4" left on them before I can cast off. That is 44 rows on each sock. I can get about 5-6 rows done a night before my hands can't take it anymore. So looks like they will be done in time for next winter to wear in DH boots.
Last night my DD thought she would be cute and asked me how soon I would have her hat, mittens and scarf done. After all you never know when a cold snap could come thru. HELLO!!!! It is 90 degrees out there right now and our lows at night are in the 60's. Crazy kid.
That is it for now. Until next time..............God Bless
Next week I leave for Vegas. This time it is for buisness. I am attending a seminar to keep up my coding certification. DH is going with me so I am hoping for a bit of down time so we can have a bit of fun. My boss and her hubby are going also. Then last week we found out the the owner of our company and his wife are going too. This should be fun! I think.
I am most excited about my upcoming magic look sock class that I am to start next week. Infact the first class is the day I leave for Vegas. So I called the LYS where the class is being held and explained my perdicament. The instructor was so great. He has offered for me to come in 2 days early and give me a private lesson!! And I thought customer service was dead. So I tell this lovely man that I knit right handed. He pauses and says "thats good". Then I tell him "but I am left handed". He says "lots of leftys knit right handed that is no problem" Then I inform him "but I cast on left handed". Another pause and then a bit of a chuckle and he says "we will work on that". So maybe he can break my mental block that stops me from casing on right handed. It would be great if he could because my first row of knitting is a b***h! Everything is all twisty turny and messed up until about the third row. Especially doing the magic loop method. So I will let you all know if he succeeds or not.
Of course then I had to ask what was needed for the class and was told "40 - 47 inch circulars the size of your choice, sock yarn and the book". OOPS!!!!!!!! I was going great until he said "the book". WHAT BOOK??????? He said, didn't they give you a list of materials needed? I said, NO!!!!!!!! I signed up for this class in January and they didn't have a list then. He pauses and then says "hummmmm, well we have your e-mail and your phone number and seems like no one took the time to fill you in on this" NO KIDDING! "well, we are out of stock on the book so I will just let you use mine." More customer service!!!!!!!! I look outside to see if the pigs are flying. What a wonderful person. I can't wait to meet him in person. I will shake his hand and tell him how much he has restored my faith in mankind!
DH has been in Vegas since Monday painting his mom's house. He will be home for 2 days and fly back up for MY trip. I am sure MY trip will be much more fun for him.
Tonight, mom, me and DD are having movie night at Mom's house. I am taking THE SOCKS with me to work on. I still have about 4" left on them before I can cast off. That is 44 rows on each sock. I can get about 5-6 rows done a night before my hands can't take it anymore. So looks like they will be done in time for next winter to wear in DH boots.
Last night my DD thought she would be cute and asked me how soon I would have her hat, mittens and scarf done. After all you never know when a cold snap could come thru. HELLO!!!! It is 90 degrees out there right now and our lows at night are in the 60's. Crazy kid.
That is it for now. Until next time..............God Bless
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sundays are great!

Sundays are a wonderful day for us. We normally get together with our family and play games and have dinner. This is nice as that way my mom gets to see grandchildren and great grandchild. We have been doing this now for about 2 years and we either gather at my house or at my son's house. This week was at my house. Josie (our grand daughter) loves to use the camera. Her Grammie taught her how to use it and she has been taking pictures since she was about 2.5 yrs old. Some turn out really great and others we have to delete because no one knows what they are of. So this time while she was taking pictures of the "ladies" playing Phase 10, I decided to take a couple of her. She got a kick out of the fact we were both taking photos at the same time.
Yesterdays meal fare was, hamburgers, hot dogs, and fruit salad. I was so shocked when Josie told me she wanted her hot dog on a bun with lots of ketchup on it. This child is a very fussy eater. But I made it just the way she wanted and then gave her some grapes on the side. She ate over half the hot dog! Not too bad since she had already had 4 hershey kisses and a handful of pretzels. She originally asked me to make her some Mac n cheese and I told her that she had to eat something we cooked that night as I was not going to make her a special dinner. She was a bit shocked at that statement since MiMi (that's me) usually ALWAYS gives in to any request she might have. Oh must have been just one of those days for me. LOL
So here we are in holy week and I love this week in our church. It is so powerful with tradition! I look forward to the Tridium this end of this week. I especially look forward to our Easter Vigil on Saturday night. It is the longest mass we have (usually 2-3 hours) but worth every minute of it. We have baptisms, confirmation and first communions all combined on that night. It brings back such wonderful memories for me from 11 years ago when I came into the church at Easter Vigil. I will probably cry (I usually do during these masses) and will laugh and I will give lots of hugs too.
As for my crafting. well.................not much to tell. Have done a few more rows on THE SOCKS. Still have a long ways to go on them. Tonight I will work on a prayer shawl during my holy hour of prayer at our chapel. Don't know how much time I will get to work on THE SOCKS but I will try and get another inch or two completed on them before I go back to work next week. (I have Thursday thru Sunday off) But there is the chance of them getting worked on a lot next week as DH will be out of town for a week so that will give me a lot of down time in the evening to work on them. I will let you know how I do. I might even be nice and snap a photo of them and post it here.
Better get back to what I am suppose to be doing.
Have a Very HOly Week and a Totally Blessed Easter!
Friday, March 26, 2010
LIfe as I know it
So what do I know about life?
I know that when you least expect it things can turn totally upside down on you leaving you to think "what the heck just happened?"
I know that if you are nice to people you will find that they will be nice to others too. (unless they were just born mean)
I know that your priorities in life may not be God's priorities and He will fix that.
I know that children are the perfect examples of trust, love and giving.
I know that family is so important but the most underappreciated thing in life.
I know that if you want something done right either give the best directions ever or do it yourself.
I know that you can not fix stupid.
I know that I am somebody because God doesn't make junk.
I know that I have people that read my blog but never leave me any comments. But that is ok because I know they are just spending a few minutes getting to know me better.
I know that tomorrow will take care of itself and I don't have to worry about it.
I know that this is the end of this post for today.
I know that when you least expect it things can turn totally upside down on you leaving you to think "what the heck just happened?"
I know that if you are nice to people you will find that they will be nice to others too. (unless they were just born mean)
I know that your priorities in life may not be God's priorities and He will fix that.
I know that children are the perfect examples of trust, love and giving.
I know that family is so important but the most underappreciated thing in life.
I know that if you want something done right either give the best directions ever or do it yourself.
I know that you can not fix stupid.
I know that I am somebody because God doesn't make junk.
I know that I have people that read my blog but never leave me any comments. But that is ok because I know they are just spending a few minutes getting to know me better.
I know that tomorrow will take care of itself and I don't have to worry about it.
I know that this is the end of this post for today.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Another post!!!!

Here is a good picture of my brother from this past Sunday. We were in the back yard enjoying a wonderful spring day here in AZ. We had dinner with him and my mom tonight since this was his last evening in town. After dinner mom, brother and I played a game of Phase 10. Brother won! Oh well, it was his last night here so I guess that might make him want to come back again! While we were playing cards DH was watching the college basketball games. Luckily we left before they were over since they were into double overtime!
Got a few rows done on THE SOCKS this week. Now that we will be back into our "normal" routine I should be able to get more done on them. But week is holy week which means we will be at church for 3 days in a row. Ok, so maybe after Easter?
I would like to get back to my beading too but there just are not enough hours in a day for me to do all the things that I find FUN! I have been trying to figure out how I could take my knitting to work and work on it during lunch while still being able to EAT my lunch too! If anyone has any ideas let me know. I only get 30 minutes of lunchbreak. If I had an hour I could eat in about 15-20 minutes and then use the rest of the time to knit but with only 30 minutes that gives me only about 10 minutes of knitting time and that is just about enough time to get the project out, yarn straightened out, wrist warmer gloves on and maybe 1/2 round done on one sock. I wonder if I could live on milk shakes and just drink my lunch thru a straw while knitting? HUMMMMMMMMM that is an idea! Of course I am sure my waist line (or lack thereof) would not agree with that. Must think on that some more.
I know.............I could stop blogging and take the time I spend here to work on the socks! What do you think???????????? Nope, your right. If I did that then I would not have a place to vent my frustrations. Nope, nope, nope, won't stop blogging.
How about I stop; cooking, cleaning, laundry, answering phones, talking to my family, going to the bathroom, sleeping etc. Yup, yup, yup..........that would give me more knitting time for sure. Wonder how long I could get away with that? (probably until the first time my bladder started screaming at me!)
Well, I will think on this for a few days and if anyone has any suggestions on how to knit and eat let me know.
Gotta go and get ready for bed. (see, sleep is getting in the way again!)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Here is a four generation photo we had taken tonight. From left to right (back row) Son Josh, Mom, Grand Daughter Josie, Brother Stan and that is me sitting on the ground in front. Josie decided last week to take a scissors to her hair to "cut out" a pony tail holder. Otherwise her hair would be really long in the front but she needed an emergency hair appointment to try and even it out. Her mommy is not a very happy camper about the doo.
The jewelry that I am wearing is some that I have made. I am still doing that too. Case in point; tonight I repaired a necklace for a friend, a bracelet for my boss, and a bracelet for Josie. The first two items needing repair, I made. The necklace had a magnetic clasp and it was not strong enough so I exchanged it for a toggle clasp. The boss' bracelet is made out of sterling and she kept pulling off the charms so I reattached them with a much stronger metal. Josie's bracelet just plain broke. So I restrung it. It was one of her favorites as it has Dora on it.
We are still enjoying our visit with my brother.
I am excited to find out how to download my camera so I can now upload pictures here! It was so easy and am looking forward to taking pictures of my crafts now and uploading them so you all can see what I am up to.
Getting late and I need to go to work tomorrow early.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Enjoying life
Yes, I am enjoying life right now. My brother made it into town Friday evening after a VERY long Motorcyle trip from East TX. I was just glad he was safe. My DH and I went to dinner with him and my Mom on Saturday evening at a very nice Italian restuarant. It was such a nice evening I almost hated for it to come to an end. Then on Sunday I had them over to our house for BBQ Ribs and family enjoyment. My son and his family were able to make it so my brother finally got to meet my DIL and my GD! Josie was a bit shy around him for a while but warmed up enough by the end of the evening to show him how she can "shake her bootie". Gotta love kids and then things they will do for company!!!!!
Wednesday night is our mid-week "Pick me up" Mass. Afterwards we normally got to Garcia's for some food and socializing with our friends. We have invited Mom and Brother to join us this week. If it is a nice evening we will sit out on the patio there. We are going to ask the Padres to join us too as they are so much fun to be around and I would love to have them meet my family.
DH and I are planning on having dinner with mom and brother again on Thursday night at her place. Brother leaves early Friday morning. I know it will be really quite at Mom's place after he is gone but I am so glad that he came and paid her a visit. He is the first one to come and stay with her and she has enjoyed it so much. Plus he has done a bit of handy work for her while here and for that I am VERY thankful for. There are some things I just am not able to do.
Needless to say THE SOCK has been on hold for a few days but that is ok. Since our weather is in the 80's right now I don't think DH is going to be wearing his boots anytime soon. But I really want to finish them so I can make mom her bed socks that she loves so much. I have that yummy bamboo yarn to use and am dying to try it out.
I have taken lots of photos over the past few days and will eventually get them posted so you can see what a good time we have been having. We even were able to sit outside by the pool late yesterday afternoon until the sun went down. It was that nice out. Gotta love springtime in the desert!
Next week is holy week and we will be very busy with Church "stuff". So I may not be posting for a while until things settle back down. DH is leaving on the 5th of April for Vegas to help his brother paint the outside of his Mom's house. Then we are heading back up there the 15th of April for a conference for my job. So things will be busy for at least the next month.
If I don't have a chance to post before I want to wish each of you a Blessed Easter! He is risen, He is risen indeed! Praise be to God!
Wednesday night is our mid-week "Pick me up" Mass. Afterwards we normally got to Garcia's for some food and socializing with our friends. We have invited Mom and Brother to join us this week. If it is a nice evening we will sit out on the patio there. We are going to ask the Padres to join us too as they are so much fun to be around and I would love to have them meet my family.
DH and I are planning on having dinner with mom and brother again on Thursday night at her place. Brother leaves early Friday morning. I know it will be really quite at Mom's place after he is gone but I am so glad that he came and paid her a visit. He is the first one to come and stay with her and she has enjoyed it so much. Plus he has done a bit of handy work for her while here and for that I am VERY thankful for. There are some things I just am not able to do.
Needless to say THE SOCK has been on hold for a few days but that is ok. Since our weather is in the 80's right now I don't think DH is going to be wearing his boots anytime soon. But I really want to finish them so I can make mom her bed socks that she loves so much. I have that yummy bamboo yarn to use and am dying to try it out.
I have taken lots of photos over the past few days and will eventually get them posted so you can see what a good time we have been having. We even were able to sit outside by the pool late yesterday afternoon until the sun went down. It was that nice out. Gotta love springtime in the desert!
Next week is holy week and we will be very busy with Church "stuff". So I may not be posting for a while until things settle back down. DH is leaving on the 5th of April for Vegas to help his brother paint the outside of his Mom's house. Then we are heading back up there the 15th of April for a conference for my job. So things will be busy for at least the next month.
If I don't have a chance to post before I want to wish each of you a Blessed Easter! He is risen, He is risen indeed! Praise be to God!
Friday, March 19, 2010
I have not worked on "THE" socks really since we came back from Vegas. Last night I decided I would work on them while watching TV. (they are just plain Jane socks). As I picked them up I noticed a little problem. Seems I dropped 2 stitches about 5 rows back! I paniced. I really dislike trying to bring dropped stitches back up but it was either that or frog the sock and I knew that was not something I would enjoy. SO I grabbed my small crochet hook and started the weaving in process. I DID IT! So then I am counting my stitches and discover that I have 1 too many stitches on one side of one sock. So now I have to do a decrease. ARGH!!!!!!!!! At least these socks are to be worn inside of boots although you really can not see where either of this little mishaps are. But I know they are there so it kind of bothers me.
Good News!!!!!!! My brother is on his way up here from Texas. He is staying with my mom and she is so excited. They have not seen each other for a couple of years so it will be nice for them to have the time to visit. I just got to see him at Christmas time but it is always nice to see family. We are planning on a couple of family dinners so hopefully I can get my son and his family over to see him too. My brother has never met my DIL or my Grand Daughter so it will be nice for him to get that chance.
Our weather here is finally getting warm! We have been in the 80's already a couple of times and it looks like we will be continuing that trend and before you know it we will be in the 100's. Then the water in our pool will get nice and we can go swimming again. Pool parties at our house are a lot of fun. This year we want to get our GrandDaughter swimming lessons so she is better equiped for all the swimming that takes place over the summer months.
Are you proud of me? I have posted a lot this month! But then I seemed to have had a lot to say. (Imagine that!)
Good News!!!!!!! My brother is on his way up here from Texas. He is staying with my mom and she is so excited. They have not seen each other for a couple of years so it will be nice for them to have the time to visit. I just got to see him at Christmas time but it is always nice to see family. We are planning on a couple of family dinners so hopefully I can get my son and his family over to see him too. My brother has never met my DIL or my Grand Daughter so it will be nice for him to get that chance.
Our weather here is finally getting warm! We have been in the 80's already a couple of times and it looks like we will be continuing that trend and before you know it we will be in the 100's. Then the water in our pool will get nice and we can go swimming again. Pool parties at our house are a lot of fun. This year we want to get our GrandDaughter swimming lessons so she is better equiped for all the swimming that takes place over the summer months.
Are you proud of me? I have posted a lot this month! But then I seemed to have had a lot to say. (Imagine that!)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Back from Vegas
I am back from Vegas poorer but happier. We had a great time and are so glad we went with our friends, Beth and Charles. They had me laughing so hard I was in tears a couple of times this weekend. It was great even if DH and I didn't 'win' any $$$. Anybody know how many calories in strawberry daquiris? I have a feeling there are alot because I gained almost everything back I had lost last month! Now I get to start over again. My friend, Beth, said she is blaming it on McDonalds. After all the daquiris are just really really yummy fruit juice. (I love that lady!)
I worked on THE socks on the way up and back but they still are not done. I only got about 4-5 inches done on them but then that is because it takes 11 rows to make an inch of sock. I will get them done yet. I was so hopeful that I even took some yummy bamboo yarn with me to do bed socks from my mom. Oh well..........I will get to them too.
DH and I will be returning to Vegas again next month for a conference for me. I have to go to keep my credentials up to date. We will be at Ceasars then. We have never stayed there so are kind of looking forward to a new experience.
DH will be going up to Vegas without me right after Easter to paint his mom's house. He will be home 2 days before we go back for my "thing". He will probably not want to go back for a bit after that. Although he did tell his mom that he would come up sometime this summer to help paint the inside of her house.
DD started her new job yesterday. She said she will never get bored there. I am so glad she found a job she really likes and that can hold her interest.
There is a rumor in the air that my brother may be coming up this Friday to visit mom. It is not written in stone yet but that will be nice to have him here for a week. Better now than in the middle of the summer when we hit 115 degrees.
Not much else going on other than work so I won't bore you all with that.
Have a great and blessed day!
I worked on THE socks on the way up and back but they still are not done. I only got about 4-5 inches done on them but then that is because it takes 11 rows to make an inch of sock. I will get them done yet. I was so hopeful that I even took some yummy bamboo yarn with me to do bed socks from my mom. Oh well..........I will get to them too.
DH and I will be returning to Vegas again next month for a conference for me. I have to go to keep my credentials up to date. We will be at Ceasars then. We have never stayed there so are kind of looking forward to a new experience.
DH will be going up to Vegas without me right after Easter to paint his mom's house. He will be home 2 days before we go back for my "thing". He will probably not want to go back for a bit after that. Although he did tell his mom that he would come up sometime this summer to help paint the inside of her house.
DD started her new job yesterday. She said she will never get bored there. I am so glad she found a job she really likes and that can hold her interest.
There is a rumor in the air that my brother may be coming up this Friday to visit mom. It is not written in stone yet but that will be nice to have him here for a week. Better now than in the middle of the summer when we hit 115 degrees.
Not much else going on other than work so I won't bore you all with that.
Have a great and blessed day!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
lefty issue
I just thought about something that I had to share with you!
I know I knit right handed but I realized the other day that I cast on left handed. So that explains why the first row of knitting is so hard for me to do. I have tried to cast on with my right hand but even with my tongue twisting and turning I can not manage it. I usually end up with a BIG mess and feel like throwing the yarn and needles across the room. Maybe if I had someone actually sit down with me and show me how to cast on with my right hand I could kind of do it.
So you see................being a lefty can be a challenge even when you think you are being right handed about something.
Also.............when giving directions while riding in the car with my DH I will tell him to turn right and always point to my left. Of course after 30 plus years of marriage he kind of realizes that this is the way I do things and he has adapted to it. But to me my left hand is dominate so it is the "right" hand.
Another thing that makes DH crazy is watching me use a screw driver. He keeps telling me I am turning it the wrong way! I laugh each time he tells me that. Of course I have to repeat to him..............righty tighty, lefty loosey. Then he laughs.
My kitchen is set up for a lefty to cook in. But I have noticed that when my children have left home most of them had their kitchens set up like mine. That is until they married and then the right handed wives set it up for them the way a righty would.
These are things that I contemplate late at night. (better than all the info-mercials)
Well, just wanted to give you a little insite as to what is like to be a lefty in a righty world.
Have a great weekend. I will!!!!!!!!!!!!! VIVA LAS VEGAS
I know I knit right handed but I realized the other day that I cast on left handed. So that explains why the first row of knitting is so hard for me to do. I have tried to cast on with my right hand but even with my tongue twisting and turning I can not manage it. I usually end up with a BIG mess and feel like throwing the yarn and needles across the room. Maybe if I had someone actually sit down with me and show me how to cast on with my right hand I could kind of do it.
So you see................being a lefty can be a challenge even when you think you are being right handed about something.
Also.............when giving directions while riding in the car with my DH I will tell him to turn right and always point to my left. Of course after 30 plus years of marriage he kind of realizes that this is the way I do things and he has adapted to it. But to me my left hand is dominate so it is the "right" hand.
Another thing that makes DH crazy is watching me use a screw driver. He keeps telling me I am turning it the wrong way! I laugh each time he tells me that. Of course I have to repeat to him..............righty tighty, lefty loosey. Then he laughs.
My kitchen is set up for a lefty to cook in. But I have noticed that when my children have left home most of them had their kitchens set up like mine. That is until they married and then the right handed wives set it up for them the way a righty would.
These are things that I contemplate late at night. (better than all the info-mercials)
Well, just wanted to give you a little insite as to what is like to be a lefty in a righty world.
Have a great weekend. I will!!!!!!!!!!!!! VIVA LAS VEGAS
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
On the road again
I am so happy! We leave this Friday for Las vegas with our friends for a long weekend of fun and relaxation! We went together in October and had a blast. Seems like it has been a LONG time since we went. We are all stoked about going up again. We never set any type of schedule and just go with whatever we feel like doing.
I started a pair of socks for my DH. I decided I wanted to try the short row heel on these. So I did all the measurements that were required of me. I got to the length where my book said to start the short row heel. I finished it on one sock and thought " I think I had better try these on him before I go any further." Well, the man was no where to be seen so I tried them on my foot. The heel hit me about mid foot!!! Oh No! So I frogged them back to the foot part. Decided I need to put on another inch of stitches and then did the heel again. This time the lovely man was sitting right next to me. I put them on his foot and it was still too short!!! So frogged them again. (this has happened over the course of 3 days!) I finally went to the internet to see if I could find something that would help me with the measurments since my book LIED to me. I found a sock-calulator! I put in his measurments and it came back and told me I still needed another inch and a quarter. So here I am at day 4 on these silly socks that I so want him to have before we go to Vegas since they are going to be for his new boots he bought. So last night I knitted like a fiend. I got them the right length according to the sock calculator. I made the heel on the first sock and carefully looked over at the man who they are being made for and in my nicest voice said to him. "Give me your darn foot again!!!!" I tried the sock on him and EUREKA! It fits. So I stayed up until midnight last night finishing the heels on both socks. Now on to the mindless knitting of the leg.
Needless to say...........I don't think these socks will be done by the time we leave for Vegas but that is ok. I will knit on them on the drive up. That gives me 6 hours of knitting time and if they are not done by then I will continue them while we are there and if need be will continue on the way home. But the darn things are going to get done!!!!!!! I have too many other things that need my attention other than his socks.
I will say that I love the short row heel. It is really quick to do. Of course it looks more like a store bought sock than a home made one but that is fine. I ust hope the heels wear ok.
I think I will be using the short row heel more often now that I have found the sock calculator. Next thing to learn is the short row toe. Since I knit from the toe up I never have to worry about running out of yarn. When the yarn is close to being out then I am close to being done. This is very important if I am doing long socks. It really doesn't matter when I am doing bed socks or anklets. There always is enought yarn to do those. But a boot sock needs to be Loooooong.
Well, that is all from here for now. Will post again once we get back from Sin City.
I started a pair of socks for my DH. I decided I wanted to try the short row heel on these. So I did all the measurements that were required of me. I got to the length where my book said to start the short row heel. I finished it on one sock and thought " I think I had better try these on him before I go any further." Well, the man was no where to be seen so I tried them on my foot. The heel hit me about mid foot!!! Oh No! So I frogged them back to the foot part. Decided I need to put on another inch of stitches and then did the heel again. This time the lovely man was sitting right next to me. I put them on his foot and it was still too short!!! So frogged them again. (this has happened over the course of 3 days!) I finally went to the internet to see if I could find something that would help me with the measurments since my book LIED to me. I found a sock-calulator! I put in his measurments and it came back and told me I still needed another inch and a quarter. So here I am at day 4 on these silly socks that I so want him to have before we go to Vegas since they are going to be for his new boots he bought. So last night I knitted like a fiend. I got them the right length according to the sock calculator. I made the heel on the first sock and carefully looked over at the man who they are being made for and in my nicest voice said to him. "Give me your darn foot again!!!!" I tried the sock on him and EUREKA! It fits. So I stayed up until midnight last night finishing the heels on both socks. Now on to the mindless knitting of the leg.
Needless to say...........I don't think these socks will be done by the time we leave for Vegas but that is ok. I will knit on them on the drive up. That gives me 6 hours of knitting time and if they are not done by then I will continue them while we are there and if need be will continue on the way home. But the darn things are going to get done!!!!!!! I have too many other things that need my attention other than his socks.
I will say that I love the short row heel. It is really quick to do. Of course it looks more like a store bought sock than a home made one but that is fine. I ust hope the heels wear ok.
I think I will be using the short row heel more often now that I have found the sock calculator. Next thing to learn is the short row toe. Since I knit from the toe up I never have to worry about running out of yarn. When the yarn is close to being out then I am close to being done. This is very important if I am doing long socks. It really doesn't matter when I am doing bed socks or anklets. There always is enought yarn to do those. But a boot sock needs to be Loooooong.
Well, that is all from here for now. Will post again once we get back from Sin City.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I can not believe I own this much yarn. I decided today that I would reorganize my craft room. I emptied 10 storage tubs of yarn! I bought these cubby units at WalMart a couple of weeks ago just for this purpose. I decided if I could see the yarn then maybe I would use it and quit buying duplicates of it. I had no idea I had this much.
In the white unit is all my sock yarn. Let me inform you the yarn is stacked four high and three deep. So this might give you an idea of why I was so amazed. The bottom cubbies are filled with my beading supplies too.
The "walnut" units contain, homespun, jiffy, caron eco, red heart super saver, fancy fur, boa, mohair delight and TLC. Now before you go and wrinkle your nose at the amount of acrylic yarn I have let me inform you I am allergic to wool so the only wool I have in my stash is sock yarn and then not too much of that either. Also I make a lot of prayer shawls and wool is not an acceptable product because of the allergies known to it.
So needless to say I am on a yarn diet until this stash goes down significantly. I imposed this diet on myself. DH did not even mention it and infact was quite surprised when I told him what I was going to do. But he didn't argue with me about it either. LOL
So now that room is finished I can happily go in there and sew, bead and grap yarn without feeling like I have to close my eyes to do it.
Well better go and get back to knitting the socks for DH.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I also found 8 UFO's in there. SO I guess before I start another project I will finish what I already have on my needles/hooks.
Have a great Sunday!
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