YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, April 9, 2010

Busy as usual

Easter is behind us and yet my schedule still seems to be as busy as it was before and during Easter. Well, at least I am not on the streets causing trouble.

Next week I leave for Vegas. This time it is for buisness. I am attending a seminar to keep up my coding certification. DH is going with me so I am hoping for a bit of down time so we can have a bit of fun. My boss and her hubby are going also. Then last week we found out the the owner of our company and his wife are going too. This should be fun! I think.

I am most excited about my upcoming magic look sock class that I am to start next week. Infact the first class is the day I leave for Vegas. So I called the LYS where the class is being held and explained my perdicament. The instructor was so great. He has offered for me to come in 2 days early and give me a private lesson!! And I thought customer service was dead. So I tell this lovely man that I knit right handed. He pauses and says "thats good". Then I tell him "but I am left handed". He says "lots of leftys knit right handed that is no problem" Then I inform him "but I cast on left handed". Another pause and then a bit of a chuckle and he says "we will work on that". So maybe he can break my mental block that stops me from casing on right handed. It would be great if he could because my first row of knitting is a b***h! Everything is all twisty turny and messed up until about the third row. Especially doing the magic loop method. So I will let you all know if he succeeds or not.

Of course then I had to ask what was needed for the class and was told "40 - 47 inch circulars the size of your choice, sock yarn and the book". OOPS!!!!!!!! I was going great until he said "the book". WHAT BOOK??????? He said, didn't they give you a list of materials needed? I said, NO!!!!!!!! I signed up for this class in January and they didn't have a list then. He pauses and then says "hummmmm, well we have your e-mail and your phone number and seems like no one took the time to fill you in on this" NO KIDDING! "well, we are out of stock on the book so I will just let you use mine." More customer service!!!!!!!! I look outside to see if the pigs are flying. What a wonderful person. I can't wait to meet him in person. I will shake his hand and tell him how much he has restored my faith in mankind!

DH has been in Vegas since Monday painting his mom's house. He will be home for 2 days and fly back up for MY trip. I am sure MY trip will be much more fun for him.

Tonight, mom, me and DD are having movie night at Mom's house. I am taking THE SOCKS with me to work on. I still have about 4" left on them before I can cast off. That is 44 rows on each sock. I can get about 5-6 rows done a night before my hands can't take it anymore. So looks like they will be done in time for next winter to wear in DH boots.

Last night my DD thought she would be cute and asked me how soon I would have her hat, mittens and scarf done. After all you never know when a cold snap could come thru. HELLO!!!! It is 90 degrees out there right now and our lows at night are in the 60's. Crazy kid.

That is it for now. Until next time..............God Bless

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