YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Finally September!

It is finally September and we are still in the 100's.  I am so looking foward to some cooler weather.  This is the time of year when I get really tired of all the heat.  But as I well know we will probably have another month of really "warm" weather before it truly cools off for about 6 months.

I made my kercheif that I told you about last time.  I love it.  Infact I love it so much I have made 3 more of them.  One of them will be given to my young God Daughter.  She is an altar server and likes to veil but is afraid of wearing too long of veil because of the candles she carries.  She saw me wear my kercheif on Saturday evening and loved it so I promised I would make one for her too.  I have plenty of lace left to make many more of them in lots of different colors.

I have put my socks on hold while I work on a lovely scarf for a very special person.  I can not tell you who it is as I know that person reads my blog and I kind of want to surprise that person!  I am working like crazy to get it done so I can work on some more items for this same person.  Oh I just love mysteries, don't you?

I have not worked on any beading or other knitting/crocheting either.  Since our Daughter moved out we have been looking at our house and decided that we are going to be getting rid of bunches of "stuff".  We have too many "things" and it is nothing other than a bunch of clutters.  So we have been cleaning it out bit by bit.  I took a bunch of it over to our neighbor for her garage sale and a lot of it sold.  We don't take any money for it as she buys food for our church food pantry with the $$ and that works for us.  We still have LOTS more to clean out but it is a start.

We got new furniture for our family room last week.  Our Daughter took our old stuff (we were glad to give it to her) and I have been wanting a sectional for a long time and that is what we got.  I love it.  So now we are looking at flooring for that room too.  We have been living with bare concrete floors for about 7 years.  So it is time  now to finally decide what we want to do with the floor.  We went to 2 flooring stores this weekend and have two other flooring places coming to our house in the next couple of weeks to bring sample.  My DH is going to go to another flooring store sometime this week and look there too.  It is hard to decide what we want as there are so many possiblities and this will be the last floor we put in.  We have agreed on no carpeting.  With the animals and all the dust from our desert it is just too nasty to have carpeting all thru the house.  When we pulled up the old carpeting it was totally disgusting what was underneath it.  Nope, no more carpeting (other than our master bedroom)

So that is how my life is rolling right now.  Busy as usual and hoping someday to get back to "normal".  (what ever that is)

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