YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, May 10, 2020


I hesitated using the above header this week.  Since there was snow in several places of our world, I kind of felt bad.  Yet, I did go swimming this week in our backyard pool.  It was quite lovely and invigorating.  Unfortunately, our weather is dropping about 10 degrees this week so the water may cool off too much for it to be feasible for me to go into it again for a couple of weeks.  Drat! 

Here is what I did this week in the crafting area.

 I finished the hummingbird cross stitch.  It was a very enjoyable project.  So thankful I tried my hand at this art once again.  

I picked up another stitching project.  This one is quite different from cross stitch.

This is a Jim Shore nativity scene.  It is one where you sew on sequins.  See all those black dots?  Everyone of those will have a sequin sewn on when I am finished.  You can see I have started with the green sequins on the boarder as well as one of the wise men's yokes.  This is perfect TV watching fun.

The only knitting I did this week was on the High Effects Feather and Fan shawl.

Another 6 inches completed.

That is a 3 ft ruler next to the shawl.  It is almost 5 feet long and that is totally relaxed.  I still have about 1/4 of the skein left.  I am figuring this will be between 7 and 8 feet long when done.

I finally took the time to lay out my Victorian Lace squares.  There will be 2 lapghans made with them.

I will be using black yarn to connect them and have decided on the flat braid join.  Pardon the cruddy shots but I did not want to take them outside to photograph and my bedroom has poor lighting in it.

Since it is going to be a bit cooler this week (91-93F), it will be a good time for me to work with this and try and get it completed.  That will give me 4 items to turn into the prayer shawl group.  I still have another item on my needles but have been ignoring it for a while.  oops

I did receive a sweet Mother's Day gift from my daughter this past week.

A Harry Potter Bookmark!  This one will be fun as it uses some stitches other than just plain cross stitch.  I may start that this week too.  

My other activity this week has been making new headers for our YOP group to use on their blogs each week.  I may have gotten carried away as I have made 24 of them.  They are so much fun to do.  If you want to try your hand at it, go here.  You do not need to make an account to use it.  The trick is using their 'free' items.  It took me a while to figure out all the nuances of the site but once I did.......................well, 24 blog headers have been made.

Today is Mother's Day in the USA.  Even though we are still to be distancing from others we still have made some plans for the day.  

We will watch Mass at 9 on the TV, get cleaned up and head to our church around 11 where they will be distributing communion (with 6 feet distance between members and masks on) for those of us who watched the Mass.  Then home to eat the leftovers from last nights Italian dinner from our local mom and pop restaurant.  Once that is finished we will get ready to head to our son's home for a little (5 of us total) get together to celebrate Mother's Day.  There will be grilling of hamburgers and hot dogs, card games and lots of love and laughter.

I am wishing all of the Mothers, Aunts, single Dads, Grandparents and anyone else who has helped raise a child, a very happy Mother's Day.  You are all so very important in the life of children.

Until Next Time..................Happy Crafting & Stay Safe!!!!!!


  1. A bit cooler? 91-93F. lol. You are a funny one. I love all your projects. Sorry about not being able to swim in the pool - sigh...I do miss swimming what with all this lockdown stuff and pools being closed. I am hoping by the end of June I can at least get into the ocean for a bit. I have been seriously thinking about purchasing a wetsuit online so I can go NOW!

  2. I would melt if it were ever 91°C here, that’s too hot for me and I’d have prickly heat all over. That or I’d have to live in the pool 😂. The feather and fan is going to be very long, I’m impressed with your commitment to something that long, I hope we will get a picture of you wearing it. I LOVE the x-stitch, so pretty.

  3. It was 69 here and I thought that it was a bit warm while I was walking. I was grateful there was a breeze. 91 is swimming weather!!!
    I love your lattice squares and your shawl, of course. Thank you for all the new headers! I tried the link but it didn't work. The Jim Shore picture with the sequins looks like fun for sure and the HP bookmark is a wonderful gift from your daughter. Who doesn't love a craft kit? Enjoy your Mother's Day!

  4. Your hummingbird cross stitch is so pretty. I feel just like you regarding cross stitch - glad I've rediscovered it. And I'm glad you've gotten back to it, too. It's fun to have several YOPers sharing this craft. And that Nativity is an interesting stitchery. What a pretty Christmas decoration that will be. I look forward to watching those pretty squares come together. I've only put one blanket of squares together, and while I wasn't hard, it was such a different process than I'd ever used, it felt like something of a challenge. I think it's what keeps me from working more diligently on my BAM squares. If I don't finish them, I don't have to put them together. Isn't THAT productive thinking!

  5. lovely stitching and knitting! We had a really nice day yesterday and sat in sunshine with light jackets. I loved it! it is raining again - like it's supposed to do probably all week off and on.

  6. Your hummingbird cross stitch is gorgeous. I'm glad you got a swim. Our temperature is die to go down tonight, although today has been quite cold, they are threatening a frost.

  7. Fun Harry Potter bookmark. First time I've heard of cross stitch mixed with sequins. That'll be something different and neat to do.


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