YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, May 15, 2020

Until Sunday.......

One more day until Sunday! Connect with us tomorrow! Connection ...

As you probably know by now, this is my last post for the week.  My next post will be on Sunday, when I go over my craft projects I have worked on this week.

So let's talk about today.  I hit the floor running today.  My 'to do' list was mostly kitchen work.  I like getting that done early in the day.  My kitchen seems to be one of the warmest rooms of the house.  Especially when I am cooking things.

I made 3 days of overnight oats, emptied the dishwasher, did a load of laundry, fed my sourdough starter (Emilie), watered my plants, wound the clock, fed the dogs and gave Enrique his medicine.  Then.............I decided to make a new to me recipe.  Funny Cake.  I got the recipe from another blogger at Quite a Yarn.  If you click the link you will find the recipe.  Here is what mine looked like.

It is so much fun to make and very easy too.  The fun part is pouring the chocolate mixture on top of the cake batter and when it comes out of the oven, there is a thin crunchy layer of chocolate on top and a nice gooey layer of chocolate on the bottom with a yummy cake in the middle.  This will be a great dessert to take to family gatherings.

My 'to do' list has been completed and all by 10:30 this morning!  That is how I like my day to go.  There is only one thing left on the list but I really do not consider it a chore......that is knitting and stitching.  To me, that is pure enjoyment and relaxation.

You must come by my blog on Sunday.  I completed the other lapghan last night. There will be photos of it on Sunday.   I am in love with it too.  Hubby called my MIL's long term care facility today, to make sure they would allow a package to be delivered to a resident.  Since they are still on lock down, we were a bit concerned.  Normally, they will not allow it but since it is for her birthday, they said we could mail it to her.  She so appreciates anything she is given.  It is always a joy to give her gifts at anytime.

Hubby has just left to run some errands for us.  We will have lunch when he comes back and then I will hunker down with my crafts for the rest of the day.

Until next time........................happy crafting & stay well!


  1. That cake looks yummy! I hope Enrique is doing better and your husband too. I wish I could get all my work done by 10:30! I'm slow going in the morning though and it takes me a while to get going. Glad you can send your MIL the lapghan after all that work! She'll be surprised and she will love it! See you Sunday!

  2. Happy weekend to you and yours. The cake looks really good. I will definitely check in on Sunday to see your other laphgan.


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