YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, May 29, 2020

Hasta la Vista

Hasta la Vista - Food Truck - Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant - 9 Photos ...

It's Friday, which means this will be the last post for this week.  Sunday will be my next post and will be a wrap-up for this past week plus anything else I might do in the next 36 hours.  

Got up at my perfect time again today (6am).  I got the bread machine loaded up and going first thing this morning.  The machine takes over 3 hours to make a loaf.  I am a little concerned with today's loaf.  It is not as 'high' as most of the other loaves I have made.  Not to mention, the machine is starting to make some unpleasant noises when mixing ingredients.  Hopefully it just needs a little TLC and it will be all better.

While the bread was being made I grabbed my orchids and put them under the faucet and cleaned the leaves and gave them a good soaking.  The leaves are all nice and shiny now.  The other plants in the house got watered too.  Since I was by the sink, I decided it was the perfect time to empty the dishwasher and put the few breakfast items in it.

Next on the list was to grab all the air fresheners in the house and checked their batteries and see if they needed new containers of good smelling stuff.  This is the type of freshener I have throughout my house.

Automatic Spray | Glade Products
As long as I was doing battery checks, I checked out the ones in my mantle clock.  It needed only one battery replaced.  While I was thinking of clocks, I then wound my antique clock that is in my craft room.

By this time, the bread was completed and on the wire rack to cool.  Now, what to do?  Hey, how about taking some time to do some water aerobics?  The pool is up to 86 degrees, or so the thermometer says.  And, no, I do not always trust the thermometer.  I spent about 45 minutes in the pool doing mostly my lower body workout.  Tomorrow I will do  an upper body workout.  The water felt wonderful.  I am sure I will feel a few new muscles tomorrow.  It has been a while since I have worked out that long or hard.  

Now I am in a dilemma.  Hubby came to me today and informed me he needs more short socks made.  I told him I was working on 'long' socks for him at the moment.  He looked so sad.  I am thinking of taking the 'long' socks and putting them on some other DPN's and then casting on some more Rose City Roller socks for him.  I love working socks on my Signature DPN's even though I have plenty of other brands of DPN's.  So, do I do this so he can have more short socks?  Or do I continue working on the long socks until they are completed?  No need to answer that question.  I already know what I am going to do.

Lunch is over and it is time for me take a look at my 'to do' list.  I see there are a few things on it that still need to be done today.  I am off to my craftroom, for a little while, to finish up my list.

Until next time.................happy crafting & stay well!


  1. You are so diligent! I have most of my energy in the afternoon as I do daily chores in the morning and other tasks in the afternoon. Your bread sounds good. I have the dough to mix up yet today. Your hubby is so sweet, I know you will start the Rose City Rollers for him! LOL!
    Enjoy your time in your crafts room!

  2. That was a busy Friday. Yum again to the bread. At least the Rise City Rollers are relatively quick.

  3. How awesome to have a pool. My kids would live in it if we had one.

  4. HI Marsha :)) Nice to read your post today! Hubby loves your socks! :) I love that you have a pool...I told Alex I want a pool and a hot tub...he said "let's work on getting our fridge running first" lol...priorities right? ;)


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