YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, May 4, 2020


Finished Projects

As I was telling you yesterday, this weekend, hubby and I spent most of our days at our son's house helping him make a focal point wall in his family room.  I finally got completed about lunch time Sunday.  Here are a couple of photos from the process.

How many men does it take to put tile on a wall?  At least three.  These guys worked nonstop.  My husband got the joy of using a wet saw for cutting the tiles.  My son (the one on the ladder) and his Father in Law (the one in the white shirt) mortared and placed the tiles.  It was great team work.

The finished product.  It really does give a focal point to the room.  My son even cut holes in the wall so he could snake the wires through.  No more ugly cords hanging down from the TV.

I am playing catch up today.  There has been 2 loads of laundry completed, dishes cleaned up, a run to the veggie store, and..............................

Working on the shawl as well as reading up on sourdough.  The starter is still doing ok.  It is not foaming up like most of them seem to but it is bubbling each day and smells very yeasty. (I did not add any yeast to the starter either)  I have about 5 more days and it should be ready to use for bread or something made from sourdough.  

Do any of you change your screens on you phone each month?  I never used to until I found out Knit Picks offers a free calendar screen as well as a 'plain' screen saver.  Here are the ones for this month.

Aren't they pretty?  A fiber addicts dream!  You can find them at knit picks.  This is the first month I found a plain wallpaper (without the calendar on it).  I use the calendar for my lock screen and the other for my main screen.

Time to get back to the knitting.

Until next time......................happy crafting & stay well! 


  1. Your son's focal point wall turned out stunning! I wish I could get help like that! They did a beautiful job! I love the screen savers...I'll have to check to see if you can get them for a pc.
    Your shawl is coming along and so is your sourdough from the sounds of it. Your sourdough book looks very good!

  2. Exactly what I like - handy males. I don't have one of those. :-(

  3. That is a beautiful tiled wall! I'm impressed. I don't tend to change the screen on my phone very often (lazy? need it clean so I can see what I have on it? don't think to do it?) But you're is very pretty. I may have to check Knit Picks out just to see what they have to offer.

  4. What an awesome outcome that wall. Love the title and what a great floor he has.


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