YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, May 18, 2020

Quick One

There is not much happening today........yet.  

Last night we went to our son's house for dinner and family time.  They are getting their backyard landscaped today.  Our son had done quite a bit of work with wiring getting the area ready for the workers to come and lay the artificial turf today.  They have really been doing quite a bit all around the house to make it 100% the way they want it.  I am very proud of all the things they have done and learned to do.  The yard just got finished.  Here is a photo.

Their dog is probably the most excited about the new 'grass'.  All they had before was dirt!

Do any of you read before turning out the light for bedtime?  I have been making it a practice to read each night in bed.  Well, last night I was reading and realized I COULD NOT put the book down.   I had almost 100 pages left in the book and I was not going to be able to go to sleep until I had finished it.  Finish it, I did....................by 12:30!  I slept so good after that.  LOL  I am still reading Kristin Hannah books.  The one I finished last night was called "True Colors".  Oh my, it was soooooo good.  

Tonight, I have a date with Emilie.  (My sourdough starter)  She is nice and active and needs to be made into a lovely loaf of sourdough tomorrow.  I will get her all kneaded up and let it rise overnight and then tomorrow do a second rise and bake it.  I am so excited!  If this works, I will be making other sourdough items.  

I cleaned out two drawers in my dresser today.  It was my underwear and nightgown drawers.  Goodness........I had things in there that I have not been able to fit into for 3 years.  Why do I keep stuff like that for so long.  The drawers are all nice and organized now and look so nice.  I even have some room in them now.  How nice to not have things crammed everywhere.

Can you believe it?  I have not touched any knitting or stitching since Saturday!  That is so unusual for me.  What is going on?  Not like I haven't had the time.  Hopefully I will be back at it after I go to the post office.

OK, need to get moving.

Until next time................happy crafting & stay well!


  1. Funny that you mention your appetite for reading. This weekend I completed 3 novellas and another book. I couldn't put them down ! Your son's grass looks nice.

  2. I usually try to read but have been cross stitching and trying to move on in my blanket.


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