YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Give me a Break!

Give Me A Break Fuck Off Inspirational T-Shirts" Art Board Print ...

Hey everyone.  Welcome back and if you are new.......welcome aboard.  Are you wondering about my header today?  Well, let me tell you why I used it.

Around 3:30pm yesterday, hubby and I noticed Enrique was not acting like himself.  Hubby started to pet him and then noticed his left front leg looked funny.  I reached over to touch it and the dog snapped at me.  Never, never, never, has this dog snapped at me.  He is my daily companion and allows me to do just about anything to him that needs doing.  The fact he snapped at me told me something was up.

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a black spot on the same leg and played around with it.  At first, I thought it was a tick and tried to see if I could move it.  Thank goodness it was not a tick.  It looked very similar to a dog bite (puncture) that had healed over.  I know my other dog did not bite him as she has very few teeth left in her head.  He has not been around any other dogs either.  I decided to just let it go as it was not causing any pain.

So, guess what was swollen and causing a lot of pain.  Yup, the black spot and it was swollen, hot and his entire leg was swollen.  I called the vet but they could not work me in and suggested I take him to the Emergency Vet.  Off I went.   Of course, I was not allowed to go into the building with him because of the virus.  The vet called me to tell me she was sure it was an abscessed cyst of some kind and needed to open it up and drain it.  She told me to go ahead and go home, grab some dinner and it would be at least 1-2 hours before he would be able to leave.

I am not stupid.  I knew it would be at least 3 hours before I would get the call to come and get him.  If something more imminent came in, they would need to put him on hold.  So, I came home, picked up hubby and we went to my cousin's 70th birthday gathering.  (It was outdoors and there was good physical distancing)

Sure enough, 3 hours later I got the call to come and get him.  Hubby and I went back to the ER Vet and picked him up along with his 3 prescriptions and him in an E collar.  When we got home we let him outside and watched him for a little while only to discover he could not drink or eat with the E collar on.  My daughter in law text me and let me know they had a soft collar we could borrow for him.  Look at the difference.

The photo on the right is the collar from the vet and the one on the right is the soft collar which I put on him like a cape.  It covers his boo boo and keeps his 'sister' from trying to lick it all the time.  He can't lick it either.  He is able to eat, drink and use the doggy door with it on.  My family is the best!  (Don't mind the evil eyes in the left photo.  My phone does not have red eye reduction on it)

He is doing quite well today.  He is already jumping up on the couch with us and acting pretty normal.  Well, as normal as he can with pain meds on board.  LOL

There were treasures in the mail today:

My 5 inch and 7 inch embroidery hoops.  Most everyone loves the ones that have a screw to tighten them.  My hands are not strong enough to work that little screw.  I have used this kind of hoop in the past and enjoyed them.  I still need to order a 3.5 inch one but for now these will work for what I have to work on.

The only other hoop I have used and loved is this one:

High Quality Pvc Colorful Embroidery Hoop,Plastic Hoop For ...

They are great for larger projects.  Right now I am doing much smaller ones.  The hoops I bought will be just fine for them.

Today, hubby cleaned half of the house (his arm is doing pretty good now).  While he did that, Enrique, Luna and I watched a Disney movie while I worked on the edging of my MIL's lapghan.   I got quite a bit done in the 1.5 hours it took for the movie.  I am hoping to finish the edging before the end of the week.  It is all I am working on at the moment.  It needs to be in the mail the first of next week so it will arrive in time for her birthday.

My BFF text me this morning to let me know her mom left this earth early this morning.  We knew it was just a matter or time.  She has been in hospice for almost a month.  Still, it is always sad to lose a loved one.  My friend is now waiting to find out what they are going to do about services for her.  It will all take place in Wisconsin and at this time we do not know what that state's restrictions are.  Plus, I don't know if she is going to fly there as she is immune compromised and is unable to wear a mask due to claustrophobia.  It would be an 1800 mile drive! That would be almost 36 hours drive time (average 50 MPH).

With all that lovely news, I need to leave you with a chuckle.  When I saw this today, it reminded me of my son's dog, Thor.

Until next time..............happy crafting & stay well!


  1. Glad to hear that your husband and Enrique are recuperating. That was a lot of excitement but all is headed no towards healing. The embroidery hoops are nice. Very sorry to hear about your friend's mom. Have a great weekend. Looking forward to hearing about it.

  2. so glad your dog is okay! Thank goodness for emergency vets (but oh boy , the price!). Hopefully the wound will heal quickly. Love those hoops, I have two plastic ones that were my mother's and I can work the screw for now!!

  3. Never a dull moment at your house! So glad your husband and Enrique are doing better! Scary stuff! I'm glad you have an emergency vet care place. We have nothing like that and our vets are very laid back and you're lucky if they leave and off-hours phone number! The soft collar is really neat and solves a variety of problems!
    Glad you were able to get out and enjoy your friend's birthday and sorry for your other friend losing her Mom so far away. More hoops? Must mean you are getting back into cross stitch full-time! Yay! A buddy stitcher! I love having different hobbies although I think I might have too many interests! LOL! What's your next project(s)?
    The dog joke at the end was really good! Take care and stay well!

  4. LOL! Love the doggie save gif. Poor dogie, yours. Glad it got caught and now he can heal. My cats hated the collar, especially Mortie; she was a rolling Bronco when we had first brought her home after she got fixed. But the two loved getting scritches then.


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