YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, May 28, 2020


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Finally, I am getting time to kick back for a little while.  As usual, my goal is to get my 'to do' list completed before lunch.  I did not quite make that goal today.  Here is my day so far.

Wake up came around 6 this morning.  That is actually my preferred time to get going.  It is still kind of cool outside which means my house is very comfy.  After breakfast, I headed off to Kroger's to finish up our weekly shopping.  I could not believe how easy it was to get around in there.  There was a fire engine company in there getting their supplies for their meals today.  Other than them, there were not very many people in the store.  It sure made fir a  nice shopping trip. 

As soon as I got home, I got all the groceries put away.  It was then time to make a loaf of banana chocolate chip bread.  I love playing with my banana bread recipe.  Adding different spices and ingredients to it is so much fun.  This time I added cinnamon and vanilla to it along with chocolate chips.  I also use 1/2 bread flour and 1/2 wheat flour.  The recipe calls for all wheat flour but it is so darn heavy and kind of dry.  With the 1/2 and 1/2 it makes it quite a bit lighter with a more moisture.

While that was baking I took the time to set up my daily journal for the month of June.  That journal is the best thing.  We actually call it my 'brains'.  Each day, as I think of things I need to do, I write it done in the journal.  It helps keep me on tract each day.  My biggest joy is checking off the items I complete each day.  If it doesn't get done on the day assigned, it gets moved to the next day.  

After lunch, I made deliveries.  First, I stopped at my Grand Daughter's BFFs house to drop off the masks for her and her family.  They were so happy to get them.  Then, I was off to my son's home to deliver the banana bread.  He was tickled to get another loaf.  It had been a couple of weeks since I had made any.  I also got to see how they were doing since the loss of their cat.  They seem to be pretty good but it still hurts to think of him.  (I get it)

I am back home now and getting ready to do some type of crafting.  Not sure what all will get worked on today.  So many projects and so little time.

There was a question this week I wanted to answer:

Becki, yes my knitting pin is for Portuguese knitting.  It is the easiest way to do purl stitches I have ever found.  There are some wonderful YouTube videos teaching you how to do it.

Tonight, we are having a ham steak with sweet potatoes.  It is an easy meal to make and is all done in the microwave.  No heating up of my kitchen.  Especially with the temperature being 108F today.  Thank goodness for A/C!

Until next time..................happy crafting & stay well.


  1. I love a good banana bread. That's great that you are always experimenting with different textures and flavors ! I have heard of Portuguese knitting but have never checked it out. I will especially since you say the purple are easier. I can't imagine then being easier. I can't wait to see that.

  2. Oh.My.God! 108!! And I complain when it gets into the 80s around here. I am SUCH a winter person. That is my favorite season. I even like being outside in the cold. In fact I would love to live in Maine but my family is all in Maryland! Oh well. You are right. Air Conditioning is a blessing.

  3. I am a list maker and prioritizer too. It really helps! I've got to try that banana bread...is it a yeast bread or a quick bread? I have not been in a store and don't plan on it...you're braver than me!
    STay safe and stay well!

  4. Your banana bread is unique as it is like real bread.


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