YOP LIST 2023-2024

Wednesday, January 20, 2021



Goodness.  Who knew declutting books would take us 3 days to achieve.  But achieve it we did.  Actually, I should say, hubby achieved it.  I am the one packing the books into boxes for pick up and delivery.  Let me give you a little glimpse of how things are shaping up around here.

Started boxing up some of the books.  I only got 60 books boxed from this room so far.

This is all that is left in the bookcases.  I do believe we will be able to put what is left into one case.  The other case may get moved into a different room.  Have not gotten that far in my mind yet.

These are the built in bookcases on either side of our fireplace.  I have boxed all the books up from this area.  The total count for just this area is 180 books.  I can not believe how many books we have deleted from our home.  Even hubby was surprised at the number of books he has gotten rid of.  His guess is about 400.  Once I have them all boxed up, I will have a grand total and will let you know.

So, what is left to do in that room?  

I need to find a new place to put the printer and stand as well as the ironing board.  Hubby thinks he will be able to put the photo printer in the office area.  That would be wonderful and so much easier for me to access it.  The ironing board will probably go back into my craft room.  I need to declutter that room next so I can get it back in there where I can use it when needed without having to move tons of items to get to it.

Since the guest room is going to be used more, I decided we could use some decent lighting in there.  It does have a lovely north facing window that gives great natural light, but in the evenings, it gets zero light in there.  So, I got two of these to give us some lovely light in there.

These lamps are the type you touch to turn on and off.  They also have 3 light settings so they get quite bright.  There are 2 plug ins on the back of the base as well as two USB ports on the front of the base.  That will be nice for plugging our phones in to play music while we are exercising.

Hopefully, I will be able to complete the boxing of the books and get them out of the room and move the exercise equipment in there tomorrow.  There is a load of laundry calling my name too.  Not sure how much I will get done.  Hubby and I have eye appointments tomorrow morning so will see what time we get home.

Tonight, I am making one of my favorite meals...................grilled cheese and cream of tomato soup.  According to the weather forecast last week, we were supposed to be getting rain today.  This is perfect rainy day food.  As you can probably guess, we are not getting rain today.  Rather, it is sunny and 72F.  Oh well, it will still taste fantastic.  As for the rain.....anytime between Friday and next week Tuesday is the new prediction.  Suuurrre.

It is that time of day where I need to empty the dishwasher and get things ready for dinner tonight.

Until next time....................................................................


  1. Wowee! You're doing great, Marsha. Homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese. Mmmmm. I have that on a list of meals to make that I have ready ingredients for. :)

  2. Well done on all those books. I have packed quite a few but keep pulling one particular one out then putting it back in. I think as it is on my mind I will keep it. I got very distracted by weaving so still haven’t 100% finished the kitchen or started on the utility room. It’s good to have you doing it too and your posts spurring me on. I love Heinz cream of tomato soup with cheese on toast which is almost the same.

  3. The sight of extra space on your bookshelves made me smile!

  4. Books are a conflict in my mind. I love owning books. I love reading them. I don’t read them all. Sometime the owning is enough. After I got over the idea that ‘owning' the book is not the same thing as putting the knowledge of the pages in my brain, I was able to let go of books more easily. After all - that is what libraries are for ... storing the knowledge contained in books until the time is right to actually read it. Becoming the library was never my goal. That was a hard lesson for me.


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