YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, January 28, 2021



WOW, Thursday already.  This week has flown by.  

Yesterday, hubby and I worked in our own 'spaces' .  He is handling the office while I work on the craft room.  This works out great for us and will get 2 rooms done.  I think he is further along than I am, though.  That's ok, he has another room that will be his to work on.  (The dreaded backroom)

Here is what happened yesterday in MY space.

These are the few treasures I found to donate to Goodwill.  The bookmark is one I cross stitched years ago when I was doing rehab for my mom after her hip replacement surgery.  I don't think I ever used it.  Yes, that is 3 more decks of cards to be given away.  I chuckled with I found them.  They were in one of the drawers of my sewing machine table.  I guess if I got bored sewing I could play a couple of games of solitaire.

The Philly Phanatic!  This belonged to one of my boys.  His leg fell off and I was asked to repair it.  It has been waiting for that surgery for over 20 years!  I have now asked each of the boys who it belongs to and neither of them think it is theirs!  Josie said she will take it as it is kind of cute.  Yes, I procrastinate doing things now and then.

That is all I did yesterday. It was a short day at home.  Hubby and I went over to Josie's around 12:30 and did not get back home until 6pm.  We had a nice time while with Josie and her BFF.  Hubby helped Josie with her homework and I helped her BFF with hers.  It was kind of nice to be back in the "Classroom" again.

Today, I finally was able to get the dogs on their walk.

This is the way they are supposed to walk on their coupler harness.

But, this is normally what happens.  Luna has the coupler wrapped around her neck.  She is at a dead stop.

Enrique, being the brilliant dog he is (not really), figures out she is not moving until the coupler is unwrapped.  He is in the process of doing that in this photo.

We did not go very far today.  Both Enrique and I need to build up our stamina a bit.  Luna, on the other hand, could have walked quite a bit further.  Hopefully she will be patient with us two chubby walking partners while we build up some endurance.

So, I guess this means, knitting is not a cardio sport, huh.  Who knew!

This will be my last post for the week again.  Tomorrow, after our walk, I need to really concentrate on the craft room if I am going to ever get it completed.  I started section 2 yesterday and only got about 1/4 of it done.  I am hoping to complete that section today so I can move onto section 3 and 4 tomorrow.  That leaves the walk in closet for next week.

Until next time..........................................................................


  1. My craft room is the worst! But I am looking forward to getting it organized so I can find things. Luna and Enrique are so cute! I can just imagine what would have happened if I had used one of those with Nitty and Annie....Nitty would have dragged her down the street! LOL!
    I started on my porch or Arkansas room? Good job on sticking with it. I can't blog every day ans still make progress either so I understand!

  2. What a pretty bookmark. And the cards made me chuckle too.

  3. good luck with the decluttering. I cannot imagine walking two dogs at the same time though :)

  4. Oh your pups are so cute Marsha! When I had my two pugs, I had a coupler harness too, it kept them pulling each other and not me! :)

  5. *sigh*, sadly knitting is not a cardio activity! If it was I would be SO fit.

  6. I've never seen a coupler harness before. I saw this video on IG of a young woman knitting at the gym while stepping on this esculator like machine! The man who took it was amazed.


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