YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 20, 2020



Hello again.  I am excited to show you my latest finish.

Hubby's socks are DONE!  I finished them last night.  Never have I been so glad to get a pair of socks off the needles.  This yarn was not nice to knit with.  It was splitty, and scratchy and did not have any kind of stitch definition at all.  Hubby loves them and even wore them today to Church.  

My DPN's are now naked.  Will I cast on another pair of socks?  Of course, but probably not for a few days.  I have so many other projects I really want to pay attention too.  The Fodhla shawl saw no love at all this week.  That is my main project I want to work on this week.  I have also pulled out my "It Really Fits Cardiagan" from the WIP closet.  It needs to get completed also.  So, those two projects will be my main focus this coming week.

The other items done this week were:

Thirteen masks were made for my son, grand daughter and myself.  These were done on Monday.  Never again will I do that many masks in one day.  I do need to make 5 more for a friend of mine who is heading to college the end of this month.

I made this dishcloth on Tuesday to try and get my knitting mojo going.  It worked as you can tell from the finished socks.  

That is all for crafting today.  This was a crazy week as we had control over our Grand Daughter on Thursday and Friday.  She is involved in several activities as well as has a busy social calendar.  Seems like I spent those two day just running her all over.  The nice thing about that is, it gives me a lot of time to just talk to her while we are in the car alone.  I have a rule in my car........No cell phones or ear buds when riding with me.  WE WILL HAVE CONVERSATION!  I usually let her pick the subjects to talk about and that keeps me up to date on her interests and happenings.  Even when her friends ride with me, they all put their cell phones away and we talk.  

Today I was going to make a loaf of bread but...............I forgot to set the beer out last night for it to get flat.  Guess I will make it tomorrow then.  So, my to do list is pretty short today.  I will cut out the masks for my friend and start on them.  There will be knitting time while hubby is busy watching golf and football.  I have an audio book I am listening to and will put that on during that time.  It is so easy to listen to the book while I am knitting and sewing.  We have leftovers for dinner tonight so that makes my life even easier.

How was your week?  To see what other crafters are up to go HERE.  

Until Next Time...........................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!


  1. Congrats on finishing the socks, and so glad your hubby loves wearing them. That makes all the trouble with the scratchy yarn worthwhile, doesn't it? Good for you for banning cellphones in the car. Having a good conversation, even if it's just about trivia, is so important. I sometimes think the world would be a better place if people talked more and spent less time fiddling with their phones.

  2. Ooooh! Love your DH's new socks! And that he appreciates what you make for him!

    Glad you finished the masks and completely understand your body's reaction to all that sewing machine time! I'm in year five of a battle with severe sciatica and related issues. I'm winning the war with sciatica as long as I don't do anything too stupid, such as sewing for more than about 30 minutes at a time. :-( I'm accustomed to spending one or two weekends cutting, followed by several weekends sewing. New format is a bit of a pain. sigh

    Looking forward to the progress and finishes of your shawl and cardigan. The Havana blanket is gorgeous! That's another project I will enjoy following. :-) Current daily highs in the 105F range are noticeably cooler than 115+F degrees, but still much too hot to have something heavy and growing in size draped on you!


  3. The socks really turned out nice! I am a touch envious that your spouse likes handknit socks, mine hates them and knits in general (LOL).

    Also, as a person who has sewn a hundred (or so) masks in the last 6 weeks, AWESOME JOB completing all those in a day! To be honest, I find the elastics the most irritating part of the process.

  4. Those socks are gorgeous. I'm glad you were rewarded for working with yarn you didn't care for by husband who loves them. He is so knit-worthy. :) I'm dragging my feet over making some more masks. I'm only making them for DH and me for now and I just don't wanna do it, I tell you. It's so tempting to just buy some online, but I have the fabric so I just need to buckle down.

    I LOVE that you don't allow your granddaughter (or her friends) to use her phone while in the car with you. What I really love about it is picturing how much your granddaughter enjoys conversations with you and knowing how she'll cherish this memory as she gets older. What a good grandma you are, Marsha.

  5. The socks look really great! I'm glad your husband loves them even if you didn't love making them.
    I can't imagine making 13 masks in one day! I recently picked up sewing again and made just one of that style in the course of an afternoon.

  6. I love your no cellphone rule in the car. My kids grew up pre cell phones, but I love that idea. Well done. Lovely socks - your husband is definitely knit worthy. I have fodhla in my queue too. Hmmmm. Now you have me thinking to go stash diving so I can cast it on. Maybe some of my handspun. Thanks for the nudge.

  7. What a great idea to have no cell phones or ear buds in the car. I'll have to remember that in the future and I'm lucky enough to be near my grandchildren. I always have at least one pair of socks on needles. They are my "brain dead" project for when I can't concentrate on my knitting.

  8. So glad you were able to finish the socks. They look great but what yarn was that so I don't buy it? I think your rule about conversing in the car is great! You are a wise Grandmother. Glad you get to work on your shawl again. What a generous person you are to make all those masks! Bless you!

  9. splitty yarn is extremely unfun yarn to knit with! Love the results though :)

  10. Your hubbies socks are gorgeous even though not a pleasure to make! Well done on all of the masks.

  11. The socks look great. Oh my you must be able to make masks with your eyes shut now you have made soooo many.


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