YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, September 10, 2020



Here I am again.  Dog sitting today until the teen gets out of school.  Then it will be kid watching and dog sitting until the Mom gets home from work.  Tomorrow will be my last day until the end of next week.  Then I get to do it again for a couple of days.  I love being needed.

So, what do I do with all this time away from home?  Hmmmmm........I have done extensive pattern searches for ideas for items I want to make.  There are movies playing on the TV for background noise.  My project bag is full of cotton yarn to make coasters for my daughter as well as hubby's socks I have been working on.  

I forgot to tell you....................our weather finally cooled off a bit.  We have been below 100 for the past 2 days.  We will be hitting 100 again on the weekend and it will stay in the low 100's for several days.  I will take it!  The night time temps are down into the 70's which is a blessing for us.  During the heat of the summer we are lucky if they dip below 90!  So this is fall for us.  It is so nice to not feel like a blast furnace is hitting you in the face when you walk outside.  Of course, the down side to this is our swimming pool will be cooling off rapidly soon.  I will miss being able to just walk out the back door and jumping into the pool.  That means, it will be walking season.  Time to dust off the sneakers and get ready for some lovely walks around the neighborhood again.  

Time for me to pull out my knitting/crocheting and enjoy some sappy movie.

Until next time...............happy crafting & stay well!


  1. How lovely. Nice time with grands and crafts.

  2. I miss being needed! both of my adult children live out of state and the babysitting ended due to covid (I didn't want to risk it with her being in preschool 3x a week!). Anyways I hope you have a great weekend!!

  3. It's so nice that your family values you!
    I don't know how you stand that heat. I'm just fine with Wisconsin cold.


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