YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, September 21, 2020

Just a Typical Day


Yuppers, it was just a typical day here at Casa de Noce.  

Hubby had a Doctor appointment this morning for a follow up to last weeks blood work.  There is nothing wrong with him but, since we have a new PCP he is making sure everything is going well with the two of us.  While hubby was there he got his flu shot.  Not to let him be the only one, I slipped over to our local pharmacy and got my flu shot too.  This is the first flu shot I have had in almost 30 years!  Being over 65 and with a compromised immune system, it was the right thing to do.  Not to mention, our new PCP TOLD me to get my pneumonia and flu shot ASAP.  

After I got home, I got a loaf of bread going in the bread machine.  It just got done about 20 minutes ago.

It is a beauty and my house smells delicious.  We have been slowing down on our bread eating and this loaf will last us for a week.  It used to be, I would be making at least 2 loaves a week.

While that was baking, I pulled out the Fodhla shawl and worked on it for a while.

I got 16 more rows added to it.  It is such a slow process with putting beads on it.  Yet, I love the looks of it and will suffer the slowness because, I know what the finished product will look like.

I pulled out an languishing WIP yesterday.

My "It Really Fits Cardigan" came out of the WIP closet yesterday afternoon.  I would say it is halfway completed.  It has been almost a year since I have worked on it.  Here is one of the reasons why:

The sleeves!  Because I like my sweaters to be loose, I am making a size that is actually at least one size bigger than I need.  In fact, it is probably 2 sizes bigger.  That means these sleeves are HUGE.  I already have knitted 12 inches of sleeve.  The pattern says to decrease 2 stitches every 10 rows until you get to elbow length.  I have been decreasing 2 stitches every 5 rows and that sleeve is just now at elbow length and is still 18 inches wide unstretched.  I was in quite a quandary deciding what to do.  I finally came up with the idea to go ahead and continue decreasing 2 stitches every 5 rows and when I get to the length when I need to do the cuff.................................do a HUGE decrease and just make it a bit of a puff sleeve at the wrist.  If it looks nasty..................well, I will worry about that when the time comes.

That has been the extent of my day.  

For dinner tonight, I am making this:

It is pepperoni pizza pasta in the pressure cooker.  (Ninja foodi)  This will feed us for at least 2 days as it makes up to 8 servings.  This was supposed to have been made last week but things got all messed up.  That means, I have plenty of recipes leftover from my last menu planning that will be cooked up this week.  

I am now getting ready to head into my craftroom and sew up a couple of the masks I have cut out.  They just need to be completed by Thursday evening.  That is when I will be delivering them to the college student's parents.

Until next time................happy crafting & stay well!


  1. I made bread today too! YOu supper looks good, I made minnestrone soup and it is simmering on the stove right now. That shawl is gorgeous! I do 2 rows on my brill each night...another long term project:) Glad you got your shots. I've gotten one ever year and pneumonia every 10 years? I haven't gotten mine yet, I usualy wait until October. Enjoy your dinner and your sweater!

  2. Hmmm...last dish I made in the IP? Brown rice, LOL!


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