YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 13, 2020



Another week is in the books.  It was an unusual week for me.  I was gone from home 4 days this past week.  I was dog sitting and running a teenager around to her play practice as well as a swim meet and also school.  This meant my crafting needed to be something portable and dog proof.  

First up is some finishes.

Coasters!!!!!!  My daughter called me last week asking me if I would be so kind to make her some coasters to use at work.  It was the perfect traveling project for me.  None of the coasters are bigger than 6 inches.  She loves them and was so happy to have washable coasters.

I did work on hubby's socks some more.

The gusset is completed and there is another 30 rows added to each foot.  Not sure how this coming week is stacking up yet.  Hopefully it will be quieter so I can do quite a bit on these.  I really want them off the needles.  The yarn is very scratchy and splits horribly and because of that, I stopped the pattern and am just doing plain vanilla for the feet.  I have more of this yarn but am thinking I will be waiting a loooong time before I use it.

I did start a new project on Monday.  I don't know why I felt I needed to start something else.  In actuality, I started 2 new projects on Monday.
This is not a very big cross stitch.  I got the wording done and have not touched it since.  It is not travel friendly and definitely not dog friendly.  

The other project I started was the  Fodhla shawl.  This will be the second time I have made this shawl.  This shawl is the one I wear the most so thought it would be nice to have another one.

This is being knit in a skein of yarn I forgot I had.  It is Cascade Sorata which is a baby llama and silk blend.  So soft and what a lovely drape to it.  My favorite part is the beads being added to it.

I just happened to have these glass beads hanging around and they go perfectly with the charcoal gray yarn.  The beads are added after the stitch is made.  It does slow down the knitting process but is so worth it.  Plus, the beads add just enough weight to the shawl that it keeps is laying so nicely.

That is all for my crafting this week.  The Havana is in time out until it cools off here.  There is only so much heat I can take laying on my lap.  I have been looking at my WIP list and realize it is time to pull out the "It Really Fits Cardigan".  I only have 1.5 sleeves to do and then knit until it is long enough for my liking.  Add a button band to it and it will be complete.  Hopefully, I will have it done in time for sweater weather here.


When I came home Thursday, I found this sitting on my kitchen counter.

My husband is so thoughtful.  I sent him to the store to pick up a few items for our dinner that evening.  He ALWAYS looks at the flowers when he is there.  These are lasting quite while.  They have a lovely aroma too.

Speaking of aroma.................................The fires that are burning the western part of the US are just horrible.  We are being affected here too.

This is what our sun has looked like all week other than on Tuesday.  That was the only day we were smokeless here.  I have seen photos from places in California and Washington where you can not even see the sun.  When we left Mass this morning, I noticed the smell as soon as I took off my mask.

Speaking of masks..................the teen was told her face mask needs to be plain without any patterns on it.  Of course this was not told to them until the first day she went back to in person school.  So, guess who is going to be making masks today?  Yup, me!  I had to buy plain material.  Thank goodness I had JoAnn coupons.  I got a pale yellow (her request) and black (also her request).  I think I will make a couple of black masks for myself too.

Yesterday, hubby and I got our pneumonia shots.  Neither of us had ever had one before.  We will need to go again next year to get the final dose.  In two weeks we are going to get our flu shots.  We were offered the flu shot yesterday too but since we had never had the pneumonia shot we thought we would wait in case of a reaction.  That way we would know which one caused the issue.

Today's 'to do' items are; make a loaf of bread (it is in the machine now), plan menus for 10 days, make grocery list, do at least one load of laundry (probably will do 2), & make masks (aiming for 4).

Tomorrow, you will find me at Discount Tire.  We found a HUGE screw in my tire this morning.  It is not flat but the screw needs to come out.  I am hoping the tire can be repaired.  I only have 6,000 miles on these tires.  They are the ones that came with the car when I bought it last year.  

That is all for me today.

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!!!


  1. You've just given me an idea ... I could use swatches and test knits / crochets for coasters! Why did this never occur to me before?
    Good luck with the tire. I had a nail in one of mine years ago, and was told I needed a new one because it would be to dangerous not to replace it. Maybe you are luckier.

  2. Coasters are my jam! I have a bunch floating around the house- water rings are not my jam! The kids (almost 5 and 6.5) are starting to use coasters without me having to scream (like a crazy person) to "Use a coaster with that!!".

  3. Lordy you have been very busy. Loving the socks of course. Love the shawl too. I also don't need warm shawls so I like your beautiful one skein shawl. Thanks for sharing the pattern name. I need one skein projects to use up "pretty" skeins I bought last year.

  4. Weird, I recently had a huge screw in a tire. They were able to fix the tire, but it wasn't cheap!
    I love the beads on your shawl. I haven't knit with beads for so long that I'd have to learn all over again.
    And your husband buys you flowers! I wish! My husband thinks cut flowers are a waste of money. It's OK. He's a great husband.

  5. Boy your husband likes his socks long, which in such a hot place really surprises me. They look great though and after all that leg length I’d opt for vanilla feet too. I love your 2 little Havana coasters, a great idea. It’s so sad to see all the fires across the west coast and I know Colorado has problems a few weeks ago. Roll on 2021!

  6. Well, bummer. That shawl pattern is no longer available on Ravelry.

  7. Love the added beads!! a little sparkle is always nice :) Lovely flowers! My husband used to get them for me randomly but then Holly came along and she is very disrespectful (eats my flowers). Oh I do hope they can patch the tire!!

  8. Love all your different coasters. You're making me think I need to come up with some fresh ones here. I know I have no reason to really care, but I'm disappointed that if students have to wear masks all day, they can't at least pick out some fun fabrics. Then again, maybe they wear uniforms to school - in which case solid masks of various colors would provide that little bit of individuality. Oh nevermindme. What do I know? I just know that having a mask in an attractive print is the only thing that makes me feel better about wearing one...

  9. I love adding beads - and you are right the ones you are adding go perfectly with your yarn and pattern. So rude for the school to not be clear on the mask protocol before everyone arrives. Lucky for her she has you to sort things out for her. I love the coasters. Good idea to make a havana coaster - I will do that as I learn the mosaic crochet.
    Take care - your skies look worse than ours with the smoke and ours are pretty yucky. My house smells smokey and whenever I come in from outside I think I have left something burning on the stove. Stay safe.

  10. Oh I'm sorry about the tire, and a good idea to leave a bit of time between vaccinations. I've just booked my flu shot. Hubbies socks look great and a great idea with the swatches to make coasters.

  11. The coasters are lovely. I've never thought of knitted coasters before. Thanks for the project idea for my list!

  12. Those coasters are darn cute!!! That must be a new pneumonia shot as I never had to have 2 and they last like 10years, I think. I did get a new version of the shingles shot and that is 2 injections no more than 6 months apart. It's hard to keep up with it all.
    The socks are coming along and so pretty. What brand of yarn is it so I can steer clear! LOL! That's too bad about the masks. She can wear the patterned ones on the weekends I guess. That is really so sad about the fires and the smoke. We had it here one day as I check the weather and there is always air quality reported too. We have great air quality here but that one day it was terrible and hazy out so I didn't open the windows. Your shawl is gorgeous and especially with the beads. YOur flowers are lovely and I hope you can get your tire fixed! TTYL!

  13. My husband used to have bad luck with nails in his Prius tires. Thankfully that's stopped, knock on wood. It still surprises me to read about kids in school. We are distance learning here; I'm glad my kids are home. I don't trust it out there.


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