YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, September 23, 2020



I am just sitting here waiting for the pool guys to come and install our new salt cell in our pool.   It is a free installation and the salt cell itself was still under warranty so it was free too.  I think FREE is my favorite 4 letter word.  LOL

I am happy to say the side effects of the flu shot are gone.  I was told they would last from 1-3 days.  They lasted just about 24 hours.  If this keeps me from getting the flu, it was well worth it.  My main side effect was horrible muscle pain throughout my entire body.  By the time I went to bed, I could hardly walk or move my arms.  Woke up this morning with a little residual pain but after I took a nice hot shower it was all gone.  

While I am waiting for the pool dudes, I decided to pick up some languishing WIPs.

I picked this up last night and again this morning.  It is such a cute little piece.  I have no idea why it has been laying dormant for so long.

This is the Madonna and Child and I know why this has been laying around.  The chart is so hard on my eyes.  But, I persevered today and added in the dark gray.  This will be a very long term project.  There are little nuances throughout the pattern that are so different for me.  I will need to be on point to make sure I don't miss any.

I also grabbed my cardigan this morning and put a few rows on the sleeve again.  That has become my TV knitting since it is just straight stockinette stitch..............forever.  Since it is knit in worsted weight yarn, it really does grow pretty quickly.  We have a car trip coming up in 2.5 weeks.  If it is not done by then, I may decided to take it with me to work on.  Since it is kind of a mindless knitting, it will be perfect for the trip.  Even if it is a bit bulky to take.  I think I would be able to get quite a bit done on it during the week we will be away from home.

When the pool dude shows up, I will take the dogs into the craftroom with me and work on the last 3 masks and finish them up.  It shouldn't take long to complete them.  Then they will be ready to deliver tomorrow night.  I am sure there will be more mask making in the near future.  Seems like there is always someone in need of them and since I seem to have a plethora of material.....................I might as well make them and give them away.  It cleans out my fabric stash and helps others at the same time.  Win, win!!!!!  

OK, the pool dude is about 15 minutes away.  I am off to the craftroom with the pooches.

Until next time.................................happy crafting & stay well!


  1. Oh man... I had talked myself into going and getting my flu shot today, and I had to come in here first and read all about your side effects before I got it done. lol It won't stop me, but I'm dreading it again. I need to go get it done today, though - three hot days before me so if I'm going to feel bad, best to do it now so I don't regret wasting even a couple of beautiful days this autumn.

  2. I am very lucky, I guess as I have never had a reaction to anything ever and I hope it continues. Well, one time I was in D.C. on business and I had crabcakes AND a strawberry daiquiri and I got a bad case of hives from that but that's all. Never from any shots or medicine. I usually wait until October 10th to get my shot. I'm so sorry you had such a bad reaction! No fun!
    Your cross stitch is so pretty. Do you use readers/cheaters when doing xs? I do, it helps a lot.
    Yes, FREE is a wonderful word!
    You are a master at making masks!
    A trip sounds like fun!


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