YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, September 9, 2020



Howdy.  How are things at your place?  Have you had any surprises lately?  Please tell me about it if you have.

I got a surprise last night.  After spending the afternoon and early evening with Josie and her dog Thor, I was all settled in at home for a nice quiet evening of crafting and binge watching Eureka (on amazon prime).

My phone rings!  A REAL  phone call!  It's Josie wanting to know what time I will be coming to her house the next day.  I tell her I will be there around lunch time and there is silence on the other end of the phone.

"Uh, Mimi, I have dance tomorrow morning at 8am." (Josie)

"I thought you had dance on Friday morning during your in person school day" (me)

"Oh, I have it then too but I also have it tomorrow on virtual school.  I need you to come over earlier than lunch time.  Thor (the dog) will not leave me alone with I dance and if I close my door he claws it and tears it up.  He NEEEEEEEDS you!" (Josie)

"Um, ok, I will be there by 7:45." (me)

"Thanks, Mimi.  I love you.  Goodbye" (Josie)

I am still holding my phone in shock.  That means I will be over at her place from 7:45 until around 5:30 with a small break to go and pick up her lunch I promised to get for her.  (Culver's)

Once the shock wears off, I go into high gear.  I pack up my lunch for tomorrow, start going through my crafting projects that will be suitable to take (and semi dog proof), lay out my clothes for tomorrow (makes the morning easier), set my alarm for 6am,  and grab 3 of my Contigo water bottles to fill with MY water for the next day.  THEN, I settle into my chair and enjoy some TV with the hubby.

So, here I am at Josie's place.  The dog is sleeping under the kitchen table while I am typing and Josie is upstairs in her room dancing.  Or at least I assume she is dancing from the sound of feet jumping up and down above me.  Her next class is Spanish, so I am sure it will be much quieter around here for that one.

Now to show you some photos from the past two days.

Here was our sun yesterday around 5:30.  No, it is not sunset.  That is the color of our sun from all the smoke we are getting from the fires in California.  It is pretty to see but the air quality is horrible.  Needless to say, I did not go outside other to get from my house to my car and vise versa.

The sun is shining much nicer today.  The shadows are proof of that.  This is me and Thor the wonder dog.  Shadows sure do distort a person.

Yup, this is what the sun is supposed to look like here in Arizona.  We had quite a bit of wind that helped blow the smoke out of our city last night. 

Thor, the wonder dog, does not get the concept of personal space.  This was yesterday afternoon.............his nap time.

  This is where he is right now as I am typing my blog up.  He just wants to be close to his people ALL the time.  As soon as I am finished here, we will head to the couch and I will work on some knitting/crocheting and he will be sleeping on my leg again.

Until next time............................happy crafting & stay well!


  1. What a sweet grandmother you are to help with the family dog. And how cool to do a dance class through distance learning. My 8th grader has PE so sometimes she has to move her laptop so her teacher can see her doing the exercises!

  2. Grand mother duties! It is a wonderful thing, when you think about it! Love!

  3. Josie and Thor....both cuties and they both adore you! Does Josie stay by herself at night? Or is her dad home in the evenings? It just seems sort of scary for her if she is alone at her age.
    You are such a good grandma and I know you are a planner so surprises aren't the best for people like us! LOL! So glad the smoke blew away although it was pretty. Take care! No surprises here....the last surprise was when the blower on the HVAC went out last week.


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