YOP LIST 2023-2024

Monday, February 3, 2020


Image result for drat drat and double drat

Do any of you remember Dick Dastardly from the Wacky Races cartoon?  This was my feeling this morning when trying to check out an audio book.  My friend, Patricia, introduced me to the world of Overdrive.  It is a free service to check out ebooks and audio books from libraries in your area.  I have fallen in love with it.  My main item to check out is audio books.  They are perfect to listen to on my walks, while using my exercise equipment, doing laundry, cleaning house and best of all while knitting and not caring about the TV show that is on!  

This morning, I wanted to put a couple of books on my device, as I was done with all my other ones.  I kept getting this message "there is a block on this library card".  WHAT?  I went online to my local library and guess what?  My library card expired on January 24.  UGH!  Luckily I was able to renew it online but............yes there is always a but..........it takes up to 48 hours for the renewal to take effect.  Double Drat! 

I knew the card needed to be renewed each year.   It is now scheduled on my phone calendar so I can take care of that next year before I run into another wall.  

Good news!  I don't know what happened, but I was able to print to the new printer yesterday from all my devices!  It must have heard hubby say something about it fitting through a window of a tall building LOL.  Neither of us touched if for 24 hours and we think it finally decided to sync up and become the good printer it was reviewed to be.

Since we got all our household chores done yesterday, today is going to be a 'me' day.  It will involve a nice walk, maybe some weight lifting, knitting of course and looking at some recipes to add to our menu planning.

What do your Monday plans look like?  Do you think they will come to fruition?

Hey!  How about those CHIEFS?!!!  Color this family very happy they won.  About time too.

Until next time..............happy crafting!


  1. Drat drat drat about your library card and what a shock that must have been. Thanks for reminding me that my card may need renewing soon. I have a few audio books with Audible. I will check out Overdrive. Free is good. Good to hear the printer is cooperating. My Monday will be a calm one with a bit of knitting and t.v. binging.

  2. I use Overdrive all the time for Kindle reads.

  3. I wish I could Overdrive but our library here has little to offer.
    Yes, it was a great game and so happy they won! I was a slug though yesterday! LOL!


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