YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, February 21, 2020


Image result for silicone for baking

Do any of you love to bake?  Or should I say, do any of you bake often?  Having the proper equipment is always a plus for those of us who bake or cook.  Having tools that are multi purpose is even better.  

In the past I have tried and discarded many pieces of bakeware.  There has been trial and error with measuring tools also.  As I am now past middle age, it is time to finally get items that make me happy to cook and bake with.

About 6 month ago I finally bought a silicone pastry mat.  I had wanted one for years but never remembered it until I would be rolling out tortillas or pie crust.  Early, on a Sunday morning I was going to make an Apple pie.  There were a couple of items I needed to make said pie (like apples) and so I went to the grocery store to pick them up.  As I walked down the first aisle I immediately saw silicone pastry mats.  SWISH, into my cart it went without even looking at the price.  (It was REALLY early that morning)  I love it!  It is so much easier to clean that up instead cleaning my counter tops.  

On one of hubby's trips to Las Vegas, he was at our friends home and the lady there was making tortillas.  He was watching her and saw her use a measuring cup that totally got his attention.  It was a silicone cup.  He asked her why she used it and she gave him about 5 reasons.  I got a phone call immediately and was told to go on Amazon and order a set for us.

Oh my, how I love them.  The fact you can squish them and pour your liquids into your bowls is such a big plus for me.  Notice how easily I am squishing the 4 cup one.  Just to let you know, I have a jammed thumb on that hand and it is not causing me any pain to squish the cup.  The cups have metric, ounces, cup and the little one has teaspoon and tablespoon measurements on them.  They have been used at least once a week and washed in the dishwasher and still look like brand new.

While looking for the measuring cups I ran across a silicone bowl set.

Once again the squish factor is good. (I am squiching the biggest one) These are wonderful.  I have used my hand mixer in them without any marring of the inside of the bowls.  They do not slide around on the counter tops while stirring in them.  These also are used weekly and washed in the dishwasher.  LOVE THEM!

Now, I will say, I have tried silicone bakeware and was not a fan.  That being said, it was about 15 years ago that I tried it.  Maybe they have improved it by now.  I don't know.  I do know I love all the bakeware I am using in my kitchen now.  Most of it is USA bakeware.

Image result for USA bakeware

The pans with the ridges are my favorites and they are all nonstick without Teflon type coating on them.  However, they are hand wash only.  Clean up with them is a breeze.  I have loaf pans, cookie sheets, jelly roll pans, round pans etc.  I wait until I see them on sale and then grab what I don't have.  They are not cheap but they are fantastic.

What favorite kitchen stuff do you have that you could not live without?

Until next time...............happy crafting!

PS: NO, I am not getting paid to endorse any of these products.


  1. Some silicone tools look appealing to me, and I find it interesting that bowls don't take a beating under egg beaters, but I don't know that I can bring myself to bake with silicone. I am fascinated with it all, though, and watch the trend with some interest.

  2. If I liked to cook and bake I probably would give these a try. But the kitchen and its stuff is just a necessary evil in my house. I love to eat, however, and enjoy the product of those who are skilled in the kitchen. Those items you shared do look interesting.

  3. I haven't baked a cake or loaf with silicon but I do have a cookie sheet which works wonderfully. ACC has a bunch pan set of maybe 5 or 6 designs that I've been considering. I had never seen the measuring cup set. That's something that I would definitely purchase.

  4. Hi Marsha :) Well, you know I love to bake! Right now I just have the typical bakeware. I did try a few silicone mats a few years back but they left a plastic taste to the cookies I baked so I use them just as pot holders now. I suspect they were a mediocre brand though. I've heard some great things about silicone cookware, I'm so glad you are enjoying them! I would say that my oven is the biggest thing I can't live without in the kitchen. When Alex and I first met, I moved in with him and his oven didn't work. I baked and cooked for an entire 6 months in a wee little toaster oven until I'd had enough and we bought a cheap oven together! We still have it, it's still cheap lol...but at least I can bake properly!


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