YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, February 24, 2020


Image result for zoom

And just like that.............zoom...........Monday is almost done.  Well, for me anyway.  

I got up bright and early (6am) today.  My 'to do' list wasn't too long but most of it had to be completed in the morning.  To start, I needed to go to Sprouts (veggie market) to pick up 3 items for tonight's dinner.  After I got home I seared the roast, sauteed the onions and garlic that were to go into the crockpot.  Tonight's yumminess is going to be french dip sandwiches.  There is enough meet it actually will feed us tonight and tomorrow night.  

Once that was all together and cooking away, I sent an email to my Great Nephew's parents.  They had asked for an RSVP as to who would be at the baptism.  Unfortunately us going to Connecticut from Arizona for 2 days is not happening at this time.  Although, I did ask if they would honor me by letting me give them the baptismal blanket for the event.  (I did not mention I had already made it).  If they do not need the blanket (they may have an heirloom one to use), I do have some dear friends who are getting ready to have their first Grandchild baptized soon.  I can gift the blanket to them for the occasion.  The blanket will not go to waste.

Once that was completed I cut my dogs' toenails.  Enrique needed to go to the vet today for some bum maintenance and I wanted his nails nice.  Otherwise, they would have asked if I wanted them to trim them.  No need for me to spend $20 for something I can do for free.  Enrique is very upset with me and will not come near me. (He has attitude)  Luna is not as upset since she didn't need to go to the vet and only had a pedicure.  

There was also a dishwasher to empty and my breakfast oats to make for the next 2 days.  Just before I picked up the laptop to write my blog, I finished doing my studying for tonight's Bible class.

The roast has been sliced thinly and is back in the crockpot marinading in the lovely au jus.  I am getting ready to go and do some cardio and listen to my audiobook.  For the rest of the afternoon I will be working on this.

It is the "High Effect Feather & Fan Shawl".  It is such a relaxing knit.  This is one of those patterns I had lingering in my 'to do' patterns.  I have two three inch binders full of patterns waiting to be worked.  (someday knits LOL)

Yesterday, I mentioned that Lent starts on Wednesday.  One of my blogging buds said instead of giving something up, she was going to add something to her daily routine to promote her spirituality.  Hubby and I have been doing that for the past several years and have enjoyed it so much.  Today, our music minister posted this on FB.  

I thought this to be great for contemplation for those who would prefer to 'give something up'.

Until next time..................happy crafting!  

PS:  If you are wanting the patterns for any of the items I post, click on the name of the pattern and and it will take you to the link where they can be found.  If there is no link, it means the pattern no longer is available or is copyrighted.


  1. I hope whoever receives the blanket will appreciate it and cherish it as the heirloom it is. You got a lot done on a Monday! I never could do my dogs nails because they were black and I couldn't see the veins so I let the vet do it just in case.
    I made Italian beef in the crockpot a few weeks ago and it was so good. Similar to French Dip except with Italian spices. I also posted that quote from Booker T.....it's a good one! Your feather and fan looks wonderful!

  2. I'm not an observer of Lent, per se, but I sure do love "Fast" ideas.

  3. I hope they will be able to use your blanket and know that you had specially made it for their baby.


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