YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, June 9, 2017

Home and Catching up

We flew home Wednesday afternoon.  It is wonderful to be home but I really miss my Texas family.  Now I am trying to readjust to my time zone (2 hour difference) and getting back into my routine.  

Thanks to Sandra from farmgirlsam, I am shifting something around to accomplish more in my day.  I take the first hour of my day to; pray, catch up on Facebook, eat breakfast and get ready to get busy.  I am trying to do all my running around in the early morning.  It is too hot to do so after lunch.  I do not enjoy being out in 107 degree weather.  If no errands need to be run, than I do housework of some kind until lunch.

Today I cleaned all the fruits and veggies I bought Thursday morning.  I am also working on reorganizing my craftroom.  It has been ignored for a while and things have just been tossed in there.

After lunch, I get to choose what to do.  Today, I will continue on the craftroom.  Some days I will go swimming, visit mom or find some area of the house to deep clean and declutter. This continues until dinner time.

After dinner is my craft time and writing list for the next day.  Here is what the list I wrote last night looks

 It is very detailed.  I love crossing off items as they are accomplished.  I have been a list maker for years.  Hubby has started making lists too.  It keeps me on task.  Normally this would be in my bullet journal.  I was 2 weeks behind in my journaling when I made my list.  I was not able to take my journal with me to Texas.  It weights 6 pounds!  I have a lot of washi tape, stickers, extra pages, pocket folders and pens in my journal carrying case.  So it stayed home and the small spiral book went with me.  I caught my journal up last night!

I bought myself a happy gift this week too.

Flowers.........I promised myself, I would start putting flowers in my house when ever I wanted.  They brighten up my dining room and....I am able to see them from my seat in the familyroom.  There are always bouquets on sale each week at the store.  It's amazing how happy $5 flowers make me.

As for knitting/crocheting. ..............haven't touched it since I was on the airplane heading home.  I am heading back to the craftroom now to be able to cross it off my list.  Tonight will see me crafting........I need that artistic nature to wrap around me.

Until next time. . . . . . . . . happy crafting! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got home safe and sound! I love crossing things off too...it makes me feel like I've actually accomplished something and it makes those chores not seem like such a waste of time. So many things are daily but the ones that are the BIG rocks are the ones that last more than a day and they can really make you feel like you got something done! We truly inspire each other....I get so much motivation from your posts...thank you my friend!


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