YOP LIST 2024-2025

Friday, June 16, 2017

Friday Frenzy

Yesterday was Hubby's bday and I think he enjoyed himself.  There were no gifts given.  I tried to get tickets for him to go to a baseball game in two weeks, but he declined them. He is so easy going.  So, out to dinner I took him so he could get his favorite wings.  We went to The Hub..............they have the best smoked wings and the meat falls off the bone.  He was quite pleased and had enough left over for lunch today.

We had an early morning appointment to get the oil changed in my car today.  Hubby was sweet enough to take it for me and then he was even kinder to go to WalMart and do some shopping for our Father's Day event being held at our house Sunday.

While he was gone, I took the time to scrub our shower (He cleans everything but the kitchen counters and cabinets and the shower so I have not complaints)  It was so nice to get that completed and everything in there shines so pretty now.

We have a charity pick up coming on Monday and this gave me the perfect opportunity to go through my closet and drawers to get rid of all those clothes I have not worn in a loooong time.  I filled a 33 gallon bag with clothes just from my closet and drawers.  It is so nice to have room in my closet again to move hangers around.  I did do a bit of a count and I have 52 pieces of LuLaRoe clothing!  Good Grief.  Is there a support group for this addiction?

After I completed my closet I had my leftovers from last nights dinner and then went into hubby's closet and drawers.  He had already gone through them but I still managed to find 6 t shirts to donate and I was able to rearrange his closet and drawers so he actually has more space.  It looks so much neater now.  He was impressed too.

 I have not really been working on my sock.  Yesterday, I went to prayer shawl and crocheted on my shawl there.  I had to stop at a grocery store on the way home to pick up some items for my mom and then headed out to her place for a visit.  After that was dinner and then I was tuckered out and went to bed.

I did manage to do a few rows today after the closet clean out but.................we are heading out to have dinner with our BFF's.  Tomorrow is my BFF's birthday so we are going to celebrate it a day early and hubby's a day late with them.  We are heading to Olive Garden. I am looking forward to that as I have not been there for quite a while.  Some salad and a fish dish sounds divine..................along with a nice glass of wine!

Seems, our diet in our house is going to change a bit.  Hubby just got the results of his blood work and he has been told to go on a low carb diet.  His A1C is pre-diabetic and the Dr wants to prevent him from having to take any medicine for it.  She did not inform us as to how LOW of a carb diet he needs to be on............so I will be contacting the office on Monday to find out how many grams a day she is going to allow him.  We agreed, this will happen gradually and we will get 100% serious about it after we get home from Vegas next month.  This is going to be hard for hubby...................he is a HUGE carb addict.  I can live without potatoes, corn, bread, and a few other things.  I love rice though and sweet potatoes and those will be cut out as well.  Tortillas, both corn and flour will be a thing of the past too. Ouch............................will let you know how it goes as we move forward.

Seems our weather had decided we are not warm enough at 109 so by Tuesday it is supposed to be 120.  I can live without that kind of heat.  Really I can.  June is always our hottest month in Arizona.  July and August just seem hotter because that is when humidity shows up in our atmosphere.

That is about all from here for today.  Until next time..............Happy Crafting!

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