YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Thursday morning

I was going to write this last night, but I was just too tuckered out by the time I completed my day.  Here is a brief look at what I did yesterday:

The banana bread got made first thing in the morning.  After that I helped move everything out of the bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, and laundry room.  Hubby set to cleaning all of those rooms while I made phone calls to my Dr, Vet and grand daughter.  After he was done, I helped put everything back in it's place.  The dishwasher got emptied, and 2 loads of laundry got almost completed (I still need to fold the towels).  Then it was time for lunch and after that I was off to get my nails done.

I love having pretty nails and since mine are so nasty without a little help, it makes me feel so 'pretty'.  This time, I had her shorten them, as I could hardly do anything with the loooong nails I had for the past 3 weeks.

This is much better for me.  They don't get all tangled up in my DPN's when I am knitting or stuck in the holes of my crocheting.  This is the length I normally keep my natural nail at and actually, my natural nail is just this length underneath............Do you now how hard it is to take a decent photo of you own hand? LOL  Plus trying not to show you my arthritic knuckles is a challenge too when doing it.  There is a lot of cropping done afterward.  At least with feet photos, I can use a selfie stick!

After all that, I was free to come home and just veg out until it was time to make dinner.  I already had the chicken in the crockpot simmering in Green Enchilada sauce.  I shredded it and made the enchiladas ( I make mine flat, not rolled), stuck them in the oven for 30 minutes and poof.........................dinner was completed.

I spent the rest of the evening with hubby watching a movie and then a couple of episodes of Arrow.  Ok, I was knitting on my Spring Tulip Sock #2 and doing all the TV stuff.  I should have #2 completed by tomorrow.  I would have had it done today, but I have a super busy day with my grand daughter, prayer shawl ministry, visiting my mom, making a special birthday dinner for hubby, and going to adoration at the church.

I do want to show you something though:

Is that not just the cutest progress keeper every?  It was gifted to me when I bought a newly released crochet book.  I took this photo on Tuesday night after I had knit some rows on sock #2.  I now have knitted almost 6 inches and have 1.5 inches to go before the toe.  This toe is only1.5 inches long, so I have to make the foot a bit longer this time.

I bit more of seeing how long that sock is.  Just imagine another 4 inches on it.  NO!  I do not have big feet.  I wear a size 7.5 shoe..................actually everyone female in my family, including the grand daughters and daughter in laws all wear the same size!  The average size for a woman in Arizona is a size 9.5 or 10.  I think that is because, most of the ladies born in this state, go barefoot 90% of the time.

In other news....................Hubby and I went to the store yesterday after my nail appointment.  We needed some fresh fruits and veggies.  I saw these and had to have them.

I am loving having flowers in the house.  They so brighten up the area.

That is all for right now.  Until next time................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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