YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Taco Tuesday?

You bet it's Taco Tuesday at my house tonight. We try and stay true to that statement most of the time.  I either make them from scratch or we go to the little place down the street for $.99 street tacos.  Tonight, I made them from scratch.  That is hubby's favorite meal.  Since this is his birthday week and with Father's day topping off the end of his birthday week, I am trying very hard to make some of his favorites meals for him. Tomorrow night is, Chicken Enchiladas.  Yes, we love Mexican food.  Hubby is half Mexican, so that is the food he grew up with.  The other half is Italian..................not really his favorite fare but he eats it cause I love it LOL.

Hubby had a lot of errands to run this morning which gave me some time to work on items I needed to so without interruption.  I got most of the laundry put away.............I got lazy Sunday night and just left it all folded and hung in the laundry room.  I re-organized a cupboard that seemed to have gotten destroyed while I was away.  My bullet journal got updated.  I finished getting all my accident info sent out to both insurance companies.  ( I paid for all my medical bills out of pocket and will be happy when that check comes in the mail)  I loaded books onto my mom's kindle for her.  She loves reading on the Kindle during the day and by book at night.  I made a pan of Sugar Free Brownies...............yes, they are very yummy.

By that time, hubby was home and it was lunch time.  After lunch, I worked on my Spring Tulip socks for a bit.  My dogs had a pedicure appointment, so had to take them to that.  After I got back, I continued to work on the socks and I am almost done with one of them.  I have been working them concurrently, so the other one should be completed by this weekend and if not, by the first of next week.  WOOHOO!

I did finish my test knit socks and will post about them on Sunday as well as the Spring Tulip socks.................complete with photos.

Dinner has been completed, dishes in the dishwasher and it is running, leftovers are in the fridge and dogs have been fed.  Getting ready to settle down for the evening and do some more binge watching of Arrow.  We already binge watched Bosch and have caught up with that.  After we complete Arrow, we are going to give Flash a try.  ReRun season stinks.  But now, we have other shows to fill that time period.

Until next time...................happy crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!

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