YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Auld Lang Syne 52

It is the end of the Year 6 for our Year Of Projects group.  I have completed all 6 years and have loved every minute of it.  There are some in our group that go from January to December so they are just a little bit past half way for their year.  It is such a great group and I have "met" some lovely folks there.  If you knit, crochet, quilt, sew, bead or craft in anyway............why don't you consider giving it a try.  You can find us HERE.

If you follow me on a regular basis, you know this week was my week of being in the frog pond.  If you don't follow me on a regular basis, there is a place on the upper right hand side of my blog where you can enter your email address and each time I post on my blog, you will be notified.  Or you can follow me using Bloglovin (My favorite spot to follow all my blogging friends)  

Anyway..............back to the frog pond issue.  I tried to finish up hubby's socks and as I was nearing the end of the first one, I decided to try it on him.  Could not get it on him in any way shape or form.  The yarn has negative stretching ability.  Both socks were frogged and the yarn caked up and will be used for a shawl later on.

I then decided to complete Mr Darcy sock #2.  As I was knitting away on it, I kept thinking it looked a bit smaller than sock #1.  Put the two together and tried them both on using my hand and WOW..........Sock #2 could barely fit over my hand!  A frogging I did go again and caked it back up and it is sitting in time out.  I can not understand what the problem is with it but will give it another try later on in life. LOL

So what is a crafter supposed to do..............................Work on a shawl of course.

My Eva Shawl is making great progress.  I have complete one skein of Bernat Sox in the colorway Camouflage.  I have one more skein to use on this.  It will be the perfect size when the other skein is completed.  Then it will go to our Cancer Ministry's prayer shawl closet to be given out to someone that needs extra love, comfort and peace.

But............I wanted to finish something this week.  So yesterday, I decided to make pans liners for my new cookware.  I got the idea from a crochet magazine I perused while in Texas.  They made coaster type liners but I wanted something that would protect all aspects of the lower pan.

Ta Da..............Just a bit dishcloth pattern I had.  

As is this one.  Now I don't worry about putting one pan inside the other.

My last set of pans, I did not think of doing this and they ended up getting some fairly good sized gouges in a couple of pans.  This time, I would like to keep them for a little while before they get destroyed.

Remember I told you about my new luggage I got?  Did I forget to tell you about that?  While in Texas I found the perfect "THAT'S MY SUITCASE ON THE CAROUSEL" luggage and convinced the hubby we had to have it.

Go ahead and try and tell me this is not something that will jump out at you in the airport terminal!  Got 2 pieces and then a lovely toiletries bag to go with it. 

And the last bit of personal news:

These are sitting on my dining room table making my day brighter.  Being raised in Kansas, these were the state flower.  Being born in Iowa..............these are called weeds.  Living in Arizona............These are sunshine in my house.

Ok, Lets take a look at my list from last year and see how I did on it.

 YOP 6

Baby Items:

Seamless Cable Booties (Decided not to do them)
Corner to Corner blanket COMPLETED


Celtic Denim Sock  HAVEN'T TOUCHED
Hermiones Everyday Socks COMPLETED
Snoqualmie Socks HAVEN'T TOUCHED
Pedicure Socks  COMPLETED
Spring Tulips Socks COMPLETED
Scatterby Socks  HAVEN'T TOUCHED



Stockinette Hug COMPLETED 



Hubby Socks  NOT TOUCHED
Dive In Shawl  NOT TOUCHED
Log Cabin Afghan  NOT TOUCHED
Corner 2 Corner baby blanket COMPLETED


4  Azel  (Matching sets for 2 mother/daughter teams)  MADE 2 OF THEM


6-12 of them, varying patterns MADE 4 THIS YEAR

Other Items for the Year:

Test knits/crochet  HAVE DONE 3 THIS YEAR
Try something new for me in knitting  LEARNED HOW TO ADD BEADS TO KNITTED PROJECT
Photos of completed projects  YUP..........
Give myself the right to change (add/delete) this list as needed  DID THAT A LOT.  JUST LOOK UNDER THE SHAWL CATEGORY LOL

I have my list for year 7 pretty much completed.  Just need to do a bit more tweaking on it.  I am looking forward to the fresh start.

I will leave you with a picture of my boy, Enrique.  He knows when we are getting ready to leave the house.  He gets so saaaaaaad LOL

Until next time........................Happy Crafting!!!!!


  1. You had some good progress this year. I'm sorry all that sock work ended up as frog food. I had issues with socks before which is why I now take that bit of time to make a mini gauge swatch; I learned recently that maybe a circular gauge swatch works more for me and my Portuguese knitting because my last sock project has been knitting up tight and I'm so not motivated to work on them further. Anywho, your new shawl WIP is like moth wings!

  2. Oh, what a sock tragedy! But you are not alone! Remember how many times I frogged and started over on my Hermione's socks...the pattern everyone else was flying through and loving? It's gremlins!
    I love the shawl pattern and someone is going to truly appreciate that one....nice and cozy. What a great idea for your beautiful new pans...I just have stainless and mine hang from hooks but those are wonderful 'pan cozies'! Love the new luggage too...just pray everyone else doesn't have the same idea! LOL! Too funny about the sunflowers...yes, they think they are weeds in Iowa. I planted some on my property when I had my little 'farmette' and the neighbor farmer got so mad because he was sure the seeds would blow all over his crops! LOL! Not with all those chemicals he put on them! But yes, they call them weeds in Iowa. You are too cute and I can't tell you how I wished I could have talked to you on the phone last week...I was really 'in the dumps about the RA' and this healthcare debacle and being able to afford my meds....but so far so good and I just need to have faith....lots of it! So good to read your post and can you believe we've known each other 6 years and here we go again! So excited we will be sharing another year together! I can't wait to see everyone's lists next week! Have a great one!

  3. Sunflowers - I love them, never weeds here! I am so sorry over the socks, I'm sure some time away will help and then when you return you will have fresh needles.
    But look how well you have done?! 14 shawls! Wow, over one a month along with everything else that is a raging success. Looking forward to seeing your new list.

  4. Sunflowers - I love them, never weeds here! I am so sorry over the socks, I'm sure some time away will help and then when you return you will have fresh needles.
    But look how well you have done?! 14 shawls! Wow, over one a month along with everything else that is a raging success. Looking forward to seeing your new list.

  5. What a great idea to make those inserts for between your pots! Sorry about the frog pond episodes but I am sure the the shawl you make with the yarn will be beautiful,as is the shawl you pictured. I also love sunflowers - last year the birds inadvertently planted some in my planter boxes - and they were so appreciated. Looking forward to watching more of your creations next year.

  6. Wow! 14 shawls in one year is amazing!

    Sorry to hear about all the sock drama. Ill-fitting socks are soooooo frustrating!

  7. I had no idea sunflowers were weeds anywhere! I've tried for years to get them to grow in my Indiana backyard, but the squirrels always take them down the moment they turn big and beautiful. I think it's because I've always tried to grow them along the fence-line - silly me. It took me a few goes before I figured out my folly.

    I love the idea of making liners for your pans! I don't have pans that need protecting, but my radar is now up for how I may be able to use this idea.

    It's been fun watching all your creativeness this year, Marsha. I look forward to seeing your new list and all the lovely things you make next YOP year.

  8. Ok first now I'm singing Auld Lang Syne and I'm laughing at it, second how can sunflowers be weeds anywhere! That puzzles the life out of me. Seriously sunshine in vase or what! Sorry to hear about the socks in the frog pond, rippit rippit but boy look at that, 14 shawls alone this year! Well done you. Looking forward to seeing what will be on next years list already!


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