YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 11, 2017

YOP 6 Week 50

I have missed posting for the past 2 weeks because; 1) I have been out of state 2) all I have been working on is a test knit.

I am now home and the test knit has been released.  So now, I can post my YOP update.

Here is the test knit I have been working on.  Or at least half of the test knit.  This is My Dearest Loveliest Elizabeth.  I am almost done with the second sock.  I have one more inch of foot to do and then on to the toe.  It has been a lovely knit.  

This is the leg of the sock.  All those little bows are so sweet and make for a bit of interest for the sock.  This was knit with On Your Toes Bamboo.


I would not recommend this yarn.  It was super splitty and snagged on every little thing. Hopefully it will wear well.  I got this yarn from a friend when she was moving and destashing.

I am also working on an Eva Shawl.  I have not gotten much done on it.  Therefore, no photo of it yet.  I have prayer shawl ministry this week and will work on it then.  After that, it should warrant a photo to be placed on my blog.

I have been trying to decide what I want to do with my list for year VII of YOP.  I think I have come up with a grand plan for the coming year.  I can hardly wait for July 2 to come around so I can post my 'list' here.  I had been thinking about it for the 2 weeks I was gone and could not come up with anything. Last night, I was working on my bullet journal and "WHAM" my list popped into my head and I ran with it.  Strange how that happens when you least expect it.

In 2 weeks., I will pull my year VI list and see how I did.  I do not keep a copy out to refer to and I think that might be a mistake.  Next year, I will keep a copy in the back of my bullet journal so I can see what kind of progress I am making................or not.  I know the lists are not set in stone, but I still think it is fun to see if I even come close to following what I set out to do.  Out of 6 years, I think I have come close twice...............maybe LOL

As you all know, I was in Texas for 2 weeks to be with my Grands and son and daughter in law.  We had a great time and I did take some photos

Taking teen aged boys to WalMart is done at your own risk.

 He is not always this serious.  This one turns 17 on the 24th of this month.

I can not believe I managed to get this photo when he was NOT talking LOL.  He turns 14 next month.

For some reason, I do not have any photos of the Grand Daughter.  It might be because, she hardly sits still and also she was at Girl Scout camp during some of my visit.

We really didn't do anything super exciting.  We did go and see Wonder Woman................pretty good flick.  We also went to an outlet mall and had a blast there looking in all the shops.  Hubby and I did buy some new luggage and a Christmas present for a friend.

Hubby and I watched as son and his wife did some home improvement projects.

PLEASE.............never ask my son to do your plumbing.  That is him on his back with his feet in the air.  Evidently he has never seen the way most plumbers "squat and bend" while doing work.  Actually, the two of them work together well.  Daughter in Law, has more patience than son does and makes sure it is done 100% right.  GOOD GIRL!

The best news we had...............Daughter in Law is now home for good.  She spent 1 year in Afghanistan and 1 year in New Orleans.  She only has 3 or 4 more years in the Navy and she can retire.  Our son can retire anytime after September of this year.  It is hard to believe he has been in the service for 20 years!  

Do you know what that means?  The next time I go to visit it will be because I WANT to be there and not because they NEED me there.  How exciting for me.  I love being there and totally enjoy the Grands.  I think I might start planning my next trip there.  Spring sounds like a good time to go.  We shall see.

While I was gone, I had a birthday.  I don't know how that keeps happening every year. Hubby had already gotten me some lovely jewelry for my mother's day/birthday gift.  I also got this:

This is from my daughter.  I think it was a hint.  I have been knitting a log cabin blanket for her, for the past 5 years.  I think she wants me to JUST KEEP KNITTING on it.  LOL  She designed and  painted the lettering herself.  She is super talented in areas I can not even think about trying.  I already have the log cabin yarn in it. LOL

I was taken out to dinner by my Texas son, to the place of my choice.  I chose CiCi's pizza. I seldom eat pizza anymore but figured, it was my birthday and I deserved a treat.  It was delicious, gooey, spicy and super wonderful.  It took care of my craving.  It may be months before I eat pizza again, but it was worth every bite.

Now that I am home, I am trying to get my routine back in order.  I did manage to make out my menus for this coming week.  I completed that on Friday.  I did all my grocery shopping on Saturday.  All fruits and veggies have been cleaned and menus have been printed. I am trying to be organized.

I think that is all from here.  It is brutally hot here right now.  107 degrees yesterday!  Sounds like it might be a swimming pool day.  I have completed all my errands so I could just stay home today and do what pleased me.  Yup...............swimming sounds like it would be a grand idea.

Until next time........................................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Mmm swimming sounds like a great idea! I love your socks - the bows are brilliant aren't they? Not that complicated but enough for a bit of interest - I shall be knitting more!

  2. It's great that they are going to be able to retire soon. Happy belated! we are going to have a "heat wave" here the next 3 days, but it'll only be about 97-100....but we don't have our a/c in yet...and no pool...

  3. Oooh... Your Elizabeth socks look pretty, too! I have no clue how to knit socks, but you and Lucy have gotten me curious about these bows in the pattern. The picture of your son made me smile. My dad was a plumber and I remember seeing him on his back under the kitchen sink. It was the legs being supported by the cabinet on the other side that got chuckles out of me. And then I thought, "How smart!" Your grandsons look handsome and like a lot of fun. And what a cool knitting bag. The lettering is so perfect. Belated Happy birthday wishes, Marsha!

  4. Your pictures are delightful - especially the plumber with his feet up in the air. Glad to hear your dil is back from her latest stints. I am sure you will be so relieved when they are both retired.


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